
Man, I was listening to the English version of Radio Havana and between the laid-back announcer voice and the America-is-evil vibe it sounded almost exactly like NPR except for the music between segments.

I’ve been playing around more with the little shortwave receiver I picked up a few months back ( Sony ICF-SW7600GR) in the evenings and although reception can be tricky, I rather enjoy hearing stuff from far away places. Of course, virtually every radio station or program that is on your shortwave radio has a website where you can listen to the audio in much better quality, but it’s nice to know that when the interwebz is unavailable or down I can still get information from outside the US.


As the ‘Game Of Thrones’ fans are wont to say, “Winter is coming.” Indeed, we’ve been having some wet and drizzly days here in western Montana and while it’s nice to have that put the lid on fire season, it can be a bit damp and chilly. I replaced the Cold Weather Module in my everyday bag today. The contents of that module have changed a bit over the years and I thought it might be interesting to see how it’s changed. The original buncha stuff was a neck gaiter, trigger mitts, liners, scarf and hat. Now it also includes these additions: vinyl mitts with liners (waterproof), extra set of liners, full-face ‘ski mask’, extra scarf, extra hat, LCWCS shirt, and a couple hand warmers. My wife tends to underestimate the weather (or the potential for weather) so I carry spares mostly for her sake. I need to take the spare items and vacuum seal them to reduce their bulk. Since they are, essentially, a secondary level of backup I’m not worried about having to repack them very often. But they are a bit bulky, as most cold weather gear is, so I think I’d do well to shrink em down and make some extra room.

There’s a Cabela’s opening here next year and I’m hoping they carry Filson products. I have been wanting one of these for years but do not want to buy one over the internet because I dont want to deal with the back-n-forth of making sure its the right size. I just wanna be able to walk in to the store, try on a bunch, and find the exact size I need….and THEN buy it off the internet.

Speaking of wool, a couple months back ,Rawles had a link to a wool hoody that looked quite promising. This thing looks like a  nice piece of kit. Sad but true, if you want good gear you gotta be willing to pay for it. While I have no doubts about the quality of the Filson product, I’d like to get my hands on one of these hoodys and see for myself how the stitching and quality appears.


And in the “As If I Dont Have Enough Things To Spend Money On” Department, the local Costco has Pelican 1750 cases for $199. Grrrr.

Also, an email from the guys at Augason Farms tells me they have a 24-hour sale on their Entree 3-Pack of Teriyaki, ChiliMac and Spaghetti in #10 cans. 35% off on the three-can package.

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