
A/N: Enjoy

Beta: @cos-geek-monkey

Word count: 8,605

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After finally being discharged from the hospital, the first thing Lexa did was take some time to reorganize her life and change her lifestyle. Between all the stress from work and her all consuming feelings for Clarke, she had been ignoring her health. Now that she expressed her feelings, and Clarke felt the same; she was on the moon. Lexa had promised to start eating and drinking water and being more conscious about her health in general.

Lexa had been serious about her word, and she started to eat more frequently and kept a bottle of water with her at all times. She kept regular work hours instead of working until an ungodly hour. Lexa was eager to plan her first official date with Clarke, but it was also nerve wracking.  She wanted to do something special, however, she really didn’t want to overdo it either.

She pulled out her phone and texted Anya.

LexaWoodsy (6:26 pm): where do you think I should take Clarke for a date. I’ve been thinking but nothing comes to mind.

GeneralAnya (6:29 pm): Nerd, you know C better than anyone. Besides just stand up seminaked and C will do the rest.

Lexa ears turned red and was thankful that she was alone in her bedroom with no witness around.

LexaWoodsy (6:33 pm): Jesus, you only think about sex. No, I don’t want to do anything like that. I want to do gf things with Clarke. Like we totally skipped the courtship and got hitched.

GeneralAnya (6:39 pm): Yeah, the courtship ;) Maybe a nice sexy candlelight dinner will set the mood. Don’t you think?

Lexa pondered on the idea. It could be romantic but they would be surrounded by people, and Lexa didn’t want anyone to rob them of their first date. She had to come up with something more intimate, more familiar.

LexaWoodsy (6:42 pm): I don’t think so An. Clarke is not a romantic, but she likes the details and she loves being in comfy clothes. If she has to go to a dinner she’ll hate wearing a dress and heels.

GeneralAnya (6:44 pm): You see? You know C like no one else. Gosh you’re awful L. Netflix and chill it is ;)

Lexa sighed. Clarke wouldn’t mind staying at home and watching movies with her, but the problem was that they did that all the time except the chill part because they had never touched each other intimately. However, she could try and make this date really special without being the usual friendly hangout if she put effort into it.

LexaWoodsy (6:53 pm): I got it An. Thanks for your help.

GeneralAnya (6:54 pm): Get your girl L, fuck her until she sees the whole galaxy behind her eyes ;D

LexaWoodsy (6:57 pm): Enough! ttyl

Lexa called Indra and made arrangements as fast as she could for a good warm meal and a nice setting in the house. The staff gave Lexa a hand while she made sure she participated in every aspect of her date. Once she was done she dismissed all her staff for the day leaving her alone in the Woods’ household.

She showered and dressed in jeans and a grey v-neck shirt. She quickly brushed her hair and braided some locks. She applied eyeliner and soft makeup to look at least decent for her wife.

“It’s going to be fine Lexa. You got this.” She affirmed to her reflection.

It’s not that they haven’t gone out or shared a meal before. They have been doing this for years, however, the only thing that had changed was that they both had acknowledged their feelings for each other. They didn’t have to fake or hide anything; they were going to be completely exposed and vulnerable to one another.

And this was the scariest experience Lexa might ever face. She didn’t fear ruthless corporations with bright ideas trying to bring down her company.  Lexa could face even Nia, but Clarke? Hell no. Lexa was scared shitless because this meant everything to her.

“Okay, dinner’s ready. Music set.” Lexa reviewed personally every single aspect of this special first date.


“Shh Rexa, I’m thinking here.” Lexa was looking around trying think of things that she could have missed. “Oh crap! The candles!” Lexa ran downstairs with an excited Rexa behind her heel. Lexa lit several candles with a sweet vanilla scent around the house and the dinner table.


Rexa was very insistent making a lot of noise.

“Rexa, please I need you to behave. Our Clarke is coming tonight and I want her to—”

Lexa sighed and kneeled to check on Rexa. “What is it? Time is running out, and Clarke will be here Rexa.”

Rexa ran away wiggling her tail and came back a couple of minutes later carrying flowers from the garden.

“Holy shit! Flowers! Good girl Rexa. I’m an idiot. Flowers are a must for our Clarke.” Lexa went quickly to her backyard to handpick the best flowers for her wife. She took her time selecting the most vibrant colors of plants she had in her garden. She picked out several violets and mixed them in a simple arrangement with yellow flowers making a nice combination of colors and an exquisite smell.

Lexa quickly made sure one more time that everything was going to be perfect. She washed her hands, checked her minty breath and took a glance at her ensemble. Lexa turned her phone off too which was a miracle.


Lexa heard the voice that made her weak; Rexa responded faster than Lexa and ran downstairs to meet her mistress.

“Okay, here we go.”

Once on the bottom floor Lexa found Clarke removing her jacket and hanging it on the perch.

“Hey Clarke.”

Lexa was met with such a soft smile, and the wonderful ocean blue eyes when Clarke turned to face her.

“Where is everyone?” Clarke closed the distance between them and hugged her squeezing her arms tightly around the brunette.

Clarke pulled apart just enough to look at her wife face to face.

“I uh, I dismissed them earlier because I want to spend time with you, alone.”

“A date?”

“Yes, a real first date.”

Lexa was going in for the kiss, Clarke smiled and leaned in to meet Lexa’s lips.


Clarke stopped midway and laughed at Rexa who was pulling from her pants. “Aw baby Rexa wants some attention?”

Lexa glared at Rexa. “Really? I can’t believe this. I forgot about the part where Rexa is the third wheel on the date.”

