
In this episode of the Comcastro podcast, we spend an hour chatting with the zany, irreverent, skeptical, obscene, and bombastic Tortuga Twins performing their stage show as a part of the Georgia Renaissance Festival. This hour discusses easily offended audiences, the conflict of personas, having pornstar fans, and getting the inside scoop on Game of Thrones current events in Westeros.

We are giving away tickets to the Georgia Renaissance Festival: Please visit http://facebook.com/comcastroshow to enter to win.

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Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh. There are a lot of a lot of we do know it is confidence and character there are things that that my character Scaramouche can do and be and get away with it me simple little Ron Bauman could never pull off but that guy hit a lot bullet proof. Yes I was constantly astounded that I’m not punched out every day. We should. OK let’s do it or I can do you think we can pull up a psychic readings I think so I guess right. Greeting you’re all off a day since a law the county’s drug sweeps you know welcome and how do you see this is D’Angelo and this is going to move and we are going to enjoy. Now normally there are three Thor two between Rafael Rafael is taking care of matters of state. Rafael is saving a baby from being crushed by a train. Yes wild wild wild. Rescuing a cat from a tree while putting out a fire with his great breath. Then get your crown fixed OK he’s getting is the key but there’s no no no I am proud it’s a crow yes easy because he’s a pretty pretty princess he is so we are three touring emissaries from Sardinia Sardinia you from Sardinia I miss my geography lesson you know Italy is a shaped like a boot scene is a little country they scraped off the bottom of our countries are so small that we cannot even afford our own language just these cheesy accents you know how even the in the Americas you have you have the elite fighting force the Marines. Ours is much smaller they’re called the sardines they really packed them in Uncanny God I swear to god they’re good jokes in the show too and you are appearing for six more we can get George a renaissance as well we assume six more. But we don’t want to impose upon you to release this thing of a some sort of time constraint you know don’t worry about we don’t need to sleep and good. So six more weekends of the weekends only and a Memorial Day and the horror movie Georgia we can find that somewhere I think I understand you guys have the well there will be women here the blue that here. Oh yeah except that’s actually rock candy. So practically right under some damn you Merle. All right so here and we do my show today we do it we do more for scheduled shows here three different stories that we are contemplating bringing our second audio show into the into the mix here as well as we are writing a new one. This is all at the room for that or just come for the for every single day. Yeah yeah I mean you could I imagine see some of the other things because there’s jesting and shopping and and one hundred fifty shows of the ten stages but why would you you know just amazing and all of a credible food when you talk about anything other than what you’re going to say. Yes It’s it’s more than a full day’s worth of fun. In fact you’ve been to the run Icelanders Act last year and did you laugh hysterically. Thank God we’re hearing from you know only I want to veto this if it was bullshit OK. Matthew hasn’t been since sixth grade I think you said. Hammond’s then a couple years old in Fargo we’ve grown since then we have you know are they are they had giant legs of chicken any bigger they are Turkey later this year. Matthew turkey legs. I was looking for the chicken though we are similar. I did figure something out you know at the time I was there. Yes So in the test of strength feat that you would pay I think two dollars to perform I can answer that but go on or maybe wasn’t paying. But whatever the cost was if you successfully rang the bell in each of your three swings you would get a beer or token for something start and I would like be calm said with a beer or pay for with it and the beer was like five bucks but when the hammer was just two bucks right. So you just keep getting stronger. Drunkards who keep returning to this mechanism it is why do I not know about that I don’t care what he did because your puny little girl I’m going to be late. I don’t want to hold a good group of people who hear that and sum a column for the opportunity. Well I know it’s not fair I was like this not given the beers away or sort of the best of my knowledge they still do that so but that’s it. So again what we like to say it’s more than a full full day’s worth of fun if you try to do everything in a day you just can’t. There are as we mentioned ten different stages out there Lane performers jousting. Oh my gosh. And Joe Johns who thinks you’re great. I mean it’s they’re doing a chariot races and it’s pretty amazing stuff down there and her star J.R. chariots really Renaissance No they clearly predated the Renaissance times but you have to consider that since the basic idea behind a renaissance festival is it’s a market to celebrate the arrival of the king and queen. So you can only imagine that they would bring out chariots and stuff and recreate past times. So it’s sort of mete and. I don’t recall reading Roman times or plurality you know well you know I mean falling into our own time loop too. Well I can’t wait for what is it. Anti time period they were never going to come dressed as a Star Trek character I like I like to sometimes stand out by a time or day I think I don’t do it all of that here the time all over again which by the way is my birthday week and my fiftieth birthday weekend no no which is a little ironic. Now I like to stand at the front gate and at the end of the day and welcome people to the twenty eighth this twenty first century fair as they walk out to the park you know right now which is fun and it’s really a conversation killer. Well because whatever century like when you make your living as a character normal life just becomes like well it’s a lot of back in the good old days when we started we’ve been doing this for coming up on our twenty twenty eight twenty nine twenty eight or twenty one theory like that back when we started we were two. Yeah we had a two day work week in a five day weekend and it was a lot of a lie. Play and fun and silly and now almost thirty years into it we were probably nine days a week because we have all these other things going on other shows or writing when you have four personas and each has a full time job but I’d like to I’d like to blame it on schizophrenia but I understand it’s really just multiple personality disorders. Well when you when you’re doing that kind of like acting I mean like if