
On this episode of the Comcastro podcast, we chat with our good friend Daniel Smith in a conversation that goes everywhere: from controversy in sports to the cost of being at the top, to politics, the Mcconaissance, football vs rugby, independent film, the return of Shaq-Fu, career reinvention, constitutional law, the bipolar history of comic book adaptation, and the epic triumphs and failures of comic books in film.

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That’s to me is the the appeal of the hawks is that you can go in there and see kind of the beginnings of another San Antonio Spurs and the guy has a bad game we’re not scared this is how early people of the Hawks are no it’s not because there’s a celebrity player it’s because team that’s yet to well that’s absolutely right and the people loving the hocks remedies a little bit of our bad reputation as a city for being fair weather fan Atlanta wants to be a big sports town. Everyone loves sport. iTunes podcast. I go down to eat indicator and I go to a bar that has T.V. for sporting events and if it’s a Falcons game you used to be full and it’s a culture of we’re going to present his playing and it was an N.B.A. basketball game even with the Hawks playing now it’s not packed anything because of so many games but we try so hard to be a sports town but we had our heart broken a lot mostly by the Braves second bars and I got to worry about that this year. Well I mean the thing is I mean we are a sports town when you look at and I hate to say it you look at U.G.A. that demonstrates we are definitely we have it here is a passionate fan base and the rabbit like those those that the Bulldog fans just won’t shut up. In is annoying is it is it does then we were shut up this year we got a few months ago and you know you would you respect their passion and stuff you know I mean I do it right and it’s not that momentarily. The south it spread into the city it’s just. Plus there was no N.F.L. team for a long time Atlanta Georgia was your default go to if you don’t live near Atlanta Georgia your default team you pull for I mean I’m so happy to hear someone else say I’ve been saying that for years the most southern N.F.L. team up until the one nine hundred sixty S was the Washington Redskins which meant that when one of our idiots from the Northeast want to say I like the N.F.L. is a real football and they don’t poll fact fake like college will crack. They don’t read they don’t understand that in the south. Auburn vs Alabama Georgia Tech versus Georgia Florida Florida State that was in a wheel in like we get into a Oh and by the way it’s more fun than the N.F.L. We have pageantry we have marching bands the cheerleaders we got stuff to do a better game. How did this feel about the Redskins. She said that is unconstitutional and so I am speaking before the first year I had a lawyer. I feel like I almost don’t have the right to have an opinion on it because it doesn’t offend me at all. It’s I mean I remember when I was a kid the rays of the World Series and one of the Telecaster just said Minnesota Twins versus Atlanta because they didn’t put braids on the thing and a lot of the Native Americans of and in Minnesota came out to protest the game so we counter with Jimmy Carter because he you know Jimmy Carter’s a go to make things go nicely in Georgia going to parties to come together to make her come out of the house the mascot the brave in any way demeaning to because he like two feathers he was shot and it was going to work but the big thing about this and I learned this in my life people who are offended typically want to be offended but what about the Fighting Irish you know I mean like I mean like we have no proof that mascots drunk that is no proof he’s drunk or an actual leprechaun. Well maybe he is a leprechaun I don’t know the only reason I find a fucked up is because it’s a law. Like that’s the only reason I find it in our nation’s capital. There’s a team whose mascot is the race we ethnically cleanse from the land in which to settle here I don’t understand I find that severe. I don’t I’m not a constitutional scholar by any stretch but I don’t understand how the government can set and regulate that speech the government must have a compelling interest to regulate free speech and in the regulation here is by the refusal trumpeting versus not speech rights that how it’s absolutely setting up the property rights none on that where it’s who owns the speech they can say as much they will but just can’t you know profit from it. Well that’s exactly the point is when the trademark office refuses to enforce those patents that’s the government picking and choosing winners and I don’t know where they get the authority to do that I just think it I’m not debating that I’m just saying I think it’s a property issue as opposed to a speech. Well the way copyright Well basically all the intellectual property is highly in copyrights are intertwined with speech because like a song is very much speech like you can sing about you know your protest of war but you also have a copyright that goes with that’s not the idea of a trademark means you own it but they are barred from using the same at all they just say no one else is now part either. Yeah and their refusal to enforce the trademark is I think I think it’s a seizing of property like a silencing speech. I’m enjoying If you talk and yours are fun to watch. That would be I mean that’s the counterargument that isn’t the Constitution you’re not allowed to seize property without compensation. You’re making an argument against First Amendment but then yeah you’re exactly right now the fifth amendment comes up this or that but I don’t know if it’s a seizing of property so much as a lack of enforcement in fact that exact argument I heard made against Disney for the Mickey Mouse law with the copyright extension by denying it access to the public domain. iTunes podcasts. You’ve essentially taken property property away from every American. So Disney has should have to pay everyone for the government to seize our prize. Pretty over the public domain. Do you realize how long a copyright lasts. It’s like two hundred years for the creators to know it’s seventy five years after the death of the Creator. Seventy five or so so I thought I was up to two hundred now that’s going to keep getting attacked on every year for Walt Disney. Well here’s the thing. So Comcast or let’s just say started twenty fifteen let’s say you and I live for another fifty years that’s optimistic click continue. So twenty sixty five that means our copyright comcastro is not going to expire until sometime in the mid twenty one hundredth. I’m sure the kids daddy worked hard for him. Great great grandkids they’ll be protected we can you can take a stance on the the Redskins and then not lash out at anyone who uses a name based on ethnic