
Happy Thursday, comic book fans! This week, Maura McHugh (@splinister) takes the hot seat for Ten Tweets! Maura writes Witchfinder for Dark Horse and Jennifer Wilde for Atomic Diner, you can see what she loves to read below!

#1 What is the first comic you remember reading?

Probably The Dandy or Mandy (British children’s comics available in Ireland). Later, I loved 2000AD, & especially Misty above all others.

#2 You can only pick two: all time favorite comic book characters?

Halo Jones created by Alan Moore & Ian Gibson. Judge Anderson Created by John Wagner and Brian Bolland.

#3 What is your favorite series arc, limited or mini-series of all time?

We3 by Grant Morrison and Frank Quitely, A perfect three-issue arc that’s not only beautiful but heart-wrenching to read.

#4 How do you read your comics? Print, digital, trades?

I’m a comics omnivore, so I take them in whatever form I can get them. I’m very fond of digital comics, but love print too.

#5 What is your favourite independent comic you feel everyone should be picking up?

Monstress by Marjorie Liu & Sana Takeda, Image Comics. Incredible fantasy world with a distinct horror vibe (magic & cannibalism) & ace art.

#6 You get to pick three: Favorite writers (current or of all time)?

Greg Rucka, Grant Morrison, Kelly Sue DeConnick.

#7 What is your favorite comic collector’s item?

I’m choosy about collectibles, as I only buy ones I truly want. Most recently I’m loving my old-school Doctor Strange toy bought in NY.

#8 As a reader do you tend to stick to a specific publisher, follow creative teams or follow characters?

I follow writers. A good story idea will attract me to a new team. But, the art must be good too, so artists are always integral to appeal.

#9 You get to pick three (again): Favorite artists?

Emma Ríos, Fiona Staples, Amanda Conner. Plus a shout-out to a trio of important predecessors: Winsor McCay, Nell Brinkley, Steve Ditko.

#10 What was the last comic you read before answering these questions?

The Legend of Wonder Woman, #9. Written & pencilled by Renae De Liz, inked & coloured by Ray Dillon. Loving this version of Wondy’s story.

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