Clarke kneeled and patted Rexa who threw herself on the floor to be tickled. “What? Don’t tell me you’re jealous of Rexa, Lex.”

“I’m not,” Lexa answered defensively crossing her arms in front of her chest and rolling her eyes. She moved to the table to pick up the flowers she gathered for Clarke.

Clarke finished petting Rexa and stood up again, this time she laced her arms around Lexa’s waist and kissed her.

“No need to be jealous Mrs. Griffin. I’m only yours.”

Lexa pecked Clarke on the lips. “You won’t give up?”

“Never.” Clarke kissed back Lexa. “Not until you change your name to Griffin.” Another kiss.

“We’ll see about that Mrs. Woods.” Lexa offered the bouquet. “For you.”

Clarke grinned as she inhaled the wondrous smell of the flowers. “This is from your mom’s garden Lex. You know she got mad whenever we ransacked her garden.”

Lexa nodded at the memory of Clarke and her playing in the backyard and making flower crowns for each other. “No, she wanted her flowers appreciated, and she was happy that you loved her garden as much as she did.”

Clarke circled Lexa’s neck and pulled her for another kiss. Lexa fixed her hands on the wider hips of Clarke as she bit the lower lip of the blonde making her moan. The sound sent delicious ripples through her skin, and they deepened the kiss. Clarke’s tongue found home inside of Lexa, teeth scraped gently as they changed the angle of the kiss. Lexa moved her hands lower, daring to adventure in unknown territory, squeezing Clarke’s butt and pulling the rich sultry body of her wife even closer.

They were chest to chest, kissing, not leaving space between them, trying to be one body and one soul, pouring so much heart into every touch and every caress.

Lexa was the first to pull away, breathing heavily, if it wasn’t for her need of air, she would have never pulled away. Clarke leaned her forehead against Lexa’s, and the two closed their eyes as their hearts returned to a normal steady beat.

“Dinner.” Lexa spoke, “It’s getting cold.”

Clarke nodded still smiling and took Lexa’s hand. “I’m starving.”

Lexa escorted Clarke to the living room, the lights were dimmer in this area of the house, and the candlelight offered an intimate environment. The face of Clarke was everything Lexa wanted to see for the rest of her days.

“Wow, this is beautiful Lex. You’re the most romantic dork ever. You planned all of this in the blink of an eye!”

“Just for you Griffin. Now make yourself comfortable, this date is just beginning.” Lexa pecked Clarke’s lips and pulled the chair out for her. She gave Clarke an oshibori (wet towel) and Lexa then took her place beside Clarke.

The two women enjoyed their meal and even danced a little with barking Rexa moving around them.

After an hour or so of dancing barefoot in the living room, they decided to watch a movie on the couch with a glass of wine. Per Clarke’s selection they decided to watch ‘Princess Mononoke.’

The young couple commented on the movie and leaned into each other, it was as usual, and Lexa was pretty surprised that indeed this was the standard for them, being all cozy with one another. Lexa finished her wine and left her cup on the side table, she gazed at Clarke and with her fingertips she tipped Clarke’s chin to face her.


“What is it Lex?”

Lexa stared into the blue oceans, and it was right there, all the love and trust in her eyes. Lexa leaned in and claimed her lips. This was the novelty, to be able to kiss her and how blessed she felt.

“Thank you.” Lexa said.

Clarke leaned her head on Lexa’s shoulder and frowned wondering. “Why? I’m the one who should be thankful.  This is the best date ever.”

Lexa entangled her hand with Clarke’s and kissed it. “Thank you for wanting to be my friend. You never stopped looking for me after we met in Mount Weather. I pushed you over and over, but you always came back for me.”

Clarke kissed Lexa’s neck. “You were so lonely Lex. I hated seeing you alone and sad.  I remember that since day 1 you acted like a douche with me, but I couldn’t give up. I wanted to show you I was strong. You pushed me to be better Lex so I guess I have to thank you for that.”

Now that they were done with the movie Clarke and Lexa returned to their bedroom to brush their teeth and shower.

Lexa awaited in the bed nervous and anxious after being the first one to be ready. She kept adjusting her green tank top and briefs that she chose to wear to bed knowing that Clarke loved green.  To occupy her mind and stop worrying, Lexa took a book from her night table and waited for Clarke to join her in bed.

Clarke came out 46 minutes later dressed in a worn out shirt and shorts. Clarke crawled on bed until she was hip to hip with Lexa.

“Hey.” Clarke kissed Lexa’s cheek.

“Hey you.” Lexa smiled and added a bookmark to the last page she read, putting the book back onto the table and gave all her attention to Clarke.


“So?” Lexa replied.

Clarke in that instant straddled Lexa’s hips, her arm resting on Lexa’s shoulders. Lexa gasped for breath seeing this magnificent creature on her hips.

“I love you.” Clarke said.

“I love you too.” Lexa’s hands were on Clarke’s thighs moving softly, taking all her warmth and enjoying her soft skin. “You shaved.”

Clarke grinned. “Yeah, wanted to gift you with smooth skin after you took all the trouble to make this date the best one ever.”

“I like your hairy legs too Clarke, I know you’re lazy as hell and shave every 3 months.”

Clarke giggled and hit Lexa on the shoulder.


“You’re not getting any tonight Woods.” Clarke kissed Lexa’s lips and got off of her wife.

Lexa pouted in return. “Clarke! I’m joking.”

“Your sense of humor sucks.”

Lexa rolled on top of Clarke capturing her arms and holding her steady. “I love.” Lexa pecked Clarke. “Every.” kiss. “Bit.” Kiss. “Of you Clarke, hairless or not.”