and I think race but I think the Seminole Nation publicly endorses for state OK yeah and braves is generic. I guess in Cleveland Indians I don’t know how it works I don’t know how that’s offensive either you’re just calling on the Indians and Cleveland had a bunch of Indians around there and I think it’s up to the community really these things how they want to react if the Redskins were being named after a specific tribe like Washington packing in the Apache nation to say no we don’t want to use our name and that is a different case and you know I yeah I kind of neutral on you know if they should keep your name and like I said just the fact that it’s the nation’s capital. That’s what I thought of what you know and you actually raise a good point I hadn’t considered before because it was in Washington D.C. that they made the decision to just what we call manifest destiny these days other people called a slaughter. So. But you’re absolutely right I was an executive decision to wipe out those people we don’t want in this place. Yeah but but Dan’l you actually brought a really good point with Florida State. There were some protests about the use of the Seminoles again calling it racist or insensitive or something and then Chief Osceola which is like a descending title every chief of the seminal agency fossil. He came out there and said No no Rob Rob from the school fund or the boosters or someone you know I don’t even know because they probably have casinos. They might not even need the money. Well I mean these things just if you want to use a tribal heritage just go pay for it. Oh everything has a price and your loyalty has a price might be high but it’s got a price and the price of betrayal. Let’s talk about housekeepers. No not yet I mean what is what do you think it would. What do you think it would cost to get Doug stampers loyalty away from Frank Underwood. That’s big because they could you deliver him Rachel Rachel as well at the price he said we can we can kidnap her. She is his new origin story. And if you want to observe one you will completely agree I want to watch it I think. Right have you not seen any in the house because you know I’ve been busy. OK. Five for a little T.V. Club they’re good I mean I know their greatest T.V. is hard to get into I don’t really care for season to season one. Still sort of really compelling. Now I lose a lot of time so I can’t watch the house a car so I go to eat somewhere and I’m going to play three hours because for me like when I go out to eat somewhere it’s not like the food is whole experience you’ve been dedicated before right. Yeah we watch that game educators told him that a random stranger stranger a piggyback ride not a very kind of town we don’t know that was a big day big day Max and I don’t like one hundred miles. Yeah I mean we try to crash Nixon gays were already asleep passed out and then and then we were joking that maybe they should have fired the doorman after the D eight crashes condo or we should talk about that. Yeah but you probably should read it how yeah well we’re not going on the story about Nick instead I want to work and he was some guy he had an Atlanta thing on his book bag and some guy was just like I’m going to show I’m not really talking shit but next year is going to take it is talking shit right so the guys like Atlanta. I hear everyone loses their minds no no you know don’t don’t tell the story in part yes I know you don’t don’t do it right now. The other one sold us out of the conversation list but I know it would go I just don’t know I just want to hear what’s going on just me you know I do this when I would suspect you know you can do this when the audience really you’re going to break your podcast is not going to end well what are you going to just Pakistan I’m tired I know people get angry people. People get angry. We talked about my level at the previous of the start of the other one it was such a nice day on September eleventh two thousand and one I share. So one has a story and I just want to be on a podcast joke. Well out of respect for a cast like this one just now. I’ll tell you what I’ll tell you off microphone. All you people out there in podcast land you’ll notice after trolls Facebook page I don’t have much of a filter but that’s that’s one of them took at work but I was I was. But drinking water runs all over the garden. If you’re sober I had about a year ago I remember reading this I was like my blood leaking get away with anything any well from well I guess I’ve planted the seed enough for getting away with anything. Yeah OK So you mentioned a catering and hopefully think it’s the I mean just a macaque type of food you like. It’s as simple what do you want to have for dinner. The only competitor if you like Buford Highway before highway it is everything walking distance or you know it’s not and B for how I mean you for high school because it’s got all the ethnic food I mean you’ve got you know awesome if any of the Op Ex One of the crime the whole place. Well yeah I think it is because you know even even in L.A. Krista’s opinion. I mean it even to someplace like San Francisco you know you don’t have you know a strip like Buford Highway because you know if you go to like Little Tokyo in San Francisco you’ll find something there. But like I mean you have to kind of know where to go for how issues like this collection of awesome restaurants just up and down the strip. Yeah indicators like a cluster around where you park a car free to go where where you point that’s why because I’m going to sue the government to stop right Motown’s heart attack. It’s free on the weekends and holidays and if you leave it at six o’clock at night they don’t charge on weekdays so that’s where I always park where I live a mile away so I bike on their lot. But oh that’s Are you still in a place like every everything you can would you want to hear is there we watch the game at the square and they have the southwest of the focus is on green chili brick stores probably the best place the best place for a beer in the country. I believe it actually. Made a list for the world. I’ve seen it on one of those ten places a drink before you die lists but I think it’s a Buzz Feed list so I mean it doesn’t really count. Or maybe it made the gays. I’m sorry to plant your hate for the day I haven’t thought about the D.S. unlike his last game for my money back but he’s like the best Irish place in the city because now he has not packed like photos is actually run by people used to run photos and it’s not overpriced and their fish and chips are freaking insane. I went there during the snowstorm here likes just a little ice. We’re still we’re so open important cook and so we had like three things a fish and chips and a drink a bunch of cider while I was freaking out. They were rushed home in the snow. Actually no it was funny