
Hello everyone! It's now less than a week until Sunless Sea is available to buy on Steam, and we really need your help to make it as successful as possible.

Launch day is next Tuesday, 1st July. The game will go live sometime around 6-7pm, if all goes well. This is the store page.

If you're a backer or you've bought a copy of Sunless Sea already, you'll be able to get a free Steam key for your game a couple of days after the release. It'll be a pretty straightforward process - once the game is live on Steam, go to your Humble page and click &quotGet Steam Key&quot, then in Steam go to Games>Activate a Product on Steam, and enter the key. We'll upload the keys once we're live!

What can I do?

-Tell your friends! Obvious, really, but word of mouth is vital. If you're a member of other forums or internet communities, please let them know that Sunless Sea is available, and tell them what you think of it.
-Write a review. If you play Sunless Sea on Steam, you can write a review on our store page - and please, be honest! We're not interested in astroturfing. It's worth noting that Steam reviews include a time-played stat, so if you're reviewing based on a Humble build, do say so.
-Get involved with the Community Hub: Steam is great for showing off screenshots, fan art, in depth discussions of the best way to defeat a Lifeberg, and so on. And new arrivals to the Neath will need your guidance, delicious friends.
-Spread the word. If you see any media coverage (and we're expecting some) share it around on social media.
-Get a tattoo! No, wait, we did this gag already. Never mind.

This is the big one, folks. The next couple of weeks could have a massive impact on the future of the Fallen London universe and Failbetter. We couldn't have made it this far without your support, and we know you'll be every bit as awesome this time.
edited by MisterArendt on 6/25/2014

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