
They can throw as many comics for us to read as they want, we will read them all! So many great picks this week, I can’t wait for you check out this wonderful (and full of spoilers) picks from our contributors. Hope you enjoy those lucky enough to be picked for The Honor Roll!


I’m sticking with my Spidey theme and going with Superior Spider-Man #18.  As long as the team of Dan Slott and Ryan Stegman keep rockin’ out great comics, I’m along for the ride! This panel really did it for me. It’s almost like an old cartoon with the arrow pointing from Spidey’s eye to 2099′s. It’s the little things like this that keep me coming back for more!

About Me: Scott Keys is a father, Butler University grad, pharmacist, and full-time comic nerd. You can follow his adventures around the spinner-rack and his Incoherent Comic Book Ramblings on: Twitter: @Like_car_Keys / Tumblr: likecarkeys.tumblr.com / Facebook: Scott Keys (Likecarkeys) / Google+: Scott Keys

UNCANNY X-MEN #12 – David Coggeshall

It’s been an X-feast for me lately. After reading no X-Men for 20 years, I recently re-read childhood favorite “Inferno”, then all of Schism, AvX and All-New X-Men to catch up. Gotta say, I’m loving Battle of the Atom. I picked this panel simply because this was the view from my old apartment, and it’s fun to see a SHIELD Helicarrier hovering in the middle of it.

About Me: Hollywood screenwriter, new dad, softball savant. @DavidCoggeshall

ZERO #1 – Ian Stephen

Ales Kot has had a lot of buzz around him lately. His one-short story Wild Children made a decent impact and got people talking then he put out Change that got people really interested in him. Unfortunately I missed the boat on both of those series when they were out so I made sure not to make that same mistake with Kot’s new series, Zero. As far as 1st issues go this was really good, not a lot revealed but the whole issue was a huge and brutal fight scene that just engulfed your attention from start to finish, almost felt like Roddy Piper vs Keith David in They Live. I choose this panel cause I figured this was one hell of a way to end a fight….WITH A TANK SHELL!

About Me: Ian Stephen is a human just like you (don’t question it) who loves comics and music. When I’m not making food for the hungry over-fed American population you can find me harassing musicians and comic-creators alike on Twitter @ianthevillain where i tend to spew hot garbage for the internet masses to ignore.

BATMAN ’66 #3 – Will Pheesh

Fun. This comic is consistently just plain fun (e.g., Bat-Spelunking Headlamps)! The characters are delightfully written; new to this issue were The Red Hood, Dr. Quinn, and…Joker! Even without Smilex, this universe always brings a smile to my face!

About Me: Will Pheesh wants you to be happy and well, and not just because it’s his profession. He can be found on Twitter at @WillPheesh.  

DAREDEVIL #31 – Pete Buser

Blah, blah, Blah Chris Samnee.  Blah, blah, blah Eisners left and right.  Yes, his artwork is tight, expressive and resplendent.  Yes, Daredevil is a great read every month.  Who cares??  In this panel he drew a grown-up Alex P. Keaton.  You know, Michael J. fox in “Family Ties”!  And look next door – It’s an old Sally Draper!  Aged since her days growing up in the estimable “Mad Men”.  This is just pure fun.

About Me: I like comics. A lot. You can talk to me about them @PeteBuser

APHRODITE IX #5 – Joey Caswell

This series has the most incredible visuals of any book out there right now. Although this particular panel may not necessarily exemplify this fact, it was a great scene from the latest issue, where Aphrodite’s new “friend” decides to follow her out of Genesis.

About Me: Joey is a graduate research scientist working in the areas of neuroscience & biophysics. He is also a reviewer and editor at All-Comic.com, and lives for all things nerd; comic books, roleplaying games, science fiction, fantasy, horror, etc. Follow him on twitter @summoning_ifrit


Easier and more seductive the dark side is.

About Me: Full time cable guy, Star Wars geek and soccer fanatic. The twitter addict can be found @loafandjug tweeting about insane customers, what he’s reading or being a soccer hooligan online.

DAREDEVIL #31 – Tom Barnett

I just love the action that Storyteller/artist Chris Samnee put into this panel from Daredevil #31. I can hear the cops thudding into the door and down to the floor. This scene could easily have been depicted in a simpler manner, but Samnee pulled out a great arrangement of action.

About Me: I’m Tom. Slightly addicted to comics, Doctor Who, Star Wars and Star Trek. I also try to spend some time behind the lens of my camera. Love Bronze Age comics and the Black Hole movie from Disney. Follow me @tphoto10

THOR: GOD OF THUNDER #13 – Tommy Zimmer

After the epic “Godbomb” arcs Jason Aaron continues to impress with a story with a more traditional cast of supporting characters. This time Ron Garney is doing the interiors and it is magnificent! Looking forward to more dark elves, flying white tigers, and the accursed Malekith.

About Me: Im Tommy. I love comics. Enjoy every sandwhich. Follow me @VictorVonZoom

BUZZKILL #1 – Roderick Ruth

Holy crap! This comic is such an interesting concept! It provides an honest perspective on addiction and shatters superhero tropes while whole heartedly embracing them all at the same time.  This panel let’s you know the devastation that can ensue from a hero that gets his powers from getting “black out” drunk. I’m in.

About Me: Roderick is an avid comic reader and collector, with a particular fondness for funny books and nerd nostalgia from the “Dark Ages of Comics” (also known as the late 80′s and 90′s). When he’s not diving in $1 long boxes trying to recapture his youth or working out his biceps from lifting his massive pull list every Wednesday at his comic shop, he can be found on Twitter @roderickruth.


Oh, Wiebe & Jenkins, how you toy with me. Panzerfaust is a gem, and issue #14 is no different. The introduction of these well known characters have been epic, and I can’t wait to see what is there when he turns around. If you haven’t given this series a shot, you need to.

About Me: Aaron Long is the EIC of Comicosity. Stick around awhile…we’ve got some cool stuff around this joint.

NEW AVENGERS #19 – Cameron Williams

New Avengers continues to show what Jonathan Hickman does best. As the series continues, even through Infinity, Hickman explores the morality of Marvel’s smartest heroes and the choices they make. This panel beautifully demonstrates how Namor weaponized Thanos for his own uses. Fantastic.

About Me: Cameron Williams has promised not to eat pizza next week in exchange for more money for comics. His wife is on vacation – without him – and as a compromise he has agreed to buy extra comics instead of extra cheesey pizzas. Apparently though, as part of the agreement, he will have to eat actual healthy food and not just the next easiest alternative to pizza. His wife can find him on Twitter at @Wasgo, but won’t have to, because she has his phone number.

INFINITY #3 – Aaron Meyers

I need a theme song for how awesome Infinity is. I cant get enough of this event.

About Me: Aaron Meyers loves reading comics, collecting comics and talking about comics. He’s grateful to share his love of comics with all of his friends on the Internet. From Twitter at @aaronmeyers, to his new podcast, Comics Therapy with Andrea Shockling, it’s all about the love of comics. He also loves his family, especially his wife, Chrissy Meyers. And while you were taking the time to read this, Aaron went and bought all the best issues from your store’s dollar bin. You lose, Aaron wins. #AllTheComics

Thanks as always for reading and sharing the most honored comics of the week with us. Same time next week, stay tuned!

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