

I'm looking at switching ISPs because I find my upload to be far too low. I'm in a standard broadband area about 1 mile from the exchange. My connection is stable and I get very good download speeds (between 700-900 kb/s isn't uncommon), but my upload is horrible (40kb/s on a good day). I spoke to my current provider Eclipse about it and they say as a BT wholesaler they cap upload speeds and obviously I find this unacceptable so I'm looking to move away from them. I spoke to an ex BT employee friend of mine who says BT doesn't cap uploads any more and have no "fair usage policy", so I'm here on a fact finding adventure.

Does BT cap the upload speed of its ADSL users? I want to stream myself playing computer games and 40kb/s just isn't enough to do that.

Is there really no fair usage policy? Can I download as much as I want 24/7 if thats what I desire to do, without any download speed capping being put on me or being kicked off the service?

Must I use a BT home hub or whatever the latest name for it is? I'm technical enough to be able to set up a router and would much prefer to be using my own hardware than the ISP provided stuff.

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