when he talked like Irish people because their standards of pain or a little different are two races in the world and they’re the best at suffering be at the Russians and the Irish Well there’s an Irish guy on the rugby team and our friend Macon had a massive concussion like from Ireland this is proper yeah proper Irish guy and everyone in from America was like making he got knocked the hell out of me he was in the hospital. Migraine afterwards as bad in the Irish guy was like you know he got his bell rung totally different taken. I don’t I don’t have a phrase gentler discreditable said Dora you know if you look at it if you’re walking off you walk off this major concussion and it’s you know did to his credit he is perfectly fine even now anyway you know now he wears one of those like those will be health care and I think just like a piece of leather like an old time in a place where I mean it’s better than nothing. They actually aren’t designed for head protection. Comcastro iTunes podcast. They’re designed actually for your comfort. No kidding. Yeah because you’re in the scrum in the second row like your face is so wrapped up against like the guys like him that like little breeze your ear off is one of these days I will probably want to see what you guys are talking about. It’s magnificent and I want a lot of it we Roz go fucking do it. It’s weird if if if you were to dislike. My being late on this community as you’ll find in the whole world if you race every American’s memory of sports and I like an audition and I don’t rise but rugby is going to be on that list of rugby be very close in time. Well you know it’s too confusing. I like to get into if you want to go into memory but I would be very entertaining way to compare rugby to football which is more confusing. Tom I mean honestly football strange like who gets to hold the ball why it is only the quarterback like how how many people are allowed downfield What’s the rule they made a very strange ball as they want I think like let’s add this rule let’s add this for let’s add this role and I don’t want to have the same rules for like one hundred fifty years. Alright we actually might be a little more experimental with rule changes like that actually very frequently will make little shifts to try to improve the flow of the game. In fact that’s probably the thing they value the most and the N.F.L. wants to slow the flow of the game and more commercials more advertising. Yeah that’s that’s not enough for them. No actually I think. That sounds like a conspiracy theory but I happen to believe it. I mean my one of the reasons the N.F.L. and M. L.B. do so well is because of the natural it’s purely for America why do you think they would have slightly longer half times and then the Super Bowl’s halftime is super long though because they get a commercial break and either side the big show in the middle and if they cared about like the integrity of the game it would be the exact same length so maybe you got to run out there hasn’t it. Maybe don’t have any bells and whistles maybe you can even use auto tuning. Let me go on about the game is about being a spectacle. It’s about being exactly is a massive spectacle and has the eyes of everyone and I mean not to the Champions League Final doesn’t have the as everyone but it’s still a ninety minute match and it goes along with a master and like hell take N.B.A. finals or the World Series like it’s only of interest to either fans or purists. Yes And where is the Super Bowl everyone watches. I promise all the interest in the N.B.A. Finals that is I mean actually you’re probably what you’re describing there is just the perversion that happens once you are on top. I mean like you know at a certain point it’s not about. There was someone somewhere along the line when football was on top and it had just risen there you know on the football purists who are in charge. Maybe some businessmen but I mean there are people who really were about all about the game and just over time when you have that amount of influence and money and fame and it’s just going to pervert everything and that’s why I like the socially kind of base things like player base behavior stuff just gets so weirdly twisted like I don’t know if the approach is right or wrong but it responded so much to like the hysteria. Everyone’s like angers and fears. Like that’s what happens at this working level you know it’s like the amount that we care about these athletes and their transgressions is insane like I’m not in favor of dogfighting but the amount that people may like the deal that they made about Michael Vick was just it was disproportionate like he broke the law whatever fine him or whatever but then it wasn’t a media news cycle for like it was stupid of her. Well I mean people have a firkin misplaced sense of like what’s what’s wrong. I feel like I want to you know if you want to control what you care about what’s a punch like a stranger in the face of your own one as well to deserve it someone kicks a dog and it’s like that man should die like it’s fucked up. Like people just think you know dying people is pretty fucking normal but a little suffering puppy is like. Most big tragic thing ever and I know this is the least popular thing I’ve ever said but I will and I think it’s fucking stupid. You know it’s strange Troma films you’ve heard of that company trauma trauma. OK So they’re big on B. movies like Toxic Avenger and OK OK like like really crappy movies like that. Like Snakes on a plane that combat level that a lot of that was not the same car anymore for years. OK Again not the same company but we’re in the same ballpark anyway so the Toxic Avenger number one at one point the movie they are the bad guys are killing a lot of people in like a baby get shot in the head. It looks silly it’s so over the top it looks silly and in that same scene a dog gets killed and thrown across the room for the shit about the dog and say I got so many letters. About the dog in remember in that same scene a baby is shot you know that’s just piggybacking on what you’re saying. Well again I think I said this earlier people who are offended want to get offended so they kind of sit there look for a reason they you know they have to take issue with someone like you someone is like a big animal rights activists. Oh my God they killed them and write a letter make it really saves you a letter. Comcastro podcast on iTunes. They’re like Aunt I don’t write an angry letter Dear Mr person who made a movie that cost eleven dollars and made six you should have done that. Good movies are expensive we had some people on here earlier just trying to make a pilot and they made seventy five grand on Kickstarter. Yeah that a good job as you know the the numbers behind movies even for like a low budget pilot you’re talking seven figures like it’s all about time you