there’s a come a point where it’s almost like speaking like a foreign language where you really start thinking like that character as opposed to like yourself. There absolutely is a punt on stage especially on stage as a scare a motion for our R. rated show because our last show of the day is the one really crazy one. There are things that he will look at and think about it completely differently than I will and the two of the two of me. You’re talking in my head. We should do this we might get killed or we’ll get away with it it’ll be fine and it’s fun to watch that it’s fun to watch the stuff. Also also I think something that changed and I know where we share this we both have daughters that’s changed how we view things the world of the other not. We have different place now. Yeah and that’s and it’s one of the parts where where the the character and the actor greatly diverged. Because the characters like a hole a look I’m doing this and they actors like that a little girl do you know. Wait that’s not a creepier than I meant and that’s not where they got it. It’s almost like there’s a self punishment happening right here oh you’re trying to create a character you can’t censor yourself with and suddenly when you have your computing personality going that’s not OK man but what with just reinforcement. What’s really charming for me is that the social media scare emotion like my my character has I think just shy of ten thousand followers on Facebook and a lot of them want to be friends with Ron and I are very common. You can’t i words in hundreds of unanswered. I’m sitting on a seven hundred page bill and I had to explain to my family and to my and to a whole bunch of people. So the stuff that scare most is doing stripper. Others in this that the other and you know vodka every night. That’s not necessarily what the actor is doing and you understand this right you know we get it. OK Off we go and then they don’t they don’t they say they do but they soon and hope and pray are just hoping that like the fun guy will always be there and so might become not fair sometimes and sometimes there is that there is that expectation that back when we were still in the dating pool there were people hand scenario unlocked in the character in the dating pool. People come up and go hey can we go out. Yeah yeah let’s do that. They can bring in your brothers. No Yeah no I don’t even like those guys are running out of them are going to have to kill still to this day they’re like hey let’s go you know grab lunch or whatever you know purely just on a friendly basis and then you show up and they just assumed that it would be everybody. Yeah and then assuming you know never not once did we ever discuss that and their decision that you can be the exact same and wild man you know it’s like no I’m going to do some business here it’s OK You know it’s funny like everything you just said reminds me of like he’ll say like soap opera talents like walking down the street now have these stories where people come up them so I thought you were going to action right here only if you killed him. Yeah in fact what actor playing Joffrey parathion is retiring from acting now because if the world is so cruel to have what he just hates and this is you know. It’s you know the idea of celebrity finds a perverse those that had seized but he’s given up who think only about Hayden Scott and Scott Walker. Jake Lloyd. Yeah he had to give up acting. Well that’s because he still looks like he’s And you know they said Johnny. That poor guy. Hence his career is ruined or that you know if George Lucas is that I mean look at a game to work with the thing is he also like I said he’s giving up. Also don’t go out of work. Does he know you act anymore. Don’t don’t blame it on you know strictly need to act anymore did you get it. Everyone check and it is from Skywalker Ranch and most people are probably set up for the rest your life. True I mean I don’t know if he’s happy or not. I heard a rumor that he was doing drugs to celebrities no one has a sight gag. So you think I got the blue meth head we went to the Georgia. Yeah I understand that I don’t have any blue meth that I was wondering out there but you guys also have an R. rated show much like we do it well you know we have we have. There is no George is strange. OK The Georgia audience is a straight is it. In Georgia they are very interested in our two clean shows and are really dirty show and nothing in between. It’s kind of strange that this year we’re bringing a slightly dirty show as an as an experiment to see if it works you know into thirteen P.G. P.G. just P.G. and is it working OK and even R. rated show is actually the barometer we uses is prime time television so it’s not really R. rated. Well no no no no it’s the occasional yes thing so here’s the thing. R.P.G. show is can they say of the T.V. show Friends. That’s it. That’s R.P.G. show OK. Or people are really concerned. It’s a little bit more than Shrek. It’s still racy the most of the other things out there are R. rated show wouldn’t really get an R. rating because we don’t say the word fuck and there’s no nudity. Well very little. We’re going to we’re working on it. So by those standards no but but by what you expected to see at a Renaissance Festival where the dirtiest thing you’ve ever seen and nobody’s ever left us left are our audience going I wish it had been during the year you know we’re going to have to look out because one of the booth at the Renaissance Fair is an ax throwing situation so you get through went through it like you said the worst possible although Out here there are also sword fighter so you know everyone looks at the looks of the of these events differently I like to call it an all ages event some people like to call it a family event but. Me The difference being all ages means there’s something for everyone. Sure doesn’t necessarily mean that everything is for everyone we have a beard right now you have a sack with a speech at the beginning the R. rated show that basically says I mentioned something very similar that there are some people who think there’s no place for a show like this at an event like this but if you went to the movie theater and all they were showing were Disney films will you be pretty pissed off now wouldn’t you. Where the other guys and one of my favorite stories of all times were actually my two favorite shows what happened right here where my favorite stories of all times was somebody complained about the R. rated show and when there was a brand new There’s a brand new entertainment director another renaissance festival north of here. His first weekend he had never seen us. Somebody complained about the already show being too dirty so he came in he sat down and watched the show. The very next week he called us up in front of the entire cast and gave us awards because he said listen you say