Clarke laughed, and this time Lexa kissed her longer. Clarke’s now freed hands were roaming on Lexa’s back - feeling the expanse of skin under her shirt. Lexa held her weight with one arm and she gripped Clarke’s thigh with the other. She loved Clarke’s thighs.

Soon those kisses turned into eager ones. Lexa moved to nip the pale neck and sucked hard, making Clarke moan. Lexa eased the sting with her tongue as her teeth bit flesh and marked her way down to Clarke’s collarbones, making sure to leave evidence of her love for Clarke on her body. Lexa wanted to explore every corner, every freckle and scar that belonged to Clarke. She moved her mouth slowly, enjoying every sensation, and Clarke’s response to her. Getting to know Clarke for the first time in a comfortable way. Clarke’s thigh started to press against her core, and Lexa released a low growl as desire flooded her senses.  She moved her mouth over the breasts that were waiting to be touched and loved.

“Oh goood Lexa yes!” Clarke arched her back to allow access to the brunette and that’s when Lexa panicked. She was still very insecure after her last fiasco, and her mind flooded with thoughts that clearly killed her vibe.

“God Clarke.” Lexa pulled away from the blonde. “Wait!”

Clarke frowned observing the tension of her wife, but she sat down and rested her back on the headboard to listen. “What is it? Lex, I’m not worried you’re going to leave me pregnant babe.” Clarke joked trying to ease the slight worry from her best friend’s face.

Lexa chuckled a bit which was good news. “I’m afraid of this. Us I mean.”

“I don’t want to have sex on the first date Clarke. I’m afraid that we’ll crash and burn, that we’ll let this flame of desire consume us, and then we’ll be left with ashes.”

Clarke took Lexa’s hand right away. She understood that Lexa was fearful to go through another heartbreak. Costia was still a sore topic that they clearly needed to discuss but not right now.

“Babe, we’re not going to burn out. What you and I have goes beyond anything we have gone through. I have loved you since forever Lexa, and this is all new to us and exciting so it’s okay baby to be afraid ‘cause I am too.”

“We love each other truthfully, and I want nothing more than be with you flesh to flesh, to love you deeply Clarke. I don’t want to disappoint you again. To ruin things between us.”

Clarke got closer to Lexa, cupping her face in her hands and filling her with kisses. “You’re not a disappointment to me Lexa, you’re my partner, my best friend and my equal. You feed me strength everyday. We’ll get to know each other in new ways, and I’m really happy to be the one to share all of those things with you. This is not about sex.  It has never been about sex, Lexa. I’m sure that what we have goes way beyond the physical. I love you, and I desperately want to be with you, but I can wait.”

“We skipped a lot, and I really want to treat this relationship with all the respect it deserves.  I desire you beyond words, but I want to be sure that we take the time to get to know this other side of us - of being intimate without sex. If that is okay with you, I’d love to take you out and do what we have always done but with lots of kissing.”

Clarke laughed. “Yeah lots of kissing will be involved Mrs. Griffin. I agree, baby steps for now.” Clarke turned the lamps off and laid on her side of the bed.

“You’re not mad that I cuntblocked us?”

Clarke chuckled lightly as she pulled the duvet over their heated bodies. “No babe, you being comfortable with me is what matters the most. Let’s build an everlasting relationship first, and then I promise you nothing will stop me from ripping off those sexy briefs and eating you out.”

Lexa smiled widely, she couldn’t wait to have Clarke on top of her again. Lexa kissed her wife goodnight and cuddled her from behind. “Clarke?”


“Can I grab your boob at least?”

The laughter that burst from Clarke’s mouth was filled with so much love.  It was undeniably a sound Lexa wanted to keep hearing.

“Yeah Lex, you can hold my boob while we sleep. I fucking knew you were a boob person.”

“I’m not.”

“Yes you are!”

“Okay, but only for your boobs Clarke. Good night.” Lexa kissed her incredible wife’s neck and drifted happily to sleep feeling Clarke’s heartbeat while resting her left hand over the blonde’s breast.


Clarke had requested vacation because she was planning on taking her girlfriend/wife to enjoy a couple of days away to celebrate their first marriage anniversary.

As agreed, they slowly built their new relationship and had been officially dating for 2 months.  Clarke found it amazing that she was still learning new things about someone who she thought she knew as much as herself. She learned that Lexa was the most tender kisser, that she liked when Clarke bit her neck softly.  And when she sucked her lower lip, Lexa melted into her. Those little things were new and exciting to her, and she couldn’t wait to finally be with her wife flesh to flesh.

This trip had to be perfect, and Raven and Octavia were helping her pack everything needed to make this anniversary memorable.

“Clarke calm down, you already packed your clothes, you have towels, all the canned food and beverages that you will need to camp.” Octavia pointed out.

Clarke sat on the couch and nodded. “Okay, ooookay. The tent is ready, and the sleeping bags are loaded in the car.”

Raven came out of her room with a box full of something. “The plan is simple, stay in Mount Weather camping then go to the spa. Nothing should get between you and your hot wife, Clarkey. Now the only thing you’re missing is something to spice up your sex life.”

Clarke face-palmed, her eyes wide. “Raven what did you do?”

Raven smiled and opened the box. “I went shopping with the amazing Octavia here, and we found some interesting items that you might wanna try with your girl.”

Clarke took out the first item. “A strap? Are you fucking kidding me Rae? Lexa is just beginning to trust me intimately.  She got fucked up by that bitch and you want me to use this?”

“Not right away Clarke. Once you work your magic fingers on her she will want to try some toys.” Octavia said.