spend in studios and recording you guys of course in clerks have you heard the story behind clerks now. Kevin Smith is talking about getting I want together is like look we don’t have a lot of money so we’re going to learn scripts were going to shoot a play because we can’t take a lot of takes we cannot do a lot of takes here we get it we get it right the first time if at all possible for a lot of the scenes and you know he wanted to be the lead himself he couldn’t remember it all. Well it’s clear it’s like that’s why I cast the other guy he just made himself. Yes you can actually you see the outtakes from movies new when you saw one of them was an outtake cost on how much money was spent recording the runny nose cameras and someone who says I’m silly and I’m not saying I don’t enjoy outtakes I’m just saying I wonder how much that you know I bet you the Guardian’s outtake where they actually do have a dance contest probably but it was worth. Did good output for the movie I feel like I’m the same way you do it anyway just to generate buzz after the movie exactly as it was a valuable outtake more than expensive as well. But crisp right does the dance thing and then he goes to you and then the fuckin monster man starts today. Oh yeah the only hands that it and then do the full C.G.I. and that when they really should have never been well some of them are just designed to have extras to make you go. Look at the website you know has a little credits roll step and that’s fine but I mean like I said Kevin Smith clerks on a show like a plaything and then you’ve got guys who I mean some of the answers they did you guys have raised thirty five grand my pilot Why don’t I have Johnny Sundance you know they have to record it and they have to mix they have to hire someone to have to pay their actors on full network’s level style stuff while the normal pilots more than a million dollars is just going to be like the Garage Band pilot did you see the crazy Dragon Ball Z. pilot thing. And so the power interest that that got dark quick the Dragon Ball Z. when someone made a pilot using actual actors based on episode one of the episode and its season so I was a twenty six you can say I have a real squalor over here it was like in a flashback or an alternate timeline or somewhere I read about when I watched it I was like wow they spent a lot of money you know like they raised a bunch they crowd the crowd source money and they’re trying to get Fox sponsors a web T.V. series and it just looks so cool that he was all professionally done. The power in a cynic I did of his own money I can make any money out of it and I’m sure James Van Der Beek chipped in. Oh I’m sure because you’re to myspace you cannot buy it. James Vanderbeek has been kind of edging his way back into popular culture. What I like played himself in a weirdo like don’t the Parchin bitch in apartment twelve being snout was hysterical he was just really watching her die of odium and surely show up or resurrect others that he was like an over exaggerated version self. He’s be famous and he’s doing things like I don’t like his pants just by the rest of them and don’t know things like that like that wasn’t in the show but he crazy celebrity like Mike Tyson hangover like he and Dean Cain when Dancing With The Stars and they had this like long convoluted plot to like steal de Dean Cain just because like one square foot more than his and Dean Cain also had some plot to make him do it because Dean Cain is a secret about the room. It was just like crazy things Liberty’s you know white Do you know tabloid worthy stuff and make up for this you know as funny as I mean that’s in fact what Ed Norton did in Bergman is very plain exaggerated showing us all the rubber man this movie was so fantastic. I was joking at the very end that is no longer a man know a birdman the two have become one he is now a man but man actually that may be exactly in a different way what they were going for gold at the end you could very well argue that the metaphor of his daughter looking up into the sky was actually her seeing him flying for real you know self actualized and the metaphor is you know she’s looking up and seeing him flying but what they’re going out is you know he has been able to kind of reintegrate the birdman into his personality and it’s like it’s usually therapeutic moment I choose to believe he was flying for real. His dad but that home actually that’s interesting we both have equally valid interpretation and wavers like huge camps on each one share and I believe he was flying but there was one scene earlier on in that where he and Edward Norton are like doing acting and they’re acting as actors it was such a cool scene and I remember watching that scene of that myself I don’t really want to talk about the one where they initially said nor any other line cutting lines of just cut that line out you say like three times just come out and say I don’t know the guy. And certain sort of like saying I know a guy that needs to say yeah I know. So so kind of around and now this can go back and forth and back to acting and I was like Well that was acting. Holy crap my cooking is so I thought it was funny that like it felt like every subsequent scene was so tense with overdone drama so melodramatic but the thing is you don’t you’re not even conscious of it because there’s so much to keep up with in the movie it doesn’t look like a cheesy play Yeah yeah it’s. But doesn’t melodrama work for a movie about actors of course I guess the thing is essential in any other film. People would be rolling their eyes saying. This is just so heavy too much but this one brilliant. Mike I mean Mike that was I hate to say I think it’s better than Beetlejuice but I mean that was his best work. I did so want to see him win the Academy Award for best actor because you know one of those things you just never think you’re ever going to see because it’s impossible as Michael Keaton giving an Oscar acceptance speech. You don’t that’s like on the same line as Nickelback winning a Grammy or Steven Seagal getting like Lifetime Achievement. Well the Grammys also and saying I could see if I could see that back and I don’t see why don’t think you have lost every thing. What if they call that Karen was on guard sound like so I could load everyone away that would be amazing. The Birdman of Nickelback I want to watch them like have this depressed like career thing or like a we got to be much of an artist she’s like I had a Kanye did he made all of his money on the rom coms and I watched Nickelback either get it or get busy living or die or die trying like I think I think Matthew McConaughey his career arc was OK and I do some bits and pieces and I do some ups as Mom comes. Then I’m going to do some more serious movies I’m going to do a real serious movie that might do some commercials and he’s