R. rated show you give so many warnings that if anybody can repeatedly throughout the show rule over and over and over ended by that there’s something drastically wrong with them. There’s no surprise I mean they don’t really show it’s absolutely clear. She gives award. My favorite story about them was our very first year here we did a normal our normal schedule. We had our you know clean show less clean show less clean show. Oh my gosh so dirty show. And the Georgia audience wasn’t having it wasn’t having it at all so we stopped. We did a couple years just doing most of the clean shows and after a while we asked the owner of a very very nice well educated man from Minnesota in fact said here you are way to show you this you can do it P.G. thirteen so we did the show we did the show P.G. thirteen he was standing back watching it and he goes yeah I know. And then something amazing happens to all of our fans started sending letters and phone calls and emails and said we we really like that are a show we want to do it and our boss. Very nice very conservative educated man motivated by money. You boys do whatever the hell you want. Here’s the best part that for about four years and our other part of the one that’s not here the one who’s not here right now to defend himself goes into the office of being a little bit of a smart asked he asked the boss hey have you got any complaints about us this week and the boss without missing a beat said Boys if I don’t get a complaint about you I don’t think you should have to work there and that’s and that’s where they know what we do and that’s what they’re hiring for. Again all that being said I genuinely take your kids take your families this is an amazing and yet it’s no great event the only thing you want to think about is R. rated show other than that you know you’re golden you know hey nanny nanny is perfectly kid friendly barely balanced is the most amazing troop out there. I play this game where they’re acrobats very funny very funny very late friendly adorable great oh I wish I hated them I used to hate them and now I don’t I really like and it just annoys them. I had no idea that you can’t hate is that another device also Sterkel lots of fun yeah. Dead Bob you didn’t even our first two shows are pretty darn clean. Yeah you know absolutely. But then there’s a last show and if you bring your tryout I guarantee I will make a star out of your child. So how did how did you guys get into the run fair community. I’ll let you go first. OK I dated a girl that was involved in one in Florida. It’s not how anything ever starts. Yeah yeah you know you know what I was I mean theater geek so sure of course yeah. Peter geek play D.N.D. you know name it you know computer gaming all that stuff. My dream to group us all have a metal musicians or a few dozen times it’s going to start it’s so down the road so she got me involved in it and I did why I don’t think a lot of people. I thought of them and I got involved in the human chess match ended originally because I love stage combat and originally the first time I did it I actually did the human chess match as the mine which was very funny it was adorable. Yeah she explained that So which which piece were OK So at this fair the center of the Georgia the GA renaissance has a lot of actually sixty one on eighty five sell for six weekends at the Georgia Renaissance Festival the centerpiece the biggest show out there is of course the joust drawing to three just during the day. Pretty much the most of the fair share shuts down you know knitters and yes they’re still shopping at other shows to see but at the joust is the big deal and our home fare which at the time was in Largo Florida. That just was very very big. Equally big equally as important as a human chess match where all the pieces were played by individual things and when one piece took another piece there was a choreographed fight the whole thing was choreographed so that the aggressing piece did not a medically win yeah. So if they fought it out for the horn and take rock. Yeah and so and there’d be a choreographed sword fight. Usually the King versus the sheriff calling them loose and with it that’s how we kind of came to be bonded as well. Back when I started doing this I want to know why I want to do you want done. Go ahead I don’t know just that’s that’s that’s how I got my start that’s how I live and eventually I met Ricky are missing brother Raphael the one with the crown. Yeah that’s how I met him and at the time we looked so much alike that we were constantly mistook as twin brothers. People would always walk hey ricky I’d like no no I’m Jeff and vice versa and we thought hey what an interesting idea for a show or characters wandering theme characters you know it’s like twin brother Asmer emissaries from another country. That’s how it started I can show you pictures from back in the day and it was eighty eight eighty seven where even we can’t tell which one of them is Ricky and which one of them is seventeen eighty eight. Yeah yeah yeah. Fourteen eighty eight are very good. I got tired of launching nuclear missiles United States Navy. That’s my short form. I was on a submarine base out of Charleston South Carolina. Now I went to my first Renaissance us older one that we talked about there at sixteen and even during my entire Mabel career I managed to make at least one week in my in one thousand nine hundred eighty eight or eighty nine. I was commuting from Charleston to Tampa Florida to do the Renaissance Festival on the weekend and I found I can make people watch me even doing nothing at all. I would love to imagine sort of in the sort of post nuclear apocalypse that cultural reforms itself around what it thought. Together on the NASA literally the sort of fantasy throwback of the Renaissance Faire is people recreating society out of the room so there’s there’s a movie script right there is there is actually going to edit this part out there in the media I don’t know whether I can Castro I don’t know that they did it was that one with what you mean with the lips. Surely no no cash is going to come to me later. China has no i like Ray Guy Yeah. Oh we have had a caution last name. We’ve had a major porn star actually more actually more has been on our stage this morning Game of Thrones to bring in the porn star this is the best part is I knew who she was and Ricky and Jeff did not I did and we actually became friends and I found out like three years later that I knew the hold. So is this character friends or is this friends friends friend who just well you know friend friends out in the real world. Yet you were you I’d stop watching on from that point service dropped an A bomb right there we’re going to read. Our society of this conversation around porn and they can just sit on our old and don’t kid yourself irritated. Oh have we mentioned that there’s