
Internet, get excited for the upcoming dark comedy television series The Grand Prince of Moscow. The show opens with a low level gangster getting in trouble with the mob and having to go on the run. He ends up laying low in Moscow, Idaho, where he becomes a drug and alcohol counselor at a corrupt treatment center. He learns here, through helping a group of dysfunctional, yet likable patients, that he is actually a decent guy.

Show creator Edward Reid and actor Sarah Spencer talk with us on the podcast at length about getting new projects off the ground, making your own opportunities, life as a background artist, and weird stories from LA as we share our mutual admiration of Art Bell and Coast to Coast radio. Follow them on Twitter and Facebook to keep up with the project.

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Good evening Internet. Viva Comcastro. Viva la Revolution. My name is Max Groves – I am introducing our interview with members of the cast of The Grand Prince of Moscow a new television pilot written and produced from Atlanta. Mr Edward Reid We also brought along his lead actress Sarah Spencer. This is a big conversation on going for it. Take an opportunity creating your own and dives into a weird side. We all happen to be big fans of Coast to Coast AM and alien encounters here. Others park estimates this is a lot of fun. There’s a little bit of editing to some things might seem a little out of place but hey it happens. Please enjoy welcoming us. Thank you thank you for having us. Absolutely. We’re talking with the Grand Prince of Moscow. Yeah. This is I’m so sorry it was Edward Edward Reid every And Sarah Spencer said So how’s it going. Oh it’s going great Actually today. Like I said I supposed to be a book at business rate is a big big big thing for us but I know it’s next week so next week Tuesday ten thirty I have an issue with scheduling apparently and I showed up and it didn’t happen but I just want to introduce my other guest is Sarah Spencer She’s the lead role. She plays mandolin in the in the series and it’s a it’s a dark comedy and a lot of it centers around my character who’s able he’s living in Los Angeles and he’s a second generation Russian drug dealer. He’s having an existential crisis and he doesn’t know what to do about his life. He’s depressed he’s a drug addict he’s an alcoholic. And one evening after a long party there’s something happens in the upstairs bedroom that’s going to spark him going on the run and he ends up in. Moscow now it’s not Moscow Russia it’s Moscow Idaho and he ends up going there he meets Madeline and things happen and he goes undercover and becomes a drug and alcohol counselor and this is where a lot of that like character development happens but the thing I want to kind of get into about the show it’s a lot of people mention like Californication I don’t know if you’ve ever seen it that is a very fun show. I think it’s pushed more through what you know that it is through plot but it’s still that’s what I was. Yeah that I’m trying to get because the thing about Abel is he’s has like a conscience he doesn’t just go out and bang when and that’s the end of it. He’s he’s he’s he’s a nice guy but he doesn’t like the women in Los Angeles tonight. Nice Girl and are we are remote. Yeah and a fantastic actress. But there’s a lot of like character development with the addicts and alcoholics and what I what I wear one of the reasons I started writing this was because one of one reason it was I was an extra on T.V. shows and movies and I don’t want to be an extra anymore. It kind of gets you out of it you have to right to create your opportunity here. Oh man is sitting sixteen hours in a hot tent. It’s not fun to be a blur. Not putting extra stone or anything. Well I mean do you at least get like a cookie for showing up for. No it’s usually on like it’s you know like they have a bowl of dear readers and some water. OK And we got we got to play as an actor one time I got to play Sonic the Hedgehog but not the good one is the first one for like the saga like before the Genesis apparently there was another shitty son it was your acting that that that was my acting No I’m just saying like between takes like whenever we have some down time where planned some shitty Sonic the Hedgehog game let’s go. Yeah when I was that I was it was it was our ballet I got to be. When the angry video game or movie and it was a lot of fun it was it felt like a marching band because like basically like you had it all spot and then there’s a take if you want to hear that maybe make a funny face or something and then you you know cut reset do the same thing over again and I was flashback to high school. Right right. That’s that’s that’s that’s basically what you do and it’s you know back and forth back and forth and I guess some people aspire to do this because you meet five year veterans of being background you know actor’s art or background artist cycle of course you know to be perfecting the craft of it is a craft finding your own exposure but you might become a featured background artist for a core you get paid the same but you have a different label. You know it’s sounds like kind of being a gallery statue but in motion when the most high falutin way of describing an extra Yeah I think that I think I don’t think a lot of people there is there is a whole culture to that and I don’t want to get too much into it because I’m probably going to get into a lot of trouble here but will there come to you now right now. Yes I Do I get I get a Facebook message all the time about people wanting to be actors and that’s really I’m really grateful for that because of the show that people are want to be a part of the show but what they would actually do is you would have people call you on these casting companies not call you and they say we have an amazing position for you. You’re going to be featured extra and in it you know it’s a great opportunity for you and it’s sixty four dollars for the for the day. If you have a union to be featured to do that that’s a skit or maybe and that might even be I like the basis for a whole movie like the extra who takes himself way too seriously like our luck talk is a blur. No you have you have those on set you know have that was stopped. I’m sorry. Follows director director you