now at the Lincoln commercial but I don’t know what he has next on the deal but he says he should take a day off I think between twenty eleven and twenty fourteen he was in everything like everything. He was like Natalie Portman this you know that your she was in everything. Yeah there was a you were Natalie Portman if you went to the. There is an insult. Yeah when I look at it out this is a seedy neighborhood why did I get myself into the river you are now because in so many movies that there was a two percent chance to see if you picture why don’t we use a two percent chance she was going to be I think pushing the hardest because you are so much weight for the Black Swan So she just needed to be she wanted like cashing in on that I am never going to be this tiny Again let’s go. Well yeah that’s why I like your Highness was you know totally I don’t know all she was is T.N.A. for that do you think now. Portman would have like taken that script at any for any reason. I haven’t seen the movie and she just made his whole thing sort of what it stars what’s his face Kelly McBride Danny McBride who I actually like but I was just a stupid movie so I’m not no she she went crazy and Matthew McConaughey is slowly turning into the white Samuel Jackson like he’s Matthew McConaughey you ever see the movie. He’s the white guy that that’s Matthew McConaughey was everything has become his generic like and he’s getting there has been so many movies and he it’s like he had he said a career renaissance. Oh no no question about oh you know very frequently referred to it as the Meconis following his Academy Award winner and amazing performance in True Detective. But people actually can’t make honest answers what they were doing while toothache was on too much and I like that but OK he actually he went on record as talking about like the notes that he took for True Detective when he was doing scenes he had over four hundred pages that he had taken kind of explaining the subtext of the back story and you know all the thought that went into the what went into the show I mean he took that as seriously as it felt like a freaking Ledger jokers. Oh yeah oh yeah I have every bit as in-depth as that. It’s good knowing him. If I’m coming to play the I can’t wait to see into the sequel to gravity which will be the Soup of the gravity like no gravity to mean either so. Oh yeah I’m going to show a sorry when I get this to confuse for some reason I mean yeah I mean the both kind of like spacing or because they see but not really grassy like even messages in a shower that’s what happens they are sending the message to us with gravity that’s why it keeps happening to me I love I just choose to believe that interstellar is a sequel to contact and that after seminary he went to engineering school and then became an astronaut and there was a massive famine on him and he discovered that you can’t you can’t have your science brain win going to Chris from and enjoy the fun. No And Jodie Foster caught brain cancer and that’s why he’s single and Interstellar. Can on Catwoman. I would say when you take out a better man than those those kinds of movies like What Were They Thinking. Have you seen that stupid scene which is playing with a basketball and what she’s like if she’s playing basketball which is only Kalma she’s got all these crazy moves and stuff I’m like I don’t know cast to play basketball. Cats play with toy balls you know like oh yeah but they just want to around on him through hoops and stuff that’s crazy. Yet there is a relic from a bygone age an age will return once comic books leave a list but there is just a time when they just did not take that stuff seriously. Well I mean examples when I want to go You Tube capped American one nine hundred ninety. Oh my God is that one with light and watch the scenery is chased by the dogs. David Hasselhoff you know I don’t know who was did you just look up the cat woman that Nancy Herb asked Wilson I can route the audio through these monitors you know no one needs to hear this. OK There’s a reason you can only find this on You Tube And here we have the intense sort of cutting of her playing with a ball that isn’t really. Making sounds she said a walk like Super Mario off a wall to catch a basketball. What I don’t understand about that about Catwoman in this movie is like how does she have super powers powers of a cat. Yeah like some cat goddess thing or something I don’t know. She got bit by a radioactive look at you making a big assumption that whoever wrote this movie had a plot in mind. Boy this is a Michael Bay level plot without the effects. I mean camera spends I mean it I mean is the thing with Michael Bay has the effects like he knows that he has to deliver something they have the same goal like always camera spins from The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air Michael Bay is actually really bad because he uses the same stock footage for all the special effects doesn’t really like complete with their scenes and transformers that are. We use like four times now and you know there’s a time when you finally explosions and stuff. Well there’s a single scene of traffic just coming down as robots collapse on it. That scene of traffic has been remade into different C.G.I. seems like twenty times and all of his films. Oh my God that identical clip and there’s one of like in space of our Panzer goes to Megatron space and they use that like three times in the movie just with different audio you know what’s funny about Michael Bay is I feel like they give him the non sacrosanct nerd franchise so he got transformers which disappointed a very vocal community. But let’s face it Transformers does not have the same following is like Star Trek Transformers was basically a twenty six minute card toy commercial. And then again I’m the tangerine into turtles which is near and dear to my heart but I’ll admit it’s nowhere near the level of design like spider. They didn’t have depth so it doesn’t really matter you know the I mean both of those both those cartoons were made to sell toys and you’re trying to make a movie based on a cartoon that was made to sell toys. Your plot was just make them have some action. So people buy action figures. That was the whole thing and then what commercials you see during those those T.V. shows. Marshall for the toys for T.V. shows are based on. Yeah I mean Hasbro did Hasbro actually make the cartoons now. Now no surprise you Michael Bay didn’t get a G.I. Joe G.I. Joe is no better then than Transformers are two hundred Ninja Turtles rather like coming at the same time aren’t they. I mean different as well. Yeah that was back in that time we were like hey let’s just reboot every nine hundred eighty S. cartoons movie money. I feel like the original judge a movie was I mean it was atrocious but the second one when they brought in the rock