Clarke huffed and shook her head. “Guys I really appreciate it, but I can take care of my wife just fine without these items.”

Lexa with time probably would like to try other stuff, but not right now when her sexual esteem was left on the floor. Lexa was insecure, and it had taken a toll on the woman to move past her insecurities she developed after being cheated on and finding out in the worst way possible. They had waited to have sex.  They wanted to cement their feelings as romantic between them first. After all of the time dating and doing things that were more coupley than friendly, Clarke thought Lexa was ready to be with her.

Clarke was eager to make love to her wife, but she had to take into account Lexa’s past debacle and be extra patient. Finding Lexa destroyed with no recollection of her behavior in that awful motel had been hard, really hard. And the healing had been extremely slow. Clarke had stayed with her friend and soulmate every step of the way, and she felt Lexa become more comfortable with herself and confident. This trip would put to rest any other insecurities Lexa might have regarding their relationship.

“Okay, just know that whenever you need an extra hand we got you covered.” Raven winked and put the box back in the closet.

Clarke checked her phone one more time. “Shit, one more hour before I have to go pick up Lexa at work. I have to stop by the house to get her clothes which I assume were packed already by Caris.”

“Make sure to have fun no matter what Clarke. Lexa and you deserve it.” Octavia hugged Clarke before the blonde left the apartment.

“Yup. You go Clarkey, get that booty!” Raven hugged Clarke as well.

The blonde smiled appreciating all of her friends’ help and went downstairs carrying the last boxes to put in her car before she took Lexa to their special anniversary celebration back where all began.

Back to Mount Weather.

Now that Clarke had all her bags and Lexa’s in her car she drove to Grounders Inc. to pick up her girlfriend/wife to celebrate their anniversary. Clarke greeted Lexa’s secretary and waited until Lexa could meet her.

Gustus came out of Lexa’s office, and Clarke took the chance to say hello to the lawyer.

“Hello Gustus, how are you?”

“Miss Clarke, I’m doing very well. I heard you’re taking Lexa on a trip. I’m glad your marriage is going so well.”

“Yeah, we’re going to celebrate our anniversary in a special place.” Clarke smiled just thinking about how special it was. The place where they met so many years ago and where they had many adventures together growing up.

“Between us Miss Clarke, no one believed you two would last this long. After Miss Lexa went downhill, many thought we lost her, and after her parents death we doubted she could cope with the sudden loss.” Gustus contemplated into the distance, then he met Clarke’s eyes. “But here you are, you never let go of her, and Miss Lexa is stronger than ever. So thank you Miss Clarke.”

Clarke thought about his word.  It broke her heart that people gave up on Lexa, but she couldn’t give up on her best friend. “You fight for the ones you love Gustus. Lexa was lost, but she found her way; I trust her 100%, and you should as well. She is strong.”

Gustus nodded in agreement.

“Gustus, do you have a buyer yet?”

“We’re waiting to see if some possible offers are actually made.  Maybe in a couple of months we’ll have something more definitive.”

Clarke nodded, already thinking about how she could help Lexa. “Alright, good to know. Gotta meet my bae now, see you later Gustus.”

Gustus waved goodbye to Clarke.  She knocked on the wooden door before entering the office.

Once inside she couldn’t help but smile looking at the incredible woman sitting at her desk with those gorgeous eyes and soft lips that she was dying to kiss.

“Hello Mrs. Griffin. Looking smoking hot.” Clarke walked around the desk, she leaned down and cupping Lexa’s face she kissed her gently and then dropped a feathery kiss on her forehead.

“Hi.” Lexa smiled looking utterly in love. “I had no idea it was time already to leave, I should have shortened my meeting with Gustus.”

Clarke leaned on the desk, her hands gripping the edge for balance and her legs crossed casually while Lexa finished her business affairs. “Don’t worry babe, we have time.”

Lexa started to file away folders and copies, stashing them in her drawers and locking them.  Then she shut down her laptop and picked up her phone. Lexa punched a contact and made a call.

“Indra, I’ll be leaving with Clarke now, make sure to not send me any calls unless it is extremely important please. Yes, only family. Thanks Indra.” Lexa shoved her phone inside her briefcase and stood up in front of Clarke.

Lexa kissed Clarke’s lips and the blonde lifted up from the desk to deeply kiss her amazing wife. Clarke had to muffle a moan when Lexa bit her lip moving next to her neck. Clarke gripped Lexa’s waist keeping her in place while she dropped a rain of kisses on her skin.

Lexa returned to Clarke’s lips, she wasn’t going to waste ever an opportunity to kiss Clarke. Lexa’s purpose in life was to make Clarke the happiest woman alive and to kiss her for all eternity; she lived for this. This is what had been missing in her life, and Lexa didn’t plan on losing any more time with those lips and so she kissed and kissed and kissed.

“Oh excuse me!”

The couple split at the intrusion. Lexa fixed her suit a bit embarrassed, and Clarke fixed her hair.

“Nia! I didn’t hear you knock.” Lexa walked past Clarke to meet her business partner. “I’m about to leave for a short vacation with my wife.”

“Of course.” Nia smiled and pulled out a card from her purse. “I won’t take up your time. This is your invitation to our annual gala next month to announce the new projects in the medical area to our investors.”

“Is that time of the year already?” Lexa frowned.  She had been distracted ever since she began dating Clarke. “Wow, time flies by. Thank you Nia. We’ll be sure to be there.”

Nia offered a tight-lipped smile eyeing Clarke and Lexa carefully. “Your parents would be  pleased to see you become this incredible married woman. You’re doing a great job with the company as well.”

