
Look at that, Wow Cool and Alternative Comics are showing that there can be more than one type of comic shop! Very cool so check it out.

Official Press Release:

Santa Clara Valley has a new place to find books. The Wow Cool | Alternative Comics Bookstore and Newsstand — located at 21607B Stevens Creek Blvd. in the Monta Vista neighborhood of Cupertino — opened its doors to the public this winter. The store specializes in small press and self-published comic books, graphic novels, ‘zines and art books. The shop also stocks a selection of vinyl records and CDs by local labels and current issues of many magazines, including Maximum RockNRoll, Wax Poetics, Juxtapoz, Hi-Fructose, Kung Fu Tai Chi and foodie magazine Lucky Peach.

There is a wide range of comics that do not feature superheroes and their adventures as their main subject matter, and they cannot usually be found in the Silicon Valley’s many comic book shops and chain and independent bookstores. The subjects of the comics range from the silly to the serious to the outright stupid. They include small, badly copied manifestos scratched out in suburban basements and New York Times bestsellers, like Congressman John Lewis’s civil rights memoir March. The Wow Cool | Alternative Comics shop stocks as many of them as can fit on its shelves.

The store shares space with the offices of the two companies that give it their names: Wow Cool – a multiple media studio and mail-order house in operation since 1988, based in Cupertino since 2009; and, Alternative Comics – publisher of creator-owned comics and graphic novels since 1993 — relocated to Cupertino in 2012. Both companies are managed by Marc Arsenault, a book and advertising designer who has previously worked for the publishers Fantagraphics and Kitchen Sink and the Bay Area’s Comic Relief and Computer Currents.

Apart from the house imprint Alternative Comics, the store also stocks books from independent comics publishers Top Shelf Productions, Koyama Press, Ad House Books, PictureBox, Drawn & Quarterly, Last Gasp, Fantagraphics and several others. Wow Cool | Alternative Comics has the largest selection of self-published and micro publisher comic books in Silicon Valley; including hard to find books by the artists Michael DeForge, Kate Beaton, Gabrielle Bell, Brandon Graham, Brian Chippendale, Hellen Jo, Matt Furie and hundreds of others. There is also a large selection of zines and other books that don’t have quite so many pictures in them, including: Cometbus, Doris, Fluke, and King Cat. Dig a little deeper and you will find small press offerings from the likes of Neil Gaiman, Michel Gondry and Robert Crumb.

The store is open from noon until 6PM, every Tuesday through Saturday. It’s right off of the CA-85 Cupertino/Stevens Creek exit near the intersection with I-280, in the same parking lot as Silicon Valley landmark Paul & Eddie’s. The Wow Cool | Alternative Comics shop accepts cash, check, PayPal and all major credit cards.

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