know you don’t talk you have to very serious ones. Everyone has a like Method background yet staying seen but not heard constantly for life itself. Yeah it sounds like that seems like insecurity like that like if you’re having to take yourself that seriously. Maybe you’re not thinking everyone else takes you too seriously like I think what happens is everyone on set thinks that someone’s going to see them and then you know they’re going to get discovered being an extra out of it. That’s not the case but I mean I think the I think being an extra is good for people. They’ve never done anything just to see what it’s like to be on set I don’t think you’ll realize how long the days are and how many takes you know each scene you know I just think it gives people a good idea because they’ve seen like you know some kids go on set and they come back and like I’m never going to be an actor. You know after being there all day and then you have people who fall in love with it but you know it’s a great opportunity to see how film works and how you know the camera works and how the director works because you’re right there and you get to see everything but I think it’s also a chance to say I want to do more. Point yes he’s made he’s six months into it. Well that’s where you are right now right. Yeah yeah and he said I can’t do this forever and I of all people I know Sylvester Stallone wrote Rocky you know he was a he was a background artist and he said you know the hell with this I got to write my own story and you know what he did he said I got to play Rocky So I mean I love the craft of acting it’s not because I want to be out there and ever reach face everywhere. But I love to act so I put myself as a whole but I was one of the main character that you know you do it. That’s that’s the story we hear so frequently in a day and it’s beautiful every time we hear it. It is you don’t ask for anyone’s permission. You just went out there and you did it. So you wrote it. You’re putting it all together it’s a massive undertaking. We want to hear about all that but just that moment you have when you’re when you just say I’m done with this. Like that’s that’s a beautiful thing that’s like that’s a very that’s a start up entrepreneurial like awesome spirit. Thank you thank you. And he’s got a good he’s got a good story I think I think what drew me to it was I just happen to be going through some of the the breakdowns in casting and just read over what you had written about the show and I just really liked the premise of the show and the characters and I selected I has a sort every you know I’m sure that redemption at the end of it where a lot of shows are just sort of like you say T.N.A. and that’s basically what it is for I mean this is a dark comedy there’s a lot of you know ups and downs twists and turns. It’s funny but I think a lot of people can relate to the show because I mean I think we know. I mean addiction is a huge problem not just in you know sort of this world but and everyone’s life. So I think we all know people who have struggled with addiction through it kind of gives you that good story line but also all the funny people you meet along the way whether it’s in a air and or just on the streets all the characters are sort of come into your life when the journey is kind of the funny parts of the show. Thanks you guys have experience with counseling or addiction or just very personal story here in my life I’ve known and I’ve been around addiction and I know how it affects people and I don’t know if it’s a miserable state and I’ve really put that into Abel’s character with his depression and you know I really couldn’t get away from the addiction and I know you and I know so many people have struggled with addiction and how terrifying and horrible it is. What I want to bring some you know light to it and if there’s a way to put it out there for people to see because I think everyone either knows an addict or has been around addiction and that people there’s like a light at the end of the town and you can’t get out of it or some way out of it then it can be funny too. Yeah addicts do funny things to all of us they also need help at the end sort of just being the funny guy right. You know Chuck Palahniuk book where he goes to pick up girls at the Sex Addicts Anonymous Yeah I think I spend you know she asked him what his name was and he says relapse and you do the same thing where he would pretend to be choking so we could feel like he save someone’s life. Oh my God that’s why. Yeah well do you think are under-represented in media like this going to look at personal darkness and this opportunity to kind of like see a growth out of it or I think so very much. I mean again look at like Californication. I think she’s drinks and you know drugs but there’s whatever to it and I think it’s almost kind of glamorized and people who are dropping dead of heroin addiction and pill addiction and anyone I know in Alpharetta there’s talk about housewives who are addicted to heroin addiction and the ambulances are going to revive these people and cars are now get this stuff to revive people are just dropping dead of heroin no big deal I don’t want to know for I don’t like you get a higher grade addiction than like heroin. No because it’s easier to make heroin and cocaine. I mean you get past the pills and you’re like What the hell just go straight to hell. Because what the pills on up like ten bucks a pop you run out of cash and so I guess after volume I mean I mean you know it’s a after value like how many more to write you know yeah yeah you got it you know the best one at the end right. OK not just I was going to save you the most McMansion So it’s like everything’s just moving you know the Seems like a rational practical choice right right. We’re going to take care. Or the business we’re going to get our own personal needs and we’re going to cut expenses and just ride that wave back through. That’s actually my strategy is and I’m not entirely I’m not joking about this at all this this is my strategy for life. I’m a future addict. When I’m in hospice I will have by that point in time hopefully accumulated a solid amount like like a good amount of heroin because they say that’s the highest I have so so when your lifestyle is going to get out that way I don’t