Friends of the Wesleyan Library Annual Meeting Lecture
by Molly Barton ’00
Thursday, April 24, 2014 — 6:00 pm
Develin Room (2nd floor, Rm 204)
Olin Library, Wesleyan University, 252 Church Street, Middletown
Pizza and light refreshments will be served.
This event is free and open to the public.
Ms. Barton is teaching the senior seminar for Wesleyan’s Writing Certificate this spring. Formerly the Global Digital Director at Penguin Random House, she founded a start-up inside Penguin called Book Country (, “the most supportive writing and publishing community on the web” – where writers can get feedback on their manuscripts, and if they desire, publish them as e-books. Barton left Penguin in February to work more closely with the NYC tech and start-up community. She is working on a number of undisclosed digital initiatives with major media companies, and serving as strategic advisor to publishing related start-ups in New York City and Silicon Valley.