a lot of great well I don’t I don’t like the rest of us this is we don’t know what is going to let We were trying to figure out who this actress was America’s got way down hill from OK Let’s let’s. Seriously OK keep thinking about that I’m a looker up on I.M.D.B.. You’ve got to look at porn in our studio right now and I know that would be at the Verrazano is ever going to do that please use the main project he said if you’re going to go through I’ve got some list here a list of all the fun. Here’s some interesting. OK this is OK This is a big deal this is our thirtieth year here you and George are doing the Renaissance was about us personally but the fair has been here for thirty years thirty years and that’s a big anniversary. It’s been voted top twenty events by the Southeastern tourism society repeatedly. There’s over two hundred thousand people that come to this Fair every year that’s a that’s a big show and the site is absolutely gorgeous I highly recommend just walk around and take in the sights. It is one of the prettier ones and we are going to the Lakers all over all over the country it is absolutely one of the prettiest ones out there and it’s also one of the easiest ones to get to it’s not an hour’s drive it’s a fifteen. It’s just outside the beltway that reminds me a little bit you were just remarking on the Neil Gaiman’s Sandman collection and one of the last issues there was was that the undying man goes to the Renaissance Fair with his new girlfriend and he’s like they got everything the fuck wrong. The biggest thing is it’s not everywhere. They’re supposed to be shit lining everything possible and yeah just keeps rolling. I have two responses to that response number one people occasionally come and talk to the character or the or the actor or and it’s levels because they’re scary motionless on stage and they’re scared or emotional response you know who has a Facebook and you know I was going to make it in there. I mean what other scary movies who runs who runs this and then there’s the comic hack which in my advice column and then there’s Ron who is the puppet master behind all these things people occasion. They ask me to do you wish to use it during the Renaissance like oh oh I have a tiny man with bad eyes I have had lasik surgery to correct that. I wore braces No I do I love me some twenty first century Halo yet I know the last five years of life. Forty I’m going to tell you I don’t have to fight off any rat screw that. But the idea of the Renaissance is gorgeous. Yeah but what’s the appeal I mean it’s generally speaking like that’s not that nice of a time in human history I mean is it just like when I say such a big take all the best of the Renaissance period. You know I mean like we would we would see Shakespeare. Well the way I will tell you this is not what it used to be a few thousand from a starter and the guys here turkey legs you know the good stuff but we talk about we do student days at sub fairs and we always one of the questions we always ask the children is if they know what the word Renaissance means and it means rebirth and that that’s that’s the part of the festival that we try to bring to life you know it’s all the best of it. The art you know the food the sounds the sights you know the all the good stuff the potential player and yeah Demitra that was a little your own I mean sure now I’m trying to find out it was like Unbreakable or unstupid something like that but keep going you’re going to remember seeing the film. Look if we really celebrated Thanksgiving properly. There’s a lot of things that that wouldn’t happen. I mean basically it was oh gosh we barely survived and we’ve blown it up into this other food fest. The Renaissance is the same thing. You take an idea it’s it is a rebirth of culture an art and it’s you know coming out of the Dark Ages which is all kind of historically accurate anyway. And you and you make it into Robin a Robin Hood Festival which is also misplaced by about six hundred years you know. But we’re not we’re not recreating that unlike the Dark Ages awakening idea though because this like any other convention or affair or whatnot is the extreme. Sort of minority interest that you would not share with the rest of the public at any other time. Finally has its opportunity to explode. Yeah Yeah oh absolutely and if you see you see how much it’s crept into pop culture now because you know it’s the best way to find out if something is actually popular is if they make reference to it on television in television shows everyone the Big Bang the Simpsons you know every king of the hill you know they’ve all gone to the Renaissance Festival now and when does that year that all those started happening I was like we’ve made it it’s official. No No And we haven’t made it it’s not it is funny and I like you. You’re talking about like how misplaced some of those things are in time and imagining like the typical Renaissance night he didn’t know he was in the Renaissance you know he’s had a bull shit day and this is like putting up with this futile war lord we had this incompetent squire when Podger came chasing him around. How so. There was a movie called Doomsday that featured was a post-apocalyptic setting mostly most it was a viral thing and one half the thing was a sort of you know real cyberpunk you thing and the other half was a recreation of some sort of knights an arm or anything like that so it’s been done it’s been done again. Your original idea on the planet now under the sun not even a little bit steampunk stands for that and then you know that’s that’s covered it’s on its first convention they’re going to and there has been punk days a lot of them. Neil Gaiman’s potentially is a fan of our show. No way. He he splits his time between England and Minnesota. His assistants two of us at least one possibly two of his assistants are huge fans of our show it is very likely iciness is there something you’d like to express to your game now you know so my wife book Don’t Tell or I’m doing this but saw my last book but we have it we have a friend who is putting us together and that way above the law. I like his work about that. Hey Neal good job keep don’t you. He had a cameo in Felicia day’s show just about what was the guild really they were like a World of Warcraft band that had no actual social skills showing together to fight normal life challenges as a group have you seen speaking to be seen nights of BET asked him like they did a theatre tour of that. I saw it at the Midtown art cinema really. Yeah well in uniform why is this so this is it’s a group of LAR Pers that accidently summon a demon who then becomes a slaughter fellow man the lead actor is tearing him fucking Lannister. Yep you know and Jason Stackhouse. Yeah and like oh my God I think yes some of you know I think what has really when you heard of this movie what what’s one