like you were saying earlier the rock. Yeah you know save any franchise for the rock to you can’t stop the rock and upon this rock and the other thing we know this is a movie. I’m sure he’ll be amazing or still shoulda. See the rock I hope Shaq as a cameo whereas it’s not it’s not is it. Yeah I guess so if he’s playing Black Adam then it’s not Captain Marvel anymore you can’t call it that you want to know why that is so Captain Marvel can’t like in the forty’s and he was basically whiz comics answer Superman a kid who said she’s am and turned into Earth’s Mightiest mortal Captain Marvel so D.C. in him might not have been called D.C. at the time they see oh look a superhero with a cape and fly and and all this cool stuff let’s sue the pants off them. So was comics really only had one property and that was Captain Marvel so eventually they settled and Captain Marvel went away and only came out every now and then they had a T.V. show about it at some point in the black and white T.V. show small bunch. Well one point that the trademark actually lapsed or something so Marvel Comics launched their Captain Marvel which was about a pre war hero with these power bands. Well then D.C. eventually decides and this may have been in the late eighty’s early ninety’s we should probably take advantage of this. It’s awesome here we’re just sitting around doing nothing because you know we sued somebody but they couldn’t call it Captain Marvel but they can still call him Captain Marvel much like they did call Hulk Hogan Hulk Hogan but they could call a movie all called him so that his name was Captain Marvel but the comp was called The Power of them. And you know D.C. rules are all those animated movies you know all the time and let’s be honest D.C. knows how to make an animated movie. Now we are much better the model and the most recent one Justice League War He introduces himself as I am which was significant for two reasons First off he didn’t call himself Captain Marvel. Secondly he didn’t call the lightning Downey said it apparently he can do it on command now like the way to beat him was always a trick to say his name or something. Yeah they actually did that in America written by Alan Moore Yes in Kingdom Come Superman is to stop them by Holden So every such as I am you know it’s partly that mechanic is going to but they are they’re going to call the movie Sam I guess actually you know it’s fascinating about Zan is his magic is actually one of Superman’s few weaknesses. Yeah I guess I guess what happened was. The D.C. was they realized after a while they were like this kryptonite stuff cannot be the only thing they can’t be everywhere at some point soon isn’t fed up and fly around and you know kill all the lead suit Yes You know he’s in a rental is it a rent some gloves extra gear fly around just crush it all and be done. Yeah I mean like in realistically like kryptonite is just the remnants of Krypton right. Like radioactive something you know I guess I’m not a superman scholar like you are. Well I mean like it’s like how many pieces of it could be flown around the universe that is one planet millions of light years away in a different solar system like it would be unlikely that you would have any more Kryptonite been what you might have found on the Superman cruiser that landed Griffin likes basically became a convenient plot device. Yeah. And plot devices can be you know my favorite part of life ever was a trauma one where if fried never knew anything about the future they could explain it to him which is their way of explaining it to us. Kryptonite pursued me it was weakness. Well it gets old after a while. So magic comes along and yeah OK So breaking loose the magic he can lose to misapply because Middlebrooks magic he got one woman can actually beat him with one of those special magic swords and Captain Marvel is as you know equal in speed strength already has magic. I think they have a they have now established a really Zack Snyder said that our commands tried it can actually pierce Superman skin magic it’s magic is that it is that it is a man who tries it. Something like that yeah OK All right well how the hell does that mean keep on winning. He’s Batman or an Oracle. Weeks ago it was like the Times Batman and Superman and there’s like five of them and it gets to the last one is about to be Superman to be determined and I think the article man said something like We’re not sure how this is going to go down but if you’ve seen the Comic Con footage you can’t see Ben Affleck’s face but he looks pissed and Superman is in for a world of hurt that made us pick a fight he knows he is going to win. I don’t know what’s going to happen and we’re going to feel like that means in a wind up sitting atop a Superman comic. Darkly. Oh yeah yeah I love doing. There was one I was saying who would win a fight that members of Superman and then so it was well clearly would go like this. So that my answer is this when Superman blows some ice frozen kicks him into the sun will only tell the rest of I don’t know he starts by like a laser in his like wash off freezes the skeletonized and kick some of the sun and then Superman standing there right in Alford shows up Master Bruce left is for you Mr Mr Kent and it’s a letter saying Dear Clark I have injected myself with krypton isotopes is unfortunate I don’t have a massive solar reactor to burn this thing through. Oh well fuck you propose isn’t it is that simple and yes I have a son likes of slugger green spectrum and it’s like a superman. Well I think one of my favorite Batman stories is Hush. Just because they do a good job of capturing Batman on top of his game all porno but awesome. Well I mean what’s cool about it is that man like a list of his best stories are always like at the end of his career like in Dark Knight Returns or or in very beginning his career that Batman Year One this one is Batman he has like a full cadre of robins you know he’s like kind of hooking up with Catwoman and he’s like I don’t know it’s like he’s got several battlefields as disposal it was cool about it. Superman Superman it was it was OK so they explain yeah they explain the thought process there at like at some points for men’s minds taking over as usual and bam in us but it has to put him down and Batman just sits there and says you don’t go into Metropolis and not expect to have to get into a fight with this guy like that is like so trivial for him like you like of course not have crept in but I have my utility bill the script and I never have too much you know there’s a cool scene to be there but as Brian has a Rolo Lex Luthor Man of Steel. We just basically talks Bruce Wayne into saying give me the Kryptonite like a real life. Both Eric and I can talk you can talk about when he talks to Bruce Wayne convincing him to give him a client who is going to have an alternate