CJ attended MCM Scotland at the weekend and had the opportunity to speak to the lovely girls from The Hillywood Show again. For those of you that don't know them, they create parody videos of some of your favourite shows including Sherlock, Supernatural, The Walking Dead, Vampire Diaries, Doctor Who and many more.
In the interview CJ discusses what new parodies they have made since her spoke to them in October 2015, sherlock set and why Hocus Pocus was made. Check out the interview in the video below and also some of their parodies.
You can subscribe and watch all of their parodies here: https://www.youtube.com/user/JckSparrow
You can support their future projects on patreon here: https://www.patreon.com/Hillywood
CJ - Senior Staff
CJ aka “CJ Sonic” is a senior staff member at Spoiler TV, co-hosts and edits the Spoiler TV Podcast, co-hosts Spoiler TV's web show "Spoiled" and loads of other things for the site. He has recently started going to cons and making videos for his site Two Geeky Guys, which involves interviews, parodies and cosplay music videos. So please check it out.
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