
President Donald Trump was photographed on Saturday night at his private club, Mar-a-Lago, as he reviewed intelligence reports on a North Korean missile launch with Japanese Prime Minister Shinzo Abe at an outdoor patio table.

Richard DeAgazio, a relatively new member of the Mar-a-Lago club, took a number of the photos and posted them on his Facebook page ― including two photos of a presidential aide carrying the “nuclear football,” the nickname of a briefcase containing nuclear launch codes that is kept within reach of the president of the United States at all times.

DeAgazio also took photos of Trump and Abe reviewing proposed responses to North Korea’s test under the moonlight as staffers used their cell phones to make the intelligence recommendations readable.

Trump’s willingness to discuss a sensitive global security issue like the North Korean test in an unsecured location represented an extraordinary break with diplomatic and security protocol, which demands that sensitive intelligence matters be discussed only in rooms that are designated as Secure Compartmentalized Information Facilities, known as SCIFs (pronounced “skiffs”).

For American president to hold a conversation with serious national security implications outside of a SCIF, as Trump appears to have done, is unprecedented in modern times.

Source - http://www.huffingtonpost.com/entry/trump-mar-a-lago-intelligence_us_58a20838e4b03df370d9007e?

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