“Clarke is the best partner - more than I could have dreamed of or deserved. I only wish my folks could have seen it.” Lexa pouted remembering her dad and mom pestering about her love life, they were unbelievably supportive of her despite her behavior. It was hard to be without their guidance, but Clarke had helped her to move on, standing by her side and cheering her on.

“Enjoy your vacation. I’ll make sure that in your absence things keep running as they should.”

“Of course Nia, you’re always so helpful. Take care.” Lexa’s tone said otherwise, but that didn’t matter, not when she was about to spend time with her wife. Lexa laced her hands with Clarke’s, picked up her briefcase and headed to the parking lot to start their vacation.

After several hours in traffic, the young couple reached Mount Weather.

Clarke parked their car in the designated area. She killed the engine and took Lexa’s  hands in hers.

“Here we are.”

“It’s been years since we came here, Clarke.” Lexa pulled Clarke’s hand to her mouth to kiss it. “I’m glad you chose this place.”

Clarke smiled delighted to hear that Lexa liked the idea to come here. “Let’s get moving, we have to set up the camping site first before we go exploring.”

Clarke and Lexa pulled out all their camping equipment from the trunk and made their way to the thick area of the surrounding forest to begin their adventure, walking for several minutes until they found the tent area to set up their camp.

“Here we are.” Lexa dropped the bags on the soil and took a glance at her surroundings. The foliage of the trees above them was dense, but the sunlight still filtered through the green leaves reaching some areas of the soil. You could hear some birds in the distance, and the sound of the wind moving the leaves left and right.

“It’s beautiful, huh?” Clarke was kneeling unpacking the tent and prepping to set it up.

Lexa returned her gaze to Clarke’s. “Yes, it’s beautiful, but you’re gorgeous.”

“Baaaaaabe!” Clarke stood up and claimed Lexa’s lips in a chaste kiss. “I love you.”

“I love you too.” Lexa smiled and let go of Clarke quickly before she got too distracted.  At this rate, the campsite would never be ready.

Several minutes later the couple had their campsite ready. Their tent was in place, and Lexa had collected wood to start their fire at night. Now the two of them could go around and enjoy the magnificent nature that surrounded them.

Lexa and Clarke walked hand in hand on a trail of rocks and dirt. They reached some steeps and started to climb slowly with steady steps. They reached a clearing, and that’s when they made their first stop after walking for about 2 hours.

Clarke used her forearm to wipe the beads of sweat from her forehead. Lexa, however, was unfazed by the exertion of hiking.

“Here.” Lexa passed the bottle of water to the tired blonde.

Clarke uncapped the bottle and took a long desperate drink.

“You okay Clarke?” Lexa arched her brow, her lips slightly curved.

“Jerk!” Clarke sprinkled water at her. Lexa pulled away laughing.

“See? If you joined me everyday for a jog, this trek would be a breeze for you.”

“I’m not doing extra work Lexa.  I get enough exercise when I walk in the hospital to check on my patients.” Clarke gave back the bottle and trapped Lexa in a hug, stealing a kiss from her wife. “Come, we’re almost there.”

They kept walking the rest of the path still holding hands, moving through the soft soil and crunching leaves, the canopy offered enough shade from the punishing sun and the birds chirping above them provided the perfect soundtrack.

The sound of running of water reached their ears. Clarke looked at Lexa smiling and made a run toward it. Lexa laughed and followed her eager wife.

After their short run they finally reached the river. Cold water flowed through rocks and the vast expanse split the forest in two.

“Remember when we came here to play war?” Clarke sat on a tree branch to rest. She removed her small backpack from her shoulder and left it on the ground and pulled out a granola bar.

Lexa joined Clarke taking the spot beside the blonde. “Yes, you would shoot me with your water gun from the other side.”

Clarke leaned on Lexa’s shoulder taking a bite from her energy bar. “Yup, you had this badass Nerf bowgun.  Your arrows were more effective than my water gun.”

“But you were crazier Clarke, you climbed that tree and jumped on me. Like who does that Clarke?” Lexa pointed to a tall tree with twisted branches on the other side of the stream.

The laughter that erupted from Clarke was music to Lexa’s ears. “I might have wanted to kill you back then.”

Lexa perked her brow, “Yes? And now?”

Clarke stood up from the branch and removed her shirt slowly in front of Lexa. Then she popped the button of her pants unzipping them slowly. “And now…” Clarke slowly pulled her pants showing off her butt to Lexa who was gaping like a hormonal teen. “I still wanna kill you but in other ways.”

Lexa was speechless. Clarke winked over her shoulder and made her way to the cold river in her tiny white two-piece bathing suit.

“Fuck!” Lexa muttered and quickly removed her clothes to follow her seductress to the depths of hell if she had to.

Clarke was in a shallow area since she wasn’t a good swimmer.  She waited for Lexa to get in and quickly splashed water on the dry torso of the brunette,

“Clarke! It’s too cold!” Lexa fought back splashing water at the laughing blonde.

“Hit me with your best shot!” Clarke used her hands in quickly motions to splash Lexa faster.

“Okay I give up.” Lexa raised her hands now completely drenched. Her sleeveless shirt and black shorts stuck to her body now that she was fully wet. “It’s freaking cold in here.”

“Don’t worry babe. I’ll keep you warm.” Clarke pulled Lexa to a nice safe area behind some rocks and circled Lexa’s strong shoulders keeping her close to her body.

Lexa’s eyes were vivid and full of life. Clarke was beyond pleased to see her enjoying herself. Clarke kissed Lexa softly at first, waiting for Lexa to respond.

