
Not sure why we aren't all talking about this wonderful product.  I just wanted to get the word out on Ninite and the testing I've done over the last few days.


This product is amazing, simply amzing and why they aren't better known is beyond me.  


So here's how I use it.

First I created Task with the name "Fresh Install Apps" this installs all the basic tools I feel an end-user should have access to.  Chrome, Firefox, Java, AIR, .NET.....  I can run this on any new computers I manage to make sure all the tools are installed.  This sets a good baseline for my computer.

All you have to do is head to Ninite.com, setup a pro account, click the programs you want installed and boom it makes a small exe file that will grab the latest versions of these programs.


Secondly, I created a task that will run a plan Ninite installer with some switches.  What these switches allow me to do is to update all the programs that Ninite supports.  The list is pertty darn big and can be found here.


This pretty much brings LMI Pro with most RMM's on the market.  Now it doesn't let you know when a patch is out of date, but if you run the update task on your computers on a weekly basis it will skip the up-to-date apps and patch what needs patching.  Almost easier then the other RMM's out there. I'm currently in the process of rolling this workflow out to 65 computers.  It should be pretty slick.  I will report back with any issues I encounter.


LogMeIn you need to buy Ninite, they know what they are doing. Pony up and pay the men:)


Anyways thought I would pass this info along as I'm sure somebody else can use it.



First one:

Task Name: Fresh Install Apps

.BAT, .CMD: Ninite Custom Apps selected exe

Parameters: /disableshortcuts /disableautoupdate /allusers /silent c:\fresh.txt

Logging: Custom looking at C:\fresh.txt


Second One

Task Name: Ninite Update Installed Apps

.BAT, .CMD: ninite.exe <--this is the "clean" program from www.ninite.com

Paramerters: /updateonly /disableshortcuts /disableautoupdate /silent c:\updates.txt

Logging: Custom looking at c:\updates.txt


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