motive I don’t know I feel like he did and the thing is he was dressed completely like imagine like asshole frat boy C.E.O. just a waste of time going in it so I can demand they prove exactly like that they are in fact he looks childish and pedantic compared to the home of the steamed decorum of Lex Luthor. I wonder if the comic is written from Lex Luthor is point of lunacy where he sees the world like that. Yeah yeah it’s this is not the way that it actually is as real as all about like ego pole. You know I guess because you can ego works well for Lex Luthor that’s like his thing that’s you know he’s loose from you mention him in a steel which made me think of something kind of a little bit of a tangent. We just how many excellent Shaquille O’Neal noughts from Go on which we’ve talked about the Catwoman thing there have been some really bad comic movies such as the original Captain America movie the fantastic formerly from the ninety’s. Yeah both. Before that there was one guy I knew never released they just they just made the movie so they could keep the writer remember I never ever seen it it was so bad it never got really is there is a joke in the end there’s a joke about that that Tobias film the movie with the actors from that and that the actors in that movie released one actually were the caterers at their own release party now are the people I don’t know if they were that was the joke on Arrested Development. OK where do you think the Shaquille O’Neal Steele flick rings in terms of awful comic book movies. It’s almost in a it’s so bad that it’s good category. It’s like one of those train wrecks you just can’t look away. We’ll see of Riff Trax can get the rights for a while and here’s the thing like it’s so bad it’s good as a real thing like Catwoman is a bad movie because it’s just not funny I’m not going to watch is not fun at all. I mean like there’s like some crime. Even if they get Toxic Avenger is a good example of just like it’s not taking it so seriously it’s crappy we know and we would let you know. Jersey Girl we’re getting a lot of ticket sales because everyone said it was the worst movie ever made. August people had like became a point of pride to see the worst movie ever written Affleck and I don’t know but as a finish and I try to watch Jillian I remember Conan O’Brien makes a joke about they decide others are looking for Osama bin Laden new places theater showing Julie. But no one will volunteer for the search. I just that still move because Shaq tried to jump to movies I mean did the whole Khazan thing and that and I’m sure there’s another movie did as a third movie he don’t care who shows a video game you know making it I think Shaq is finding it himself of course he wears it as a point of shame that I like his get well knows we’re tired he loves video games and so he’s got approached Shaq because was love trying to make a game together. That’s a lot of ideas and I finally got to check for two remake checks will make it not as bad as what you do when they are like Loose Change something to change what anything’s an improvement. Now it’s like comedy Ninja Gaiden. Oh I’m guessing I did not know they were making sure they and I wish them the best I mean if their entire kind of money I would absolutely make what it’s like even making a video game is a labor of love because you can’t go on or assuming I make a lot of money like you know if you’re going to fund a video game you’re funding it because you want to see a game made well we actually have a we have a guest and he was talking exactly about that where you know the exception to the rule are the people who made like Super Meat Boy like two dude’s who did that indie development but they were like the first to really make the thing blow up more and I didn’t there that influential they were like the first like at least for console independent games are the first so it came out OK so I guess like what is it like how did the game work these days you just turn. He’s on Steam is that generally which is your goal and it’s the most accepted places they’ve got a monopoly on P.C. sales where you just do that. I mean technically E.A. has their own stores so they won’t permit steam to sell their property rights but all it really boils down to is there’s steam and then there’s a few choice franchises that are stuck on other ones. And basically if you you can own steam your silk air now basically if you’re willing to have nothing for a few years just so that zero point zero zero zero one percent of the game public said I thought that was clever that’s that’s in the D.N.A. That’s your legacy bro I think it’s important to have some kind of legacy. We have that debate I mean I mean you don’t want the kind of legacy like oh my God he’s the guy who made Catwoman you know what that legacy I think I think the whole movie birdman and demonstrates the anxieties of legacy I think that movie will be his legacy. Well I think the content of the movie like the plot definitely and the definitely picked Michael Keaton for that role because he loved that man. No question I mean if they said look we had this idea for a movie called Bird Man it will work you know it’s not about the superhero it’s about the guy you simply disappear. We want to get one. We feel like Michael Keaton is the choice you know what’s funny about it is like you know if you want to record people like you know how close is it to real life. He’s like I’ve never played a role more disparate from my actual life. Heard his quotes about Batman. Now Christian Bale is quoted saying it’s kind of weird seeing someone else by Batman and they asked Michael Keaton you know are you insecure all about Ben Affleck signal of course not because I’m Batman and like he was just Batman twice he’s been Batman. I mean technically Val Kilmer didn’t talk about it and George Clooney George Clooney won’t talk about it he actually said he’ll refund your money if you tell him that you saw that movie and the story is he has in his office he has a picture of himself as Batman and it’s like a reminder. What happens when you take shit scripts in the lucky ones that doesn’t remind you read the script first George when take the movie as a completely separate story I heard that all through the production of Titanic James Cameron kept a razor blade on this desk that said use only if the movie sucks. Which arguably Yeah well I mean if I’m a lot of money but he was freaking out because he’s like I just spent the most money ever been spent on a chick flick about to fucking die. Now I mean like and like it’s easy to forget but that movie was delayed and it was in production hell for forever it had every red flag you would have for like a total flop as did Avatar that’s absolutely right that they both worked out part of Avatar success I think was the day when you want to take a very hard like fifteen