Lexa opened up letting Clarke in, their mouths colliding in a passionate wet kiss. Scraping teeth moving to a soft warm neck while her hands pressed Lexa’s back to hers.

Lexa cupped Clarke’s cheeks again and kissed her tugging her lower lip making Clarke release a throaty moan. The blonde used her weightlessness to cage Lexa’s hips with her legs. Lexa kept one hand underneath Clarke’s thigh keeping her in place and pushed them against the rocks.

Their kisses became hungrier, desperate. After months of sexual tension and a build up of desire, it was no wonder they were in such a rush to fuck each other’s brains out.

Lexa was grinding her hips at every intrusion of Clarke’s tongue in her mouth creating pressure in Clarke’s already drenched bikini. The blonde moved a hand to cup Lexa’s breast over her spandex black shirt. Lexa growled a bit and leaned in to kiss Clarke’s neck, sucking hard and making sure to leave a red spot where she kept sucking and licking to ease the pain. Clarke leaned her head against the rock gasping for air, breathing heavily digging blunt nails into Lexa’s back.

The brunette returned her attention to the ravished pink lips of her wife and moved in to claim her lips again. However, this time she gasped in shock feeling a wandering hand inside her shorts.

Clarke smiled and pecked her lips, nuzzling her nose against that dangerous jawline.

“Clarke wait!” Lexa was so out of breath she could barely speak.

“Mmm? Babe I got you.”

“We can’t do it here in the river Clarke!” Lexa was putty in Clarke’s hands, the thumb of the blonde moving right where Lexa needed her the most at the moment.  Clarke removed her hand from inside Lexa’s shorts but attempted to persuade her to let her continue.

“Why not? We’re alone, no one’s around babe. Let me take care of you.” Clarke nipped Lexa’s earlobe making Lexa shiver, Clarke’s hand started fondling the sensitive spot over Lexa’s shorts, and then Clarke increased her speed. “I love you Lex, let me please you.”

Lexa inhaled deeply and closed her eyes letting Clarke do as she wished, she surrendered to the blonde completely. Lexa bit her lower lip and began a frantic rhythm against Clarke’s hands. Clarke kissed Lexa some more keeping her fingers pressuring the sensitive area.  She was so ready to move in, to reach the ambrosia of Lexa’s body. Clarke pulled the waistband of Lexa’s shorts to find the pot of smooth glorious honey.


A kid’s voice interrupted the current steamy session, and Lexa quickly pulled away from Clarke, Lexa went underwater swimming several feet away from Clarke. She came out of the water breathing hard but at a safe distance from the blonde.

“I think we better go.” Lexa suggested seeing a family approaching their spot in the river.

“Yeah, let’s go back to the tent.” Clarke was disappointed for sure, but no way in hell she wasn’t going to fuck her wife tonight.

After a couple of hours of walking, they made it back to camp.  Lexa started the fire while Clarke grabbed the meat out of the cooler to cook and the bottle of wine she brought to celebrate.

Clarke seasoned their food and allowed Lexa to take care of their drinks. Lexa uncorked the wine and served a cup for each one. Clarke place their food over the fire, and the two sat on a mat in front of the fire to talk while they waited for their dinner.

Clarke scooted closer, and Lexa wrapped her arm protectively around Clarke. “Happy anniversary Lexa.” Clarke raised her plastic cup.

Lexa smiled and raised her cup in cheers. “Happy anniversary Clarke.”

The two drank a bit of their red wine enjoying the silence offered by the night and the flickering flames of the fire.

“Thank you for not giving up on me after Costia.” Lexa said.

Lacing her hand with Lexa’s, Clarke offered a tender sweet smile. “I’m your best friend Lex. I could never give up on you. I love you so much.”

“I love you too. Like I’ve never loved anyone Clarke. This marriage ended up being the most important business of my life. I don’t know if I would have ever discovered that I was in love with you without this marriage.” Lexa took a sip of her cup looking intently at the flames.

“That was crazy huh? But how could I not do anything for my best friend? You’ve done so much for me already.  Ever since we were two idiotic girls running in the woods, you’ve always been there for me.”

“Yes, we were something back then.” A small smile spread across Lexa’s face. “We’ve been through a lot of things together. I’m glad I said yes.”

“Me too.” Clarke lifted Lexa’s chin up with her index finger and leaned in for a kiss. “This is the end of the first year of our married life Lex.  I can’t wait to spend many more with you.”

Lexa pecked Clarke’s cheek. “For many years to come.” Lexa toasted.

Clarke lifted her cup and drank. “For many years to cum.” Clarke grinned, and of course Lexa caught her mischievous smile.

“Okay let’s eat before you jump me, okay?”

“Oh Woods you’ve no idea how ready I am to eat you.”

Satisfied with their dinner, and after cleaning and washing themselves, the married couple were lying in their tent. Looking intently at one another, resting on their shoulders each caressing softly.

“You’re exquisite Clarke.” Lexa brushed a blonde curl and tucked it behind Clarke’s ear. “How did I end up lucky enough to be your wife?”

“Because we’re best friends who loved each other deeply. We’ve known each other since we were kids, we trust and care for each other. It’s simple.” Clarke moved closer, her blue eyes scanned Lexa’s face, the green depths were darkening, swallowed by the blackness of her pupils.

“So simple that we didn’t realize it sooner.”

Clarke chuckled. “True. We suck.”


Clarke propped on her elbow, resting her cheek in her hand and looking at Lexa. “Yeah?”

Lexa licked her lips and took a deep breath. “I want to taste you. May I?”

Clarke’s smile got wider.  Her cheeks flushed a bit, but she leaned on her bed. “Come here.”