have to do it now. Yeah they are assuming I’m in hospice and I have the ability to sit there and die in one of those God percent consistently like an often morphine drip or something just kind of puts you yeah before we go to hospital X. get all the documents unlike me I’m a boy I’m a doctor it will be cool with it. They’ll sneak it in and you know just aim at the syringe will be good that’s why we said to my brother I’m like I hope to god if I’m in one of those facilities I have dementia and I’m crazy and I have no idea what’s going on because if you actually knew what was going on it would be really depressing. So they’re actually not that bad. I do a lot of work I do like a statement of people so I walk in there and I have to help them out there. I’ve seen the super nice ones and I’ve seen the not so nice ones and I have it between those who have never seen anyone where I’m like God they liked it’s they’re better it’s the problem with it is that it’s a lot of old people who are kind of crazy all about to die. So it’s not so much the facility itself it’s the environment you’re walking in to me like I just think having my diapers changed and stuff like that I kind of wish I was out of it like you know you make the final sort of statement against the world economy and yet your diapers that are saying I won’t be this humiliated I’ll leave a freaking mark in this world right even if they have to change my courses diapers after we asked how long he has been hustling as actors. Well I actually started acting when I was about six or seven doing commercials. Did like Cabbage Patch Kids and when my person Savings and Loan banks and then I got out of it and then got back into theatre in high school and I don’t know I actually thought Hollywood was like a fairy tale world away you know scary thing on T.V. but it’s like I’m never going to do that and then lo and behold I ended up going back into an acting class and I got on a small T.V. show here in Atlanta and then I moved out to L.A. for a while and the very first thing I did was I got cast in Dodgeball with Ben Stiller I was a dancer and that’s how I got my SAG card and then I worked and you know went to different projects there also did sketch comedy off of Sunset Boulevard for a while and upright citizens. No No sitcoms blow OK. And I think it’s called the straight jacket society now. But at the time the sitcoms blow and then I actually was going to get out of the whole thing back to Atlanta about three and a half years ago and I thought maybe I’ll just get an agent to sue some commercials I had no idea that the film and T.V. industry was so big here and it’s kind of exploded at the same time I moved here so I got a good agent and can escape and can escape it I know right. So yeah I’ve been doing it for a while. Yeah but I love my character and we’re actually really excited to be shooting this pilot I think we’re going to be wrapping it up at the end of June. Yeah so to it we have that new scene that we released. So yeah this do have a lot of material why it look like there was like the episode but it was like several different pieces together. Yeah with Madeline it was kind of releasing it with right now at the cliffhanger and throwing the rest of it. So yeah Mike. Doctors at the very end. So I played the voice of reason. Yes in the show. So what’s it cost to shoot a pilot. Well it varies. You can spend a lot of money and if you’re lucky and you know sort of the right crew people and the right actors and they believe in the project a lot of people work for no pay or deferred pay a lot of times it’s deferred it gets picked up that kind of thing but it is a SAG project So yeah people are kind of working on that premise to actors knowing that it’s SAG project you know they want to get their card but also most of the widescale all of the crew and they’ve been doing this for free. If you love a project or believe in a project people will do that and if they have an idea or they strongly believe that this is going to get picked up though they’ll do this or if there’s like favors owed to a director or there’s certain things along the way these things just come together and work you know that bit of blackmail again and somebody is going yeah yeah that’s how I heard about you in the one place we won’t talk any further. I don’t know about I want to tell your wife or your wife or your boyfriend it’s right to go and so you’ve got to work on the grab prince of Moscow. So we’re going to get you some of that. I don’t know potato vodka you know just lots of threats and this I think you know that’s the hostle Cara mystic right. Yeah I mean even driving here we saw a yellow sign for those yellow signs everywhere there was something nearby some of the filming. It’s just like grandpa. They’re still filming that I think so I think grandpa a good part dirty grandpa. Yeah. A small car in there. Is that like there’s no way to get a sack Efron and Robert De Niro playing dirty grandpa. I did background enough funeral. There they filmed. OK Ben Affleck Anna Kendrick won in this building so I’m allowed to leave the garage to certain hours now and some which can work and go to work from home so I feel like the right kind of deal with it. It’s been awful but yeah they’re all haters. OK so you guys are in production of the pilot. Yes yes but you also still have to go to camp and we have we have an indigo campaign right now it’s just said W W W dot the Grand Prince of Moscow our running that still it I think it ends like in five days or so. OK what we’re doing with this bucket business we’re looking for investors to go to get involved. Like I said we’re done so with this Indie gogo hopefully we’ll get some more funding to get you know get people involved in that I don’t think we push it as hard as we should’ve. Maybe I should’ve been more involved but it was also so involved with getting the pilot ready getting production ready. I still run the Facebook site I actually have an assistant now earlier you said this was a side project. Yeah what does that mean and how would you be a credit to get to there. My co-producer submitted this for a side project because it’s considered knowledge a project you could probably explain more since you are still new as it falls under a SAG new media project but I think because some