
I guess The Donald's rules on illegals who lie to get into the country are differrent if you are white and attractive, eh? The Donald now has  a YUGE incentive to win. If he does not, his nude model wife may be sent back to Slavia.

Trump’s tale of returning to Europe for periodic visa renewals is inconsistent with her holding an H-1B visa at all times she was living in New York — even if it was the lesser-known H-1B visa specifically designed for models — said multiple immigration attorneys and experts. An H-1B visa can be valid for three years and can be extended up to six years — sometimes longer — and would not require renewals in Europe every few months. If, as she has said, Trump came to New York in 1996 and obtained a green card in 2001, she likely would not have had to return to Europe even once to renew an H-1B.
Instead, Trump’s description of her periodic renewals in Europe are more consistent with someone traveling on a B-1 Temporary Business Visitor or B-2 Tourist Visa, which typically last only up to six months and do not permit employment.

Read more: http://www.politico.com/story/2016/08/melania-trump-immigration-donald-226648#ixzz4GMSt7PKQ
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