Lexa crawled on top of Clarke, her strong arms holding her weight off of the blonde to avoid crushing her.

“My heart is yours Lexa.” Clarke caressed Lexa’s cheek seeing the hesitation. The fear of being betrayed again weighing on her mind. “Baby, we’ll fight, we’ll have tough times ahead of us. I might even end up kicking you out of the bed for being an asshole or whatever. But no matter what happens, I won’t stop loving you. My heart is yours Lexa, only yours. I won’t betray that trust, so be mine Lexa. I need you to stop thinking about the past and embrace the present, us, and be 100% mine.”

Lexa nodded with a dignified expression. A promise she intended to keep no matter what. “I belong to you Clarke, from this day on, body, mind and soul.  I’m yours. I promise Clarke.”

“Good, now make love to me Mrs. Griffin.” Clarke was smiling, laughing and feeling alive.

“As you wish, my queen.”

Lexa leaned down and claimed Clarke’s lips taking her time and memorizing every sensation. Her heart was beating a 100 miles an hour between excitement and her nerves, but Lexa promised, and she was going to fulfill her word. No more reliving the past.  It was history.  It was gone forever.

Lexa traced the curve of Clarke’s neck with her lips carefully taking in the delicious smell of Clarke’s hair and the taste of her skin. One hand was placed carefully over Clarke’s hips and moving inch by inch underneath the cotton shirt of the blonde.

Clarke’s hands roamed around Lexa’s back enjoying her warmth and the sense of protection that she felt being flushed with Lexa.

“I want you now Lex!” Clarke moaned, and Lexa chuckled over her skin traveling to her collarbone and kissing her way to Clarke’s breasts.

“Ugh fuck!” Clarke was enthusiastic and impatient to feel Lexa against her skin so she removed her shirt as fast as humanly possible.

“Gosh.” Lexa was open mouthed. Clarke’s breasts were perfect, just beautiful.

“I need to feel your skin Lex, please.”

Lexa was quick to comply and removed her pj’s tossing them across the tent and leaned back on top of her wife.

“You’re so hot Lex, holy fuck.” Clarke was feeling the taut muscles on Lexa’s back and arms exploring their nakedness for their first time in their lives. Even in their most intimate moments so far, they were never naked but always in their underwear.

“You too Clarke, you take my breath away.” Lexa licked a nipple tentatively, when Clarke released a quick whimper she took that as a sign to continue. Lexa licked some more until the nippled pebbled in her mouth, then she began a light suction that drove Clarke crazy. Lexa paid attention to both breasts with her mouth and with her thumb.

Clarke’s hands moved and grabbed Lexa’s buttocks digging her nails into the firm skin and increasing the pressure as Lexa paid more attention to her body.

Lexa gasped still dropping kisses on the abdomen of the blonde until she moved past her navel and reached the trimmed blonde curls welcoming her home. Lexa glanced once more at the blue of the magical eyes of her woman seeking reassurance.

“Yes, baby. I need you.” Clarke spread her legs giving space for Lexa to kneel and position herself comfortably with her shoulders underneath Clarke’s knees and Lexa’s head in between.

Lexa hovered over the drenched sex of her friend and lover. Lexa moved closer taking in the sweet scent and with her tongue she took her first taste.

“Oh shit!” Clarke dug her nails into the sleeping bag.

“Mmm. Amazing.” Lexa hummed and with more confidence she began stroking her tongue over the creamy folds drinking every drop of sweet nectar.

Clarke was on edge.  It has been so long since she had sex. She was desperate, and she needed Lexa inside of her millenniums ago. She clutched the brown curls and pushed gently the head of the green-eyed beauty right where she needed her.

Lexa pulled apart the twin folds with her thumbs to have a clear view of the erect clit and with her tongue she lapped and sucked it hard, drawing more moans from the blonde. When Lexa noticed how wet Clarke was for her, she slid one finger inside to test the comfort level of her woman.

“Lex please more!” Clarke thrusted her hip in frenzy movements towards the finger plunged deep in her.

“Shhh, easy my love. Let me make you comfortable first.” Lexa wanted to be deep inside Clarke, but she had to be careful with her wife. All tenderness and love was expressed between them at this moment. She wanted to take her time to make sure this was going to be extremely pleasing to the blonde. Lexa began a slow rhythm dragging the madness of the blonde. Lexa kept kissing her thighs and clit, loving every inch of Clarke. When she felt the internal muscles relax she slid two fingers pumping at a steadier rhythm that Clarke matched with her hips.

“Hmm, yes oh yeah Lex. Like that, ugh!”

Lexa pushed faster, the walls inside starting to flutter as Lexa kept the momentum of burying her fingers knuckle deep as her mouth claimed the hard nub in Clarke’s center.

“Faster, mmm, aaah shit.”

Another finger inside Clarke, and the blonde was panting and heaving, she was damn close. Lexa’s hand rubbing her clit was sensitive, she groaned louder, and her hand was cramping already, but she needed to give maximum pleasure to her wife. There was no power on Earth that could stop Lexa from making Clarke Griffin come underneath her right now.

“Lex, shit shit fuck!” Clarke bit her lip, and she came to orgasm in seconds.

Lexa pulled out and sucked her fingers humming at the taste of Clarke. This was all she needed to survive Lexa thought.

Clarke smiled cheekily, splayed over the sleeping bag, a goddess in all sense of the word.  She grabbed the necklace Lexa gave her to reassure herself that this was real and not a dream.

Lexa joined her and started to drop kisses on her shoulders up to her neck.