thing that Esther had asked him when you check that out. Yeah I think it’s Netflix. Oh excellent done and done. Yeah the amazing time of what decentralized media get the terrible things or just get straight out to the public even if there’s no existing just reading a wonderful time to do it is brilliant and we mentioned that another good time to be alive was a six week individual up there and we are just going to get a little summer here we have a we have to pay the right A.J. the rhetoric and. OK Well first of all the website is G A Ren Fest dot com You know for those of you out there that are listening on the Internet and I think you are I think you are by definition. You might be doing your job and not listening we either we are we are we with with this time of year being a little rainy right now we are open rain rain or shine just so you guys know that it’s always funny when I call it death by meteorologist on the days where the meteorologist says it’s going to be crappy out. The attendants always lags but ten times out of eleven it’s still nice at the fair. So what happens is you get a great day to go and have a place to yourself. It’s kind of nice even raining we still perform and absolutely sometimes that’s the most amazing thing because it’s a lot more intimate. We do sillier things. You know there are people that will only come out during rain days maybe they’re vampires and if it is sparkling I don’t know what it is like going to a big crowd small crowd and I will say honestly I’m I mean I’m a small weak man and at the show in Minnesota for example there are some shows that we do where there are three thousand people standing there cheering our names you know I love that you know it’s great it’s also because since we’re an audience participation show you know the audience being the first word we want we want to stand up you know the crazier they are we feed off it because we do a lot of improv from their reactions. So less people less reactions less improv so you can slide deal with like hecklers like all day long that has to be like built into the here so there’s a little bit of that we have the best audience in the world it’s less Hecker hecklers and more drugs. Outbreak it seems like you know be hard to compete with the energy you guys have just you know here it is now slowly. Well first off yeah we’re we’re thirty next day we said you know that’s all stages and where might. Then you know and we have we have you know everything from clever lines to genuine warnings because everyone thought we were very literally and metaphorically in your face show when there are people who sometimes react badly Have there been times when people are like try to become physically aggressive and I’ve stopped the show and I will stop the show and I will look at the guy who’s threatening to hit me or push me or whatever say Listen I’m telling you this for your benefit. The last thing you want to do to me right now is hurt me in front of these people and then the articles Rodney nodded Well you know that is that is what is that happened once or twice. Yeah yeah occasionally they’re very rare. I know that is one of the biggest frustration. Part house performers. Yeah because so many people’s first instinct is to fight the evil thing for him. Punched in the face and they’re like What the fuck do I want my significant other is one of them that’s why they she won’t she will go into the because she was a she was what somebody is going to get hurt either the performer or you are going to repair our back yard. I have no I mean the guy I much less sympathy for the haunted house before it goes you know when you come after me trying to scare me with what you signed signed up for that. Yeah that’s true but I didn’t really wasn’t up for it some girl made me sign up. I’m saying it as a performer you signed up for it you understand it’s part of the deal cycle like complaining I got hurt as a wrestler then don’t be a wrestler. Remember all your entire audience their options are fight or flight got a fifty fifty chance of getting hit. I went to my wife from Kansas City so there was a bar none I mean I’ve heard about netherworld I’ll get there eventually but bar none Kansas City better bet on it houses the world and yes we can fight over that if you like you’ll be wrong and I will I do going to defend a little bit although I have nothing to back it up with. Just apparently Jennifer Lawrence liked it so much they got the whole cast into Hunger Games three all night so that was an idea and eventually let the world know but actually Joy works there now remember her thing. Oh I think you know that sometimes we just say yes. Yes it was actually harder as responsible. She looked like she was doing acrobatics inside of her house and so they got her in for because she’s a short lines and I became a terminal to be doing a lot of research on them because I’m crazy crazy about haunted houses and netherworld on the list and they let us on the run. Well it seems like if your run for show you kind of have an off season so maybe dark and cold I don’t have an off season we do our season starts in the first of February and Phoenix and Phoenix then here in Atlanta. The coldest part of the year in the warm side over the only literally the only really bad weather we get all year. LONG It’s spring in Atlanta with the liquid air. Yeah I mean this is a human play. Well it can be changes from year to year we have years like so far this season has been a very wet one. You know we’ve got rain during the week and on the weekends I do several numbers in the last five years running we’ve got more random Seattle seriously. OK that’s a lottery. Yeah I mean it rained and rained every single day last week last summer or last week maybe now now we’re talking about the weather where you know you’re out of that many are and I am going to have going to we’re just talk about how awful it is in Atlanta and that’s why we get high summer in Minneapolis and in Wisconsin. So that’s beautiful and we get to watch leaves change in Charlotte North Carolina and then do a bit of New Orleans before we go back to the desert again it’s great to great. So so your time up like one of the end of your season in November December December usually around the first we can have some recent like that now you have to do taking a vacation in January are you just going. It depends on what we do cruise I said to my wife the other day it’s like so it looks like a significant portion of our life is just going to be to support our vacationing haven’t because good I’m good at it and you know I think we’re going right we have a couple weeks off like almost a month off right after the show before the next one and Kenosha and we’re doing some silly stuff this time but next year I think we’re going to Japan a year after that to Korea you know and then we have an offer to go to Stockholm