
Hi to all.

This is a ps4 community. You have to search for it through your ps4 main menu -> communitys ->discover communitys -> battlefield nationality matchmaking (type it on search)

Let me introduce my self I am a DICE friend, maxed bf veteran status and owner of the largest mature battlefield ps4 community Battlefield Greece.(680 Greeks over 20 years old) We are getting ready for battlefield 1

What is nationality matchmaking server? (Europe only accepted)

It's a ranked server always watched by admins. Basically admins get you to play with other gamers who have the same nationality with you, setting up the teams in every round according to your nationality clan tag. Same nationality players on diferent teams is not allowed . The gamer in the wrong team gets switched or kicked

How you do it?

I have gathered the largest battlefield ps4 community owners and moderators in one ps4 community. Imagine this is a command room, were all the ambassadors coordinate in fixing matches between 2 nations in every server.

So how will the server work for setting up matches?

We are currently in testing phase. The final goal is that there will be specific private servers (recognized by the server owner) that will host 2 country's per month useing game chat.The community owners of both country's will give the signal (posting in the community) for all members to join the specific server only (add to favorites), useing national  clantags (first come first served). In start of every match admins will split the players so wait a minute before you spawn, and check the players pressing the option button on the controler and go to scoreboards. When you see all same clantags on the same team start spawning, it takes just a minute to fix the teams. This will be posted on the server, and on the message of the day, on the battlefield nationality matchmaking PS4 community (join now). If more servers needed, the small clans can "donate" theyr server on the national bf PS4 community they are in, useing specific title and server description.

You have national bf ambassadors?

Yes. Once you join battlefield nationality matchmaking PS4 community, the moderators work as ambassadors. Search theyr PSN profile to find what country they represent and join.If a European country is not in, feal free to speak to Giorgos78GR, for ambassador. We only accept European country's for lag issues

Why do all that?

You get the luxury to play with 32 friends , always in the same team in every match, as the devs said it should be played (bf teamwork in foul potential).

There will be no more personal vendettas among the community members. The kill is not getting personal. You fight an unknown opponent, not your friend in the party.(team balance "on" problem)

You don't get to fight against specific "friends patterns" game style. What I mean is that if you play with a friend , he reveals his tactics at you, so when you fight against him next week, you know how he moves, because he told you, not because you understand his game your self and that is lame. This way you figure out your self your opponents tactics.

The national gamers will get better than clan members at time since they get to team play with 32 friends every day. Clans are not strong to make 32 vs 32 all out war, all day every day.

You don't have the anxiety to be perfect every second. We don't play for the tournament. Just for everyday fun.

What is the negative side?

Because of team balance on in ranked matches, we have to go 31 vs 31, and the 63th and 64 player will always get kicked so we have free slots to split the teams manually in the start of every round based on national clantags

How can I help?

Join battlefield nationality matchmaking PS4 community and invite your European friends. Find your ambassador from the moderators

New server rules.(testing)

1- Setup your PS4 so you have crystal clear graphics to enjoy the game. Go to PS4 main menu -> settings -> sound as screen -> video output settings -> set resolution on 1080p and RGB range full (no automatic)

2-  You must use IOC country code national clantag ITA FRA GER etc https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_IOC_country_codes ( you can set it from battlelog) or you will be kicked. Admins must always know in which team to place you.

3- You have to find the specific server that will be announced from your national community owner in your national community. Add the server to your favorites. Ingame go to, browser -> filters -> search by name -> add to favorites. Stay tuned in your national community for updates.

4- Wait in the start of every match for the admins to split the teams correctly. Press option button on the spawn map, go to scoreboard ad use the d-pad to check when all the same clantags will be at the correct team. Then start spawning. It takes just a minute to fix the teams.

5- You must use game chat or get kicked - banned

6- If you see 62 of 64 players don't enter the server. The maximum  number of players in every team must be 31 ( first come first served ). That means we go 31 vs 31. So the 63th and 64th player will always get kicked. The reason is to have free slots to split the teams fast in every match. So wait in start of every match for the admins to fix the teams based on clantag

7- If someone enter the wrong team, he must imideatly switch teams or leave the server. We will not allow "spying" the enemy positions. This is permenent ban reazon so be careful.

8- When a vehicle driver from an other friendly squad say "get out" you must leave the vehicle.He probably coordinating in chat with his squad.

9- if you are over 20 years old and want to play exclusively with players over 20 years old in your squad, you can use an "x" in the end of your clantag. So a German over 20 years old who want to play exclusively with Germans over 20 years old must have this clantag [GERx]. If younger gamers abuse or enter mature squads get banned. So be carefull on the squad leaders clan tag.

10- Respect everybody. This is friendly national matches. It's not tournament or competitive. We try to build this concept in order to learn how to team play with 31 friends always in the same team

Stay tuned for updates. Feedback is always welcome.

If the admins have any problems with this thread please notify me and I will fix it.



Find your ambassadors - moderators in "battlefield nationality matchmaking" ps4 community

The status so far 21 January  2017

Nationality _____ ps4 community name ___________ambassador _____________ owner  ____________ members  ___

Germany_______ Battlefield Deutschland __________________________________ EGOYZZD _____________ 1500 _______

UK ____________ Battlefield  1 UK ___________________________________________ xGolden_Scorpion_____ 1300 _____

Poland _______ Battlefield 1 Polska PL  _____________Techoro ________________ Mistrzunio_11    _______ 1300 _____

Spain _________ Battlefield (ESPANA)  ____________  WEIKINESP ______________ CHUSI-XR _____________ 1100 _____

Russia_________ contact volvo_C_70 _______________volvo_C_70_____________ Anton_25_Sochi_______ 830 _____

Greece ________ Battlefield Greece ________________________________________ Giorgos78GR __________ 680______

Turkey _______ Battlefield 1 TURKIYE _______________________________________ Dembaba1453 _________ 504 _____

Italy __________ Battlefield1italia.it _________________________________________ Albyreliew ____________ 487 _____

Portugal _____ Battlefield 1 tuga ___________________________________________ johnycoelho ___________ 430 ______

Sweden ______ Battlefield 1 Sweden _______________________________________ Vicbou ________________ 226 ______

Norway ______ Battlefield Norge ___________________________________________ Aalesundtrooper ______ 219 _____

Bulgaria _____ Bulgarian Army BF1 _________________________________________ Aleksandrov-BG _______ 103  ______

Holland _____ DCU ________________________________________________________ peppie24 ______________ 74 ______

Ireland _____ Battlefield Ireland community _______________________________ ollie_is_small ___________ 66  ______

Join your country or if you have a European Battlefield ps4 community contact Giorgos78GR . Or if you like the idea and want ambassador for a country that is not in yet

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