We definitely have a few books you might like.
The Complete Wimmen’s Comix collects some of the earliest underground comics by women: https://www.comixology.com/The-Complete-Wimmens-Comix/digital-comic/345830
Pretty in Ink, by Women’s Commix co-creator Trina Robbins, is a history of women in comics in general, and has some underground work in it: https://www.comixology.com/Pretty-in-Ink-North-American-Women-Cartoonists-1896-2010/digital-comic/305025
Fantagraphics’ Treasury of Mini Comics collects underground comix from a number of different eras, and includes many women and POC creators: https://www.comixology.com/Treasury-of-Mini-Comics/comics-series/33943
No Straight Lines is a history of LGBTQ comics that also has work by women and POC: https://www.comixology.com/No-Straight-Lines/comics-series/8971