which is yes why wouldn’t we. Absolutely. And we again we have I think we can offer the winner and or off in the summer. That’s not a bad job at it and we did have eight weeks off in the woods about that still about eight weeks. Yeah. Significant Others travel with it yeah. Yes You know the family we travel well and of course a single man so I don’t know what you’re speaking of. Absolutely out of time I mean like we’re like kids like they have to like home school or they just like part of the show around I don’t know. So by my daughter’s seven points too and she’s sort out of school yet on a roll. Home school last year which I think is a very low bar for kindergarten. You see doing just fine homeschooling now though I didn’t realize it was as much of a full time job as it is my my hats are off to real teachers who teach a whole bunch of kids because I’ve literally found myself with my hands around my darling daughter still going why are you saying this is you know this and it metaphorically speaking. No no I literally Homer Simpson sure why do you ask. But you homeschool. When we went on the road there weren’t cell phones when we went on the road there was a beeper and then you went to the pay phone and called your one a hundred answering service in Florida. Listen to them as we were on the phone on the road there was an internet but nobody was on it. We still have a website. We had we had a website from early on earlier than anybody we knew but we were your god first one for four probably went up in ninety or ninety one. Wow that’s like New York or you can check the Space Jam website is still alive and still have that like terrible design and it’s a great artifact or was it all I don’t know when I mention I haven’t gay websites though I am all right you know we should go to. We should put out the shut up the old I still have all the files put up the old website somewhere on our website and we should do it next April first. Here here’s a nice little tie back a record Geo Cities on the whole bunch of like annoying I think was well this OK so there was a java script for roll over and say animated gifs with javascript rollover buttons on our website. I stole that javascript from Asia where the porn star program her own Yeah well she’s essentially known as the. No absolutely not. He’s actually one of the smartest pornstar like a genius I.Q. like that I answer No and their master or World of Warcraft flair on the mind is unreal actually. Oh unreal it’s more she does a whole bunch of stuff with unreal. She’s also really big charmingly enough in the atheism skeptic movement in fact I just accidently got back in touch with her and center some of our D.V.D.’s because someone sent me a link about a woman who put shoes on her G.P.S. back to you have some of hers and in fact I prefer her as a nerd than I do to an adult performer and I had a hard time explaining that to my girlfriend at the time so I’m not really I don’t care about her as the hot big fish you’re sure you don’t care you see and that’s what I like nerd. Yeah boy we should really talk about the Renaissance discount tickets discount tickets online to GA rentes dot com GA ren first come how much are those discounted adult as nineteen child is eight senior is eighteen as opposed to the twenty two and ten that they normally are. What a great deal. Amar Singh Yeah. But she had just gotten a picture are you familiar with pasta Farai and of course you are of course you are Matthew are you familiar with plastic aren’t so great. So there’s an argument an atheist skeptic community a lot of believers will say well you can’t disprove God and you say well you can’t disprove that there’s not a giant spaghetti monster I was touched by his nuclear pen of course you are the finest getting all the Flying Spaghetti Monster right. So they called people believe believe you can see the air quotes in a plate of pasta foreigns. And part of the religious headgear for pasta for Ian is a colander and people are pushing for religious freedom that they can wear colanders in their license photos. Well I got a thing from somebody sent me an article in the news about this pasta Farai in Utah who was wearing a collar and turns out it was a shocker I was like oh wait i think i’m Facebook friends with her I wrote her. Yes it was her say cool and I think it was. D.V.D.S. please do so Center some of our D.V.D.’s are fantastical and like George or just I think they did pass a religious freedom bill right. Much like I was or who was being an asshole about it and trying not to serve cakes to gays. I mean they have they changed a little bit. Initially it was religious freedom to discriminate against homosexuals and then at the last minute I think the governor and I called someones I mean change that just a little bit. OK there is a little too much heat. Well you know it’s interesting and again we wandered far afield but I will talk to the nice promotions lady who said it’s what I expect freedom there’s a spot for gay people at the Ren fair there’s me I don’t know absolutely. Actually there’s almost all the fairs that we do there is you know a rainbow day at the fair which which which strangely enough we are hugely paired up learn to go to the source of our charmingly that’s true. What we’re really joyful things about our particular lifestyle is that we’ve done so much radio and T.V. all over the place in fact a couple years ago right here in Atlanta. We shared a studio our opening act was Tyler Perry. Wow You know yeah we was a people to people yes I think one of those what do we know he was and we had a super nice guy you know. Yeah yeah I’m fact I got to tell a Penn Jillette who is one of my personal heroes on a lot of different levels. We were doing a promo at a state fair one time and he went on right before us you know hey you were hoping at one time did not go over well. That’s amazing to see you’ve met you’ve met pen pens awesome. Oh yeah and I mean Mike he seems like an incredibly nice guy. He’s close friends with one of the owners do you know where they got their starters that we do you know renaissance vessels Noah a renaissance festival fantastic first time they work together. There’s there’s there’s another group that are good. Well I want to and there are definitely bigger than us they are. Probably are anymore. You cannot and you cannot claim that the first time that Penn and Teller were put together professionally they did it whereas our our friend and boss at a couple different Renaissance vessels Arizona North Carolina says no the first time they were together I put them together so I asked Ben who put it together because it was just it was the other guy. Now that we’ve worked on the exact same stage with them you know and boy they’re bigger than we are. Well I don’t have I’m not going to do it better than you know what I mean in their very being and what I what