of the people that were interested in actually working on I think originally was come on one union project but some of the people that were working or wanted to work on the project were sag so we were some like seven everyone’s in the club. It’s kind of like a year. Yeah I mean I don’t know it’s it’s actually. Harder here because George has a right to work state. So you know you can be non-union keep working in Sag projects and it kind of stinks for someone like me who is sag and I see all these non-union projects history scabs if never and then I’m like tag on I mean commercials and all kinds of think so yeah it makes it harder here. But there was a lot of work I know the co-producer put into filing the paperwork there’s all sorts of see things that I don’t even I say like the Taft Hartley actor. Yeah that apparently I don’t know if he had attacked Hartley people that very AFTER I don’t know President Taft finest was up there with your hardware’s and I do know that Taft was also Supreme Court justice. You know you know that because of law school I did it right. I do. Everyone’s very proud of him he’s the only one who ever did that he might of the legislator at some point you know I guess there’s just like taking a tour of the government. What if you guys are prepared for the business. Reduce my co-producer prepared more than worker. He’s more the business today. That’s Kevin Kevin is quite a talker. Yes Yeah he would talk the whole time. He’s one of those. I don’t think you’d get a word in. You don’t think worked I don’t think they’d get a word in. No no I think with these sir in the projects and you know shooting these like pilots I mean we really need someone this got a good business sense not necessarily anybody in the industry but someone sort of that entrepreneurial spirit in truth like if you’re going to follow your dreams like this you need support right. Yeah. You have to have the team you have to have the people who are to be focused. Hell even though you were saying you have to listen to the dream I was upset he said. It’s always nice to have an eighteen with the idea of the new. No way around it right. Yeah right. We have I have another guy that I just bring it on to and if anybody is interested in that I can give you his number that you can talk to him and he could talk the money aspect of it. That’s really good I could say he’s our financial guy so. But being in a more than a creator writer actor so this is from like a new level stress like oh my god yes says no to you from before. Absolutely. He smoking more I smoke cigarettes. I have chronic bronchitis I gotta go in tomorrow. It’s come back again I think I think it’s going to be very frank about the whole situation I’d like. Yeah I think the stress from this my stress level has gone really far because there’s so much to take care of and I feel that you know there’s a you have a burden on you that you want this to succeed and you have a lot of people that you’re looking out for to take care of too. So the team tell the people everyone put everything behind it. Yeah yeah you you’ve created this so you want to make sure that this works out. And so you know keep digging keep you up at night. Personally right now since we started the show I’ve been gaining weight. I heard during filming of Apocalypse Now Coke lost fifty pounds over here. Through it freaking out and Marlon Brando was supposed to have lost fifty pounds but came to hundred before Richard Hatch. Well just to everyone and stand and read the book so what do you have so much on your mind there’s so many different topics and is failing on your mind that you think about this this this this this is constantly going on in your head and you have to write down. I mean I’m right on this list of things before I go to bed or I can’t get it off my head and still you go to bed and you’re still thinking. And for that like three hours. Oh gosh this is the next thing you gotta do and right now we’re not getting to work. I would love to generate some money for this. So this is a this is a burden of love and passion for me at this time. And so that’s another thing that generated a lot of followers. That’s for sure. Like twenty two thousand twenty five thousand followers and twenty thousand Twitter people really love this to get people writing I’d have thought you were actual royalty. How I might have thought you were actual royalty Grant and exactly how actual Ivan the Terrible. They’re like this is this is really upsetting. But I get I and it’s really nice that people write me and tell me how much they enjoy the show and and all this but it’s at this point when I generate generating income that I would like to get. So I you know I do other things I am an antiques I broker a Teague’s I do some back back back over to East. Sometimes I have an agent now so I go out for auditions. There’s a way that you have to you know kind of survive it as well as doing this but this is you know a full time job for me. Holding this together and you know it’s got to just keep staying motivated and pushing struggling artist in the struggle. We could turn into an upset of Antiques Roadshow if you like you know we could find the items broker or prayers. I don’t think. Yeah a lot of it. Yeah when you think I sort of corner of an air replica mid two thousand and fifteen say probably worth about forty dollars retail sixty five put it up on e-bay. So what’s the next big step for you guys. I was going to go to shoes. Yeah. Sale I guess finishing this than G.M. and I just kept on working on another project called the voyeur to fill new are. They work with some good people on that. Mark Simon was our D.P. The Village day off and spent a lot of work so I was really fun project to work on that hopefully just get this wrapped in June and then you know kind of get it out everywhere and see what the feedback is and hopefully somebody will jump on board and like it. I think you’re really talking about Netflix would be the ideal situation. We have it up on Amazon right now so it was on have a peculiar means of selecting the original programming. Yeah they they go through like an evaluation mode right. So we have it up right now and then just a piece from it. Yeah just a piece from an app the whole pilot not the whole thing but you can also do that you just put up