Introduction: -
This document describes how to configure the Guest Access Portal in cnMaestro and map the devices with the Portals configured. This allows the clients to connect through Free or by buying Vouchers depend upon the Administrator. (CHOOSE PLAN-PAY MONEY-GET VOUCHER-USE INTERNET).
Guest Access is a feature that creates separate network for guests. This gives internet access to guest wireless devices (mobiles, laptops, etc.,).
This feature is supported from 1.2.1-b19 cnMaestro onpremises build.
Devices supported : E400/E500/ePMP 1000 Hotspot.
Minimum device software image version : 3.0-b24
Configuration: -
Create the Guest Access Portal in cnMaestro
Map the device to the cnMaestro
E500, E400 and ePMP1000 Hotspot devices support this feature.
Create the Guest Access Portal in cnMaestro: -
Basic details
Access Portal
Splash page
Procedure for creating Guest Access:
In Home page go to Service > Guest Access page
Click on Add New Portal. Maximum of three portals can be added for each server.
Configure name and brief description about it.
Basic details: -
Basic details contain the name and description which configured at the time of adding new portal.
A Name once created for Portal cannot be changed.
Access Portal: -
Access Portal tab has two different access types:
The parameters configurable in these access methods is allowed only when they are enabled.
FREE access type configuration: -
Free contains session validity, session expiration and client rate limits configurable parameters.
Session validity and session expiration time is configurable in minutes/hours/days.
Session validity means the time up to which client will get free access from the time client connected.
Session expiration means once the session validity for the client completes, up to which time the client may not connect back for free access.
Client Rate Limit contains options downlink and uplink configurable in terms of Kbps for limiting the data transferred to the client. If left black, it means no limit.
Note: Session expiration always should be more than session validity.
VOUCHER access type configuration:-
Voucher contains options add new plan and add vouchers. Based on user requirement, plan can be created with different validity and rate limits.
Step [1]: Creation of Plan
Enable Vouchers > Add New Plan redirects window with General and Design parameters for Plan.
New window contains General (Name of plan, Validity, Expires in, Client rate limit) and Design (Title, Message, Access code message, colour and background image) options.
GENERAL tab parameters: -
Name describes to the name of the plan created.
Validity describes the time up to which the card is valid from the claimed time.
Expires In describes the expiry time for the vouchers generated. Once this time lapse, the vouchers cannot be claimed.
Validity and Expires In can be configurable in minutes/hours/days. Expires In value should be always more than Validity.
Client Rate Limit contains options downlink and uplink configurable in terms of Kbps for limiting the data transferred to the client. If left black, it means no limit.
DESIGN tab parameters: -
Design contains Title, Message, Access code message, colour and background image options.
With all these option, Admin can create his own design for the card with text, colour and message to be displayed on card.
Step [2]: Adding Vouchers:-
Vouchers need to be generated for each plan. As per the quantity entered, vouchers will generate with some random alphanumeric characters.
Select plan
Add vouchers
Once plan is created and vouchers generated, the page will show as below:
No option to add new plan without enabling the Voucher.
No voucher add option without creating the plan.
Total generated vouchers=Vouchers Unclaimed+ Vouchers Claimed+ Vouchers Expired
Admin can export voucher codes as PDF document.
Sample Voucher code is: -
Changes modified in the Access Portal page reflect in splash page only when splash page is saved after modifying the Access Portal page.
Splash page: -
Splash page: Admin have option to create his own splash page instead of default templates with logo, background and the text to be displayed in the splash page with different colours and font style.
Splash page means, the page redirected in the client side, when trying to login.
If only Free is selected in Access Portal, in the login page, client will get only Free access related parameters.
If only Voucher is selected in Access Portal, in the login page, client will get only Voucher related parameters with a tab to enter Voucher code.
If both Free and Voucher are enabled, then client will get both Free and Voucher
It depends upon the Administrator of the Internet Provider.
Sessions: -
Sessions tab contains Client MAC address, Access Point MAC address, Access Type (Free or Voucher-Code), WLAN-SSID of client connected AP, Expiry, Disconnect option.
Administrator can check how many clients connected, Access Type (free/voucher) of the client, and can disconnect the single/multiple clients from ongoing session.
Expiry means, the time after which the client MAC address will gets deleted from the sessions page. It depends upon the Expires In configured in the Access Portal.
Mapping the device to Guest Access Portal in cnMaestro: -
Administrator needs to configure the Guest Access Portal name in the device which will redirect the device to cnMaestro for client connectivity.
Note: Device should be onboarded in server, then only client will get configured splash login page.
Configuration at Device side: -
Guest Access -Enable
Portal Mode -cnMaestro
Guest Portal Name -Portal Name created in cnMaestro
Configuration at cnMaestro side: -
This configuration Administrator can push from cnMaestro through advanced configuration.