Hello, during many years I had Orange BB. And last year in October 2012 I decided to change the BB provider to BT. I received BT hub and everything went smoothly until... Around 17 October I have got an e-mail notification that shortly I will exchange the BB limit of 10 Mbs per month. So I chose the bigger package of 40 Mbs per month. And since around 27 November the new package was installed. My BB speed was fine up to 1,45 MBs which is quite good as I live in rural area quite far away from the exchange (3-4 miles). Then suddenly from 13-th December (overnight) the BB speed dropped down rapidly to only 0,13 Mbs and remains like this till today. No to mention abut many, many BB dropouts. I reported phone line fault as together with BB problems, the phone line connection become very poorly, with many overwhelming cracklings.
I had a BT engineer visit on Monday 14.01.2013 and the BT engineer exchanged the main phone socket as the phone line was faulty. He could not figure our why my broadband is so slow. He didn't check the ADSL line status, and most likely he didn't check at all connections in green cabinet on the street, nor in the main phone exchange (he didn’t even mentioned about checking them). The engineer said he can’t do anything more as he is not the broadband engineer and that I should try to persuade BT to send one to me. To the end of the day I could not hear any cracklings in the phone, however the broadband speed didn't improved, was still slow. The speed is still down and I can hear again some cracklings in the phone and the BT engineer could not tell why this is so, but he said the broadband and phone line are interfering with each other as we have ADSL connection only. I run couple of speed tests (BT) and they indicate a very low speed.
The speed estimated by BT and based on the line capacity measured BEFORE the order was made. BT committed to me to deliver the speed of broadband between 0.8 Mbps - 2.5 Mbps, most estimated 1 Mbps. I receive as most 0,13 Mbps. Before 13.12.2012 the broadband speed was 1,45 Mbps. The fault simply hast to be exterior. I tried to connect Netgear router, which I managed to connect to BT BB and the speed didn't improve at all.
I reconnected microfilters and tried different connections like for instance to use only main socket (I use also an extension) but nothing changed. I attach the ADSL line status from yesterday and today (made after the re-connections).
ADSL Line Status
Connection Information
Line state:
Connection time:
0 days, 00:16:08
160 Kbps
448 Kbps
ADSL Settings
G.992.1 Annex A
Latency type:
Noise margin (Down/Up):
10.1 dB / 18.0 dB
Line attenuation (Down/Up):
63.3 dB / 31.5 dB
Output power (Down/Up):
14.9 dBm / 12.4 dBm
FEC Events (Down/Up):
166 / 3
CRC Events (Down/Up):
0 / 0
Loss of Framing (Local/Remote):
0 / 0
Loss of Signal (Local/Remote):
0 / 0
Loss of Power (Local/Remote):
0 / 0
HEC Events (Down/Up):
0 / 0
Error Seconds (Local/Remote):
113014 / 44090
Today 19.01.2013
ADSL Line Status
Connection Information
Line state:
Connection time:
0 days, 00:06:14
160 Kbps
448 Kbps
ADSL Settings
G.992.1 Annex A
Latency type:
Noise margin (Down/Up):
7.6 dB / 18.0 dB
Line attenuation (Down/Up):
63.3 dB / 31.5 dB
Output power (Down/Up):
16.5 dBm / 12.3 dBm
FEC Events (Down/Up):
190 / 0
CRC Events (Down/Up):
1 / 0
Loss of Framing (Local/Remote):
0 / 0
Loss of Signal (Local/Remote):
0 / 0
Loss of Power (Local/Remote):
0 / 0
HEC Events (Down/Up):
0 / 0
Error Seconds (Local/Remote):
31 / 33
Every time the phone calls the number of error seconds increases.
Actual data transfer speed as indicated on the BT hub page (BT Hub 3)
Actual data transfer speed:
130 Mbps
I would really appreciate any advice as I start to feel desperate. The BB speed is literally crawling. I never experienced such low internet speed in this house. And I am an internet user since year 2000. I have read here on BT forum that it may be the case of HR (High Resistance) fault. But I experience it is very difficult to rise this subject with BT customer service in India. Please, help me.