a piece they look at it if they’re interested contact you and there’s they pay a certain rate and whatever they kind of take it from you. So which I would want to take you from just to take my part. So much fun of her is that the following that you can create for yourself professional here for the project itself is what’s driving an interest in the spoon promotion. You have to I mean you know being an actor you’re just sitting around really waiting and it seems like a lot of times you know I think they say you have like ten percent control over your career and then you’re sitting around waiting for your agent casting director summoned to say yes you you know you can’t say Oh it’s it’s going to create your own your own projects so far in my picture so it’s not work on and I think I saw all that especially being in background. You see people who think that they’re going to come on and there’s going to be the director and to say you are saying you’re the next Still the next whatever doesn’t happen in my experience. There’s not. It just doesn’t happen. And there’s a stream of. Well if they think they’re going to get called out or something. It’s not the dream doesn’t work like that you have to work and it takes action. Instead a lot of action. You always need background actors. So you know they’re always needed. It’s true but you know that actually sounds like a money Python sketch. What acting school for background actors because you could set that up and you could have like a school work and take their message say like OK OK Walk walk now you know you’re walking wrong come back come back walk again no no you’re walking wrong. Listen to me you have to be calm. Walking is not in me and walking walking walking. Yes right. Think Socrates think the form of walking or has that because you are spirit. Yes and do OK. Don’t look at the camera OK. Do not look at the camera. No No Just remember right you were not a man. Yes what you say you know the force of nature when there’s a new back on ours. So your say first thing you do look at the camera look at the camera so you’re just staring at it. Never contact. Always look directly into the camera. Make sure they make sure the audience locks with you and then there’s the art of pantomime. You know now you’re pantomiming wrong do it again do it again. Listen the proposition enters. They’re expensive but you can get as many as you as we were just piled but don’t hit the spoon against a fork it makes a noise. You know fake watches are expensive but human body is just pile act in the art of acting dead. Yes he did. I think we got a new. Now I can actually start making some money if you go and we’re going to open up the Atlanta acting school of background back on artistry and statics background. The Academy of background artistry hysterics give out awards for the best background acting. Personally I know they actually have it in Atlanta. What awards for background owners. Like seriously golden trophy was the giant pile of bullshit on top of it. That’s not in there it’s not as is in that it is like two hundred of my friends are back on our own there right now there are going to be like this guy is an absolute Dick what I’m going to say is this I’m going to say I’m very sorry to all the back on ARS I’m not meaning is as any harm it’s just me as in light of fun because I LOL I still go on set as a back on ARS so don’t hate me. Basically where they called artist the artist because it makes him feel better. OK you know if they get upset if there’s a sign just like the kind of say make them change to make they have separate lines to you know they have separate lines for lunch like the crew goes on line get back on our spirit and much like the camera you can’t look at the crew directly you know you can’t they have separate tents you’re not allowed to go to the crew crafty that means you’re not allowed to go get coffee like it’s really a separation like peasants in King doesn’t fix a wellness plan a back when we had two water fountains for types of people. That’s exactly right and they’ll be like actions do not touch this and I think what happens to it should become so demeaning. I’m sorry I’m going off on that not this is interesting. Please. What happens to these actors these background artists is they become so demeaned that they believe that they’re this low after a while and they won’t even like look people in the eyes onset so that’s burning small parts to small people. Exactly right and I’m a small person and I fall in line and behave this way and it becomes really a bad situation. It’s not at all I mean I get what you’re saying that’s not all that Jack Nicholson was saying actually the exact opposite of that. Yes someone was given him shit for taking a small part in either Terms of Endearment or some other like Major chick flick from the eighty’s and he played an astronaut for like five or ten minutes of the movie. And so you know some of the other it’s kind of a small part for Jack Nicholson right he’s like there are no small parts just small actors basically saying fuck you will do whatever I want. That’s like saying Alec Baldwin Why did you go in Brooklyn Ross. You’re only on for two minutes right. Yes Yeah yeah yeah. Did you not see Beetlejuice. Yes Thank you. Why do you know I just remind you when you get to where you want to be to treat all people the same yet you just never know I think there’s a good story I could be wrong about this but I think there’s a good story about who’s actually played Superman Criswell which one now did the research over the last one. Most recent one or the one before him the way I would have or the guy before him Brandon Routh Ben Stiller they’re talking the talk of a kind of a Superman like scholar the one with the Amy Adams lives in it. OK so that’s I believe Amy Adams is the most recent one that’s Henry Cavill. OK if I have the story correct which you might want to fact check this but I believe we’re not real journalism school for entertainment purposes only did make it up and part of it I think when he was a little boy he was actually an extra on a Russell Crowe movie and for some reason Russell Crowe and him ended up bonding or he ended up saying you know hey I’m big fan something and stayed in touch with and I think Russell Crowe sent him some kind of book or