Clarke grinned and traced with her fingers Lexa’s arm tattoo. “Now, my turn.” Clarke’s hand slid over slick skin and tight abs slowly reaching below the damp patch of hair and she smiled as soon as she came in contact with Lexa’s sensitive core.

The brunette moaned softly, and Clarke pushed Lexa back on the sheets to keep her comfortable. Quickly she slid one finger into her wife giving her time to adjust as she kissed her fine jawline. Soon the pumping of a finger became two, and Clarke increased the tempo, imposing a quick rhythm while her thumb traced circles over Lexa’s clit. Her lips moving over her firm breasts increasing the sensory overload of her wife.

“Clarke I’m close!”

“Come Lexa, I’m here for you. Come for me!” Clarke was relentless in her pace; her strokes were deep. She was hitting all the right places because Lexa was a mess and soon her abdomen and muscles contracted as she called out Clarke’s name.

Clarke started to slow down taking it easy on the oversensitive clit of her partner. “I love you Lex.” Clarke kissed Lexa’s neck and rested her head in the safety of her warmth.

“I love you too Clarke.” Lexa was gasping for air completely tired, but she was fucking satiated.

“What is that?” Clarke mumbled.  She was closing her eyes and was spent, but oh so content with Lexa holding her.

“What is what?”

“That sound? LIke ah, a screeching sound?”

Lexa shrugged and pulled the covers over their naked bodies to keep them warm. “I can’t hear anything Clarke. My senses are completely burned. “That was a 20.”

Clarke grinned propping up on her elbow. “Yeah?”

Lexa affirmed. “Twenty and beyond.”

“Yeah, you broke the scale too.” Clarke kissed Lexa’s cheek. “Best sex ever Lex. Approved by Doctor Clarke Griffin.”

“Thank you Dr. Griffin.” Lexa smiled.

“Now, I’m going to clean you up.” Clarke went down under the sheets and started to wipe the fantastic tangy cum that her lovely wife produced. Clarke hummed happily as her tongue moved softly teasing Lexa; the brunette closed her eyes smiling and feeling loved again, cherished and respected by a wonderful woman.

“Claaaarke…” Lexa whined.

The tongue of the mischievous surgeon started to push the ring of muscles, and Lexa groaned. Clarke began to thrust her tongue when Lexa tensed her legs.


“Lexa, relax for me. I promise I’ll be gentle.” Clarke resumed her ministrations.

“Clarke!” Lexa whispered a scream, and Clarke pulled her head out of the sheets.

“Shh I hear it.” Lexa put her index finger on top of her mouth to signal her partner to be silent.

Clarke frowned, and then she heard the screeching sounds outside of the tent.

“Oh fuck!” Clarke gulped down, and her eyes were wide. “What is that?”

“Shh, calm down Clarke.” Lexa looked inside her bag and took out a small hunting knife.

“Are you insane? Why did you bring a knife?” Clarke looked at the pointy weapon with apprehension.


“You’re no Lara Croft, Lexa. You’re a businesswoman. You’ll get yourself hurt or killed. What if it’s a giant bear or a fucking gorilla?”

“Clarke, this is not the jungle.  Might be a deer.” Lexa quickly put on some clothes. “I’ll check it out.”

“No way. I’m not leaving you alone.” Clarke dressed as Lexa unzipped the tent.

She turned on the flashlight and peeked through the trees lighting the dark area trying to find the source of the weird sounds.

The spouses walked in the nearby area, following the screeching of the wild animal. Lexa walked with knife ready and flashlight in hand followed by Clarke. The sounds suddenly stopped, and they were now without a clue about the location of the wild animal.

“WAAAAH!” Clarke screamed, and Lexa turned around ready to cut whatever threatening animal dared to attack her wife.

She used the flashlight to illuminate the fireplace area and noticed a little animal running with remnants of food into the depths of the woods.

“It’s a raccoon Clarke!”

“That sonofabitch interrupted me to steal our food!? Motherfucker!” Clarke walked closer to Lexa. “Okay Commander, I’m fucking spent, and I’m about to collapse. Put that knife away babe.”

Lexa took a last look to the surrounding area and returned with Clarke to their tent. Once inside she made sure to reinforce the opening of the tent to guarantee they were going to be safe.

The young couple returned to their bags holding each other. “I promise to eat you first thing in the morning Lex.” Clarke’s eyes started to shut slowly, her head rested comfortably on Lexa’s shoulder, and Lexa rested her hand over Clarke’s waist.

“I’d love to wake up like that very much, Mrs. Woods.” Lexa kissed Clarke’s temple and closed her eyes.

“Yeah Mrs. Griffin. Don’t fight me on this. You know and I know that in 2 years you will be using my last name.” Clarke caressed Lexa’s tattoo absentmindedly while drifting to sleep.

“Am I?”

“Mhmm, absolutely.” The blonde kissed Lexa’s pulse point on her neck. “Hmmm it took us a year to consummate our marriage. How odd is that?”

“Clarke we spent 19 years being friends, this was huge. I mean, this is the first time that I’ve seen you naked Clarke, do you realize how weird that was? Like seeing my best friend in her birthday suit?”


“Yes, but also a bit strange. I like it though.”

“Good because I plan to spend many many years naked with you.”

“I like this. Thinking about the future feels nice. Moving on feels really good.”

Lexa was finally freeing herself from the shackles of her past, and Clarke couldn’t be more delighted if she wanted to. Lexa was leaving the past in the past.

Her wife was focusing in the present and on the future, and that was a big step in their marital life. They could begin thinking of the promise of a life together, of a family of their own now without the shadow of their sins haunting them forever.

The future was simply bright.

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