I love about Penn and Teller is that they’ve done so much good for for just intellectual discourse in the world are all really just Western culture is out of their big internationally but that show bullshit forever and and what one thinks a commie about it is they call it like they even had one episode they said bullshit on bullshit where they went back to call themselves out on shit that they had fucked up I mean that’s a very that’s a very humble approach I mean big and powerful I love the fact that the burst a couple of my bubbles they poked fun a couple my sacred cows there were things that I could do and I like them I’m a book person personally professionally they’re great guys and they were like you know taxing on a no notice don’t please don’t say I don’t know. That’s that’s not what’s going on there just the antismoking one where they said yeah all the secondhand smoke it’s probably bullshit and I was I was I was part of what I was gobsmacked it’s like well you know and I love that. But you were willing to admit that you were wrong. I mean took evidence then you looked at it you said well sure I mean you reconsider your point of view but I also understand how difficult that is I understand how tribal we all are how invested we are but it’s a big thing in really tied into the skeptic and whatnot move and so it’s you know it’s just something that I that I learned about a lot and so I understand enough to know my own shortcomings I understand. You know my own I have apparently taken one too many shots to the head today because I’ve just lost the word enemy who just spoke like straight for like the past fifty four minutes. Well first I mean you’re like I mean you know we have no way no good at it. Cognitive dissonance was the word I was couldn’t find that was what was driving around when I was there with a word and you have the ability to hold two completely warring thoughts in your head and not understand that they’re different and I’m aware that that’s that’s how human nature is so I question my own values I bet it’s like the source of comedy unlike laughter and humor almost being this like relief from the experience. I I think that comedy is really just aggression. I really do it’s anger smiling showing your tooth and teeth and I love it when people think I’m getting on and I think when I’m not and I am Annette’s that’s fine I don’t want to guess the whole time and that’s a nice thing about our show. You never know what’s going on there and it startles people to hear me talk as me as opposed to it’s him because he’s. I’m not as smart as I am not as well spoken. There’s something going on but you would never guess that this is what’s going on when you listen to that guy talk and then one of my kids Jeff. Hi there. So you also like actively in the skeptic movie you know I’m not really. He’s he’s he’s kind of our our our you know flagship man comes to the skeptic remember he’s passionate about it and it’s really interesting because we share a ton of the same views we’re actually having this conversation in the car right over and we also talked about the fact that I’d probably dominate the mike again and so-so which is OK It’s just it’s just to use it especially to run with. He’s since the podcast and he’s appeared on podcast as guests very often so he gets the venue he gets it he loves it he embraces it and he loves loves We all of the time the turkey one is in a lot of people can vote him in. Don’t it remotely or over the phone or something. But this common and suddenly the people it gets rough. Well sometimes I think that works for you though because when people like to have that kind of conflict for a long conflict it makes for a good Pod caster a good conversation so you know I’ve been on a couple shows where it was just an echo chamber where my belief so much mirrored that I so agree with you man. I’ll say small writing with what you agree with me man. That’s amazing we’re so never do you agree that’s a green. Now fucking around. Yeah man the source of any good story. Yeah and that when we were writing a new show we all say so what’s the concept which the basic concept here what’s the competition what’s the resolution. You know who’s the heroes the villains in turning story absolutely. I had a thought so when we book two I was thinking and I had thought I would post C.N.N. style questions of current events in the Western Isles and I don’t think I ever like actually wrote one because we got so far to process but so do you think the bolt in the ministration is going to be a blessing. Some pirate invasion of the of the scum of the aren’t born. I’m concerned about the upswing in white walk around White Walker crime and I’m also concerned that the Night Watch is an exercise in the proper restraint when dealing with the White Walkers or the Wildlings. If you’re wildly lives matter. This is Matthew coming in from the West Rowson choir this is so yeah but the people need to know how much does Jon Snow No I know when I don’t know at all. Honestly the response was an uprising in the writing of the wildly hurts can really only be explained by the lack of education which really is their own fault for not taking supporting their own to create this thing there. Sectionalism an almost like gang like clan for you need to pull up their pants. Then you go to work. Absolutely what they need is a man remember unified leadership for their can remember the source of that fatherly advice was Bill Cosby and look what’s happened look at what’s going down and what the recent execution by state was perhaps you know either on our own without any direction or culture and will fall back into mid ninety’s violence it’s amazing how you assume that there’s a crossover between a game of thrones crowd and renaissance. Well of course there is of course you know we would make it was strangely funny. I also adman the renaissance festivals Facebook page. Not not one for the Georgia renaissance as we’re just one called Renaissance on a less old and periodically I’ll put up some There’s not a trademark that everyone’s licenses for Renaissance and of course I know it’s a source from which all around it sounds best of all so bring a lot of it periodically so I go Hey did I want to take it out like you or maybe you should seek out the one for your particular event but it periodically put up something it’s Game of Thrones or Dr Who or what or who sponsored my in there my advice column or some like that people I don’t think it applies here and I think I’m the admin I tell you what. The point of the Game of Thrones is non canon to the main course. You grow the fuck up if you did I don’t see any real way that you so much for us the purest of every stripe and to me the Renaissance vessel of pick they so we’re told by the way is is that well yeah it is a great lab for that I’ll put up a picture of a man in a kilt and no shirt