something just inspired him and then you know here he is like never knowing that this kid was going to end up being an actor and then ends up playing his son and then they’ll say oh another Superman factoid. Brandon Routh the previous Superman yet in this was so large that they actually had to C.G.I. it out you know. True fact true fact is not true about Jon Hamm I actually heard that actually. Well they oh yes he’s got a dog that’s really that’s really terrible kids and every shot of him walking with his genes so he’s there to tailor thirdly for he thought back to normal like like freakishly large penis like it’s noticeable. Who are you talking about Don Draper Mad Mad Mad Men that he was here last night for the hawks game. I was about to say yes you know Castle Yeah I do know that some and sandwich I was kicked off a movie as a background artist. OK there is this costume ladies and can I say can’t I just so you can say See you next Tuesday. She called these two girls I was with she called them lol She said column background comments she said because one of the girls picked up a prop and she goes Don’t ever do that again the background colors and I said excuse me don’t say that to us. We’re not you know we’re people. And she she said fuck you and I said Don’t say it to us. Don’t ever talk to us again so we got a verbal assault. Arguing you know back and forth back and forth. If I am standing there filing you know how you want to say fuck you back really bad and it’s on the tip you’re telling. I finally said fuck you and the P.A. came back and of course every I was allowed to say anything everyone talk to this lady and she said that I was probably assaulting her and calling her names. So they came and took me. They got security and took me and and all the background people are saying no no he didn’t do anything no he didn’t do anything and I tried to explain the situation what happened. They took me and they escorted me off said what everyone was standing in front of a car seat and escorted me by security offset took me to a van drove me to the place where we were and I had to drive home. Nice night and I was calling her. I was repeating that I was in a pro. Little consequence that was a little and then I tried to write the casting company to write them a letter exactly what happened that evening they never responded and they never responded again and then I wanted to let the production company know and there’s no way to access production companies. So I had my friend so I had him drop letters around the whole set that I made and never heard anything of course but I you know there’s no way to ever get back at that situation. I think they probably think they cut the whole scene like cut cut cut and then they escorted me there was like what happened when of course and well just get yourself a reputation as the bad boy with back around I was the bad boy bagger. Yeah the grandparents the grand print background and now the Grand Prince is taking center stage with you guys. Have you guys ever seen coast to coast and tell us what is it. Do we know what’s really crazy and so I think it airs at like one in the morning. So sometimes when I can’t sleep I’m like oh let me hear you here with the reptilian. Depression is like crack for me. I can’t I can’t get it done. You’re like oh yeah I know I know I heard my great people the Vril society. Oh yeah yeah. At Planet Xenu that’s a that’s one of those come and yeah it’s going to crash right into Earth them and then they then they animated it one time is two apples because like that’s when they start I mean if you give the stuff in your car I mean sometimes I’ll listen to things you know listen old tapes sound like I mused You know that’s really bad I was riding around the around lance corporals coast to coast there are spelled does it perfectly that he plays the straight man every time. So he never like actually there is forever anyways right he doesn’t say that he believes it’s like a ghost or anything he’s just like so to me more about that. And then they go off and like they’ll tell you about that and several other times that how this conspiracy. Well you know it’s crazy is so I see huge X. Files fans say you know X. thousands coming back six episodes in a choir. OK Anyway so I went back and I’ve been watching on Netflix like Season eight and I’m like sure that they were right. They freak you know I mean they were talking about you know the N.S.A. knowing everything about you hybrid human super soldiers you remember I mean I’m saying they’re going Chris Carter now. Yes Do you have that spin off show the lone gunman for the hacker group that I don’t know and I didn’t see that there was a spin off show they only had like a few episodes it was canceled shortly after they aired want to sort of where an AI pilot took control of a commercial airliner and flew it into the World Trade Center and this was no. Yeah yeah he’s like is a premonition I love I mean but The X. Files did it right. Actually almost spooky paranormal shit and respect it you don’t see many people do that Stephen King respects it. Neil gave in respect that made the list a short of people who can do not just horror but weird fiction in general. Yet so few out there actually you know who probably the first one that really comes to mind and T.V. who did it well was twilight zone and what was the name sorrow. Something along those lines that kicks ass. Here’s the thing about two hours on is excellent. Well Outer Limits was around the same time they’re obviously competitors. I can’t watch many Outer Limits episodes. They don’t age well but twilight zone more often than not right surely. Yeah Rod Serling Thank you. They are they fuck you up so what do you think they’re trying to tell us. Mate don’t you think it’s kind of strange how he wants to do six episodes is it just to get a new audience or do you think they’re that he’s seen something new on the inside of it and I was trying to get the message out. But he can only express the truth inside of the X. files for max when I think he’s protected by looking like fiction. That’s my dream jobs to be scholarly that your dream dream job comes actually on the Nerdist not too long ago. Yeah I guess now she’s Hannibal Lector is therapist issues go on it when I was real live like I wasn’t or she