
* consider this your occasional reminder to vote in the Eisner Awards Hall Of Fame vote, if you're eligible.

* J. Caleb Mozzocco on Vengeance Of The Moon Knight Vol. 2. Rob Clough on the comics of Jason Walz. John Kane on a bunch of different comics. Asher J. Klassen on a bunch of different books. Noah Berlatsky on Young Avengers. Samantha Meier on Tits & Clits. Jeet Heer on Zap. Ng Suat Ton on Incidents In The Night Vol. 1. Jared Gardner on a bunch of different stories. Gary Tyrrell on Stripped. Alec Berry on War Of Streets And Houses.

* J. Caleb Mozzocco recommends a quartet of comics from the two big mainstream superhero comics publishers that are both good and not tied into overlapping, tedious continuity in a way that leads to a better reading experience. I had such a brain-frying meltdown the last two times I went to a comics shop it's an article I'll keep in mind. Once the mainstream series became untethered from regular creator pairings in addition to constantly restarting with permutations of the same few names, I became completely lost in keeping track of titles. I'm not suggesting this is a bad thing for me or those companies -- I think a lot of folks project their own tastes and habits as the ideal ones -- but I'm sure there other folks out there like me.

* Whit Taylor talks to Mike Dawson. Graham Kahler talks to Farel Dalrymple and Sam Alden. Steve Sunu talks to Paul Levitz. Benjamin Breen and Christopher Heaney talk to Kate Beaton. Paul Montgomery talks to Chris Samnee. Nick Margerrison talks to Alan Moore. Tim O'Shea talks to Alison Sampson. Steve Morris talks to Lela Gwenn.

* Kevin Cannon draws a sports cartoon. Zach Hazard Vaupen draws the Witch King. James R. Eads draws a scene from True Detective.

* Qiana Whitted has a nice, short piece up here on a pair of comics scenes I would never have thought of pairing together.

* not comics: if you're in the industry news business or interested in the industry news business, I bet there's something here in terms of research about how people consume digital media that's worth it for you to examine.

* finally, this list from the occasional writer about comics Sean Kleefeld suggests what a rich life one can have in terms of attending physical events related to comics, particularly if you're in a big city and wiliing/able to inviest in some regional travel.

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