and it was like oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh he’s so how do you so this so this I put up a picture of a lady in a tight lilies but bodice with a with a rose and there and I think now it’s OK Sex is no way out and I got busy and they’ll be standing right on top of each other those two post to be right on top of which I’ll do periodically just to watch the reaction. And I’d sit there and say it’s got to shoot the kilt has no place on earth on earth like back one of those labeled historically accurate. Who cares if you have lost. Your way around a song and their people tell you that people want you know a periodical or push a question you know what would you want changes you want to see the renaissance of us all we want more historically Act We want to less to start that. Daria cleaner than this we want that and people are going to try to think they are just so invested in what they want and their way is right regardless of whatever else I want to run a sense for like two like one offs right. Give one season led by George Martin. See how it goes and one season led by Vince McMahon So you have a chance changes. Funny you should mention that. So yesterday we were it was brought to our attention that a renaissance festival in Texas is trying to open up next year two thousand and sixteen. Oh yeah and it’s kinky Ren Fest dot com I saw this someplace book. Apparently everyone has had their pay and their ad because they’re sending it to us going are you guys going on like you know we might have ten years ago but I’m going to go well maybe God So I called here and felt like a very specific section of the population Well here’s a thing this is all gone. It’s no it’s marking it’s marking to furries it’s marketing to Micah to swingers it’s marketing to nudists and all their stars. There’s just about every fair we do there’s always one or two fairies that shows up in Renaissance garb. Some of them are actually well executed and kind of fun to look at. We heard that there was one season at the Sherlock Holmes to twenty one B. con where everyone decided to cross over between being a full on and being Sherlock Holmes in a completely interesting thing you know our way but I kind of blended Kolob because play is getting very popular now brings up a very good point. Do we mention that the sixteenth and seventeenth of May is the Time Warp we count we’re all because player should probably come out and in costume it is represented to seventeen actually can come out meet come gastro that day or at least some of us hey you know probably go look we’re going to look at Twitter promotions August sixteenth where we know that is what we have and I like it when you have that kind of thing is coming up to where you killed yeah. They directly I entered his Highland Fling weekend you guys should try to put on some things are not up to you guys clearly but they should for a Highland style thing like storm has the Highlander games were like we did a lot of data caber toss a has they have an obvious they have you know stone thing the best legs competition total wench total work. Yeah so how often do you guys get compared to the circus light like in your in your life styles where you can hear more to a carny than anything else we amongst ourselves we use the term run away and join the circus you know essentially that’s what I did this is what we all did you know we had established lives and decided no this is a wall from the from the Navy you know I got kicked out for being crazy I think I’m getting the crazy one tonight on the move. Yeah well that’s that’s why they got me out of there. People don’t know what it is like when we started and there are still people that you know when we started we were at that kind of the upper echelon. We live in very nice trailers are very nice trucks and very nice you know families and people like would you like to come home and have a real dinner it’s like I’m going to go back to my trailer and have a greater than I could buy my giant truck that I pulled up in that poll’s my house that’s why it’s so big you know there’s a giant you know but we didn’t we didn’t start out that we started out in living in vans living in tents and doing all this crazy stuff like that because that’s how you do it you know and there’s still some people that live like that there are still some people that are worth literally millions of dollars that do renaissance festivals it’s a real job and so it’s really easy to it’s really easy to dismiss what we do as you know this dirty thing in a tent somewhere and I think that’s fine. People do use the circus thing but they it’s they think as Morris Carney tracks you know if it’s any kind friends out there love you and I mean that’s an interesting perspective. I mean you guys you guys really remind me of you know just like just like in this conversation the beginning of the Wizard of Oz. The new one they want to know what he saw that they go to like like a festival like there was like the traveling circus and the way you guys are describing like going cross-country and like putting the show on over and over again Cirque du Soleil comes to mind which are and I guess like this is my limited experience with that but I’m going to do you know it’s not really not that far off because I mean on the one hand the basic theme behind a renaissance festival almost all have the basic same idea that there is of this village whatever the village maybe at that time in this village the king and queen are coming and because during that time when the king and queen came through a big ass party worth or parking it. So we’re having a gallery show on the road and a whole bunch of people it’s how Queen Elizabeth saved over money by getting all the nobles to pay for everything sort of her. Right right right. But when that when when she shows up you know if you know the way I like to describe Renaissance Festival. Most radio gigs is like a state fairs in the sixteenth century that’s that you know too much rides games especially all this amazing stuff that’s their fruit for a two month time and then it just goes away. Who want to explode because of Game of Thrones popularity and everyone comes and going Well not really enough blood or tickets to slay them act is there ever enough blood or terrorists. I did see the guy cutting himself at the end of the just last year. Very like Undertaker W have styles like brutal man. Well there is that right about the arbor here. Does do blood tests and everything kind of amazing is amazing. Yeah. But so far the boobs are still are covered. They’re all pushed up around your ear but you know at least bodices and beer and to regulate trust you really need. And chicken fried bacon and the door to get wins all three of them you can jet is headed toward you’re going to end up. Oh. Oh. Oh. Oh.

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