has she they do cardio I pretty like close together like my girlfriends and apparently he’s like an awesome guy. She taught him through sex addiction. He that’s a real thing to talk about it she’s like yeah I’m sure she’s bang him several times and then there’s David again scan again and on the way him if you’ll ever have anybody on from those type of shows bring me back. Well actually there are some there are a few good pockets out there that talk about this story best as mysterious universe you know it’s a new when you’re talking about there. I mean they do it well again they play it straight where they’re like you’re some weird news and here are some guests that we have in some of the times you can tell they’re like human fairies and like sometimes sometimes the guest is is just a scent was they were a witness for a very large like let’s just say U.F.O. event and they’ll give you like a firsthand account of something it’s like Dan that’s And yeah it’s interesting. IT’S CALLED OUT THERE radio interview with Alan Moore and was prepared that that was pretty good. That was that was pretty good. Alan Moore who speaks in an eight hundred word essay as yet. Jesus Christ how I need our history ancient alien is our cell you actually as you go on the History Channel. Yeah. Art Bell is the main host he’s like that he’s the boob of weirdo who should start weirdos like that and that you know I like in Shellie’s Actually it was me. I don’t often act as if this we were down in the Statesboro and our producer on the show. She’s the wife of one of our friends so our friend is like he’s up in the same shit we are so I don’t. Just one day of I think four or five us sit around and we watched a marathon you know it’s because we’re all really hung over form of what you do want to grill out and watch you drink beer intimately and sets the right order to because do not forked out order or bad things going to happen. But yeah we were all hung over we watched like six of them in a row and I just I mean I just it’s so ridiculous but yet we do anyway. Fascinating look you guys have close encounters of aliens and ghosts I’m not. Well yeah I have. Well I had one and I can even again describe be so weird if I tried to describe it. Maybe off right that it will make it look good. Well OK so I was living in a house in Los Angeles and I went out to this party. I lived with about four or five other actors and we went out to this party and there’s a strange guy there and says sorry when I got all introduced all these things but yet it British accent was really tall yet really like ice blue eyes. But he died his hair like jet black. Anyway I don’t know why we were all drawn to him it was the strangest thing. But we were we were all drawn to him we went over talked him out of this conversation and then the next thing I know he’s having these conversations about he can literally like quote parts of the Bible and I’m like OK and he starts to tell me about the Nephilim in the book of Genesis and I’m going to suffer who the fuck are you talking because I know right so is this such and such a strange thing anyway and I’m just like you know I grew you know I grew up in church but I. I’ve never heard of any I was like What are you talking about angels mated with human beings in this kind of thing and so he starts going on and on and on and he was all into he actually ran a music studio in L.A. where a lot of very famous bands would wire of angels to shape. And yeah he actually said he had Bible studies there but I’m not sure they were really into Jesus. I don’t know he was really strange to a lot of weird things happened around that time to me and my friends. That really freaked us out. We had someone show up at our door one night it was like three or four in the morning and literally one of them anyway. This girl shows up at this back door in this white dress no shoes on and none of us could see her eyes like she had like hollowed out spaces where her eyes were and she was looking for somebody and we were like Who the hell is this person showing up and is the strangest thing and she just walked away. It was all color around that time where we met this guy in and then he had a weird website that you had to put like his password in and he had this magic castle thing that you went through around it. Now those about the strangers but that’s how I got into it is still the whole Nephilim concept before or after you’re a fan of Coast to Coast AM NOW Then I became a fan of ghost. Yeah so tell us more about it so it sort of came to your door who did not have eyes. We none of us could see her eyes it was the strangest thing it was like I describe it like that where you’re standing where was she. This is insightful because it’s like the no I would go home and enjoy searching for another and I’m going to make sure we do. Yes she just she had blonde hair in a white dress no shoes on and her eyes were like it was just like they were black there was just nothing there and I couldn’t tell because I was standing there was like a bedroom in a laundry room and there’s two windows out this back door. And so we were all kind of huddled around the door like hell is this what is this is a strange and none of us could see her eyes and I don’t know if it was the way the light was reflecting down on her face. I don’t know it was very strange but why she walked to our door snow shoes on and then just walked away. Well it was really weird but you know she could have been on here with a lot of a horseman from Alpharetta. Yes true. Yeah yeah. So I met some strange characters after G.L.A. I saw in one of your clips you’d written in like a Heaven’s Gate character Prospero on the help of comet. Yeah. Matt actually discovered that their Web site is still alive. Oh yeah really. Someone we sent them an email. Someone is answering their emails smuggles impact they haven’t answered our emails is a rumor on the Internet is that someone somewhere is still answering the how the hell Bob Heaven’s gate you hail. So immediately I white will get fucked. Yeah I get on the show I want the head of the one survivor of Heaven’s Gate like the untold story to be just like Jones to know whether adman is the one survivor because it was the ninety’s you know no evil or someone had made it so very disparate I would have usually depressed about it too late he knows he’ll never be able to go to the undiscovered country and the like only Only what you want to know the scene goes to what you want to sway the honest father is the only one variable way. Yeah but you know I mean I tell you that all the time like people are you know because I grew up in the church and I you know I would say you know I’m a follower of Jesus but. But I mean I don’t necessarily say I’m a Christian because I mean I you know you think about anything that I think the first place Jesus would be is right in the middle of you know all the stuff we don’t like and I think they’ll be the first people he was taught he would be talking to you and it’s all about love I just think that message is love. You know I think the church and I think this goes back to Rome you know where they wanted to make it a theocracy and really rule over the people with their religion and I think they really screwed that up and I think that’s a way you know Christianity and in a lot of religions are where it’s just so the law the law and judgmental and it’s not the message of love and just acceptance and that Jesus would have been with the lepers in the process. Absolutely. You actually nailed it though historically speaking Constantine made the conversion was that you either go either way with the story now either because he had a total conversion of the heart on this that or because there was a large groundswell of this new coal sweeping across the continent that didn’t really work at the same shift skirmish a really great description of the difference between a cult and religion and what he said it was like the only difference is like a hundred years and million followers My father was a little simplistic. My problem with with cult versus religion is what a cult calls you away from your social situations and generally speaking well basically siphon money Comcast for a cult. You know when you listen we don’t we don’t have enough followers to call them terrible brainwashed right I mean like this brainwash. Well I believe that I believe that everything is brainwash. I mean like that the concept of brainwashing and it is also propaganda which is also marketing. Like I’m sorry like it was me. Yeah Disney you know do it. I mean why. Like any message you hear is that’s trying to get something passed you other than just like the weather. Yeah that’s that’s someone trying to put a message in there is the singer messages we call brainwashing. But what was you saying things backwards it’s a small world after all. That was a lie. I mean think about it like the children’s verses you know that we read as a child I mean rather dub dub three men in a tub. I mean why Mom why we read that to me when I was five. It’s pretty adult literature right there that you think were planning new questions about her like twenty years and candlestick makers like really should they be making candlesticks in that yet together friend. That’s pretty deep. Yes actually we want to tell us what’s really cool is just how iceberg Grimm’s fairy tales are metal and I mean Mike and I was it red riding hood in the original version she gets eight and then the hunter has to go cut her out of the giant wolf that’s pretty hardcore for the kids or hats. Yeah there’s Hansel and Gretel. They they play so much into an other and yeah and then Baker do the eater that’s Oh I don’t know they don’t eat her she was going to eat them which as a child I was found to be one of the scariest things that be a very terrible way to go for her to suffer ironic consequences being consumed by that which you have to take children you know the children eat her. I was just kind of assume that the children through are and they said well it fucking well you know all those the books. OK we’re done. Iceland sets an active volcano. So like constantly the infrastructure is collapsing you know because like the river gets a new path because of lava and whatnot. So going there you get a sense of a very cruel world around you. So Viking lore in all of this like religion of death and destruction makes a lot more sense there compared to like planes are unchanging forever like southern Georgia farmland cry thing right right right. And so just that hostile sort of background you get stories that. I guess deliver you from that as well you’re in the middle of it in a box somewhere with drug addiction and depression and trying to make your own way in the world despite not liking your position that stories can convey you know relief from the stress is that we might have been show us the way and I don’t disagree and find humor in everything. Yeah OK even religion to find the humor in it and in alien abductions and one in eight angels and Letty chattering and what are they called again. Nephilim Nephilim Nephilim. I’m going to pull one of those in the Grand Prince of Moscow and heroine but actually that would be really funny. That’s actually really funny. Heroin addict is one a danger this is good. We’re going to have more writing sessions just power over the get out of the room in an eye level and a heroin addict and a heroin Nephilim you’re running good ideas. Welcome to Comcast or we room to room to destroy lives. I mean Guy Yeah thank you for having it. Yes Yes Thank you very much. So I you know I just want to say I hope everybody tunes into the show and watches it as much. Yeah I think we have a great opportunity here and I think with all these followers and all these lights and everybody tuning in we have an opportunity to get picked up by a network for sure and the dark humor and and again the redemption or recovery that’s involved it’s quite different from what we have on normal T.V. So there’s actually a purpose to the show if you want to say thank you thank you it was beautiful and stay away from the Nephilim you know Nephilim no heroin and meth for heroin. You can’t tell me what to do. Am I mean you ancient hands is coming on. Then after that anyone can thank you so much for listening to Comcastro podcast. If you enjoyed this podcast, please subscribe. Rate and review the podcast on iTunes, stitcher or wherever else you listen to podcasts. Hello to all of them. It really means the world to us. Bieber to you internet. Leave it to you all.

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