bucks. They were all one and all for movie too I got sucked into going to see that with a bunch of my what was the combination movie this was it was like Fern goalie in Pocahontas fern going resounded instead of the Smurfs. Haha actually like Dances with Wolves and Fearne go it was alright but I did not enjoy Avatar I couldn’t. I think we all have a soft place those enemy flicks in our kids and I don’t mean the Disney ones. I think about what animated movies from when you were children weren’t Disney Iron Giant Land Before Time. It’s your turn next. Stage one I don’t know if I love them just that wasn’t Disney that didn’t burn you say Del Toro make these owns a voice that I had. Yes That is correct. Get out of the tour because there I mean OK I was the director of the John and also it wasn’t I don’t think so. It was somebody famous for my money the Land Before Time sequence or little puts mom dies much sadder than Bambi’s mom die. I was never my favorite one of the crew. I watched it all the fuckin time. Ellen was excellent and then they had like a sequel third stupid thing along for the first time I saw it so why worry right. I thought it wasn’t going to go on until my dad about it so we went to the video place and he rented tapings like don’t tell your friends what I can do this because we had V.C.R.’s back before Macrovision was a thing so dad like just copied it for me and I hope we can do that is like a show so I got my first paired with him four times. Nice sort of my dad like I don’t know where you are you know you know I was in college that you should download things like you started my first pirate movie was I believe the three company handles with Donald Duck you know as a dad. I remembered fondly as a child. Speaking to Donald Duck and I’m totally I liken this you guys heard the news last week right now. Rebooting Ducktails. Yes I did hear about that. It’s exciting if it’s coincided with the release of their video game only right that I played the original any S one the other day on the Raspberry Pi and it was just it’s such a hard game. It is so hard. As one of the hardest games you have and many just don’t play very well the new version you just don’t forget the pogo stick in the old version you get like hold down and jump again like make you know I really hope this leads to a release of directly into the Dark Knight Returns the comic book that said I was joking became like a thirty issue because a funny cartoon until I know it always one I always said I will make another serious customers of all this is what it takes to win this trying to get dangerous but that was like Ghostbusters or come to good things like snow right. They had a Ghostbusters cartoon not all that great theme song is always on time to get to the actual margin kind of like actually never ending. From Ghostbusters one has been kind of downhill. It’s like they have the first movie that was extraordinary the second movie that was kind of the same thing over again and I really have and I hope that they’re going to get scripts for the third one because it would really be a disservice to the actresses and how funny they actually are to just say we did something profound by casting women and as if it’s a shit movie after the fact. It really just makes them a token nothings and makes a completely trivial that they are good actresses does just by putting a fucking difference X. in the role I feel like one of the problems that goes bust is that no matter how good the movie is there are people who are going to like it in principle. It’s putting him in a hard situation. Why didn’t you write a good one when you know there actually was an episode of the critic which I love it’s like an animated show because I know they’re going to because he was he is currently arguing it sucks now is his catchphrase I think it stinks. It’s Thanks that yeah that was it. And this one guy said you know what fine. We’re tired of your criticism all the time. You direct a movie. Here’s Ghostbusters three. You’re in charge and he goes down the path of becoming a horrible movie director and ends up making like the worst most like cliche a stupid movie possible. And he looks back and goes how might become this monster. The critic I’m really glad you brought that up that to me is one of the great tragedies of all of Fox the Fox channel is actually pretty good. They’ve canceled some great shows before and that is on up there I know everyone has their one at Fox canceled they should’ve cancelled for me when they turned off the critic. I was just I was I was a little sad because it was funny you know I will say I’m down with the Firefly fans with that but having watched it I want to ask is trying to date this artist she was a huge It’s not that girl but. She was a huge Firefly fan so just make sure we watch him recently because like when I met her she says she’s a huge fire five hundred and then said like this thing she had done it was like PROUD OF IT AND I WAS LIKE I SAID response no power in the verse can stop you know and she like loads of him and I did so so I literally watch it sort of just watch you know every quote possible and honestly it hasn’t held up that well guys done the final like two episodes do but the whole series on life so back to Metz come in early about everything guys seem to do is like to attract girls it’s like oh get a boat out of all this so I can impose quotes in the conversation to make her feel special like learn how to cook crazy things and do interesting stuff with music and you watch Firefly it’s like well what interesting things do you do in there that I can do a lot of cool stuff or sex once you know that. Well I mean my God it’s like have you got into electronic music. I’ve done the thing where you like play one note on a sex toy like write a whole freakin piece moving it around. He gets a little harder to get a high or low because of the distortion but. What am I like parlor tricks as I could stand there like people tell me you know to play the song to hunt for me and I only figured out that in twenty seconds everyone’s like oh my god you figured out ten years with song and I was like Well as long as it takes to write some of the simple yes and one of things I like about the Georgia Tech music program they do have like an emphasis on like music engineering I took the sound mixing class like you know do you ever go on the sound mixing Labutta Oh yeah I walked around I just look you know there is no this is fun. Where’s the night underneath the couch all of this although I moved it to the stage where they have a they they run the entire underneath couch you know like the band thing I think moved the student center. Now Chris Morris like a second pro tools so that when there was a big mixing board a permanent drum set all these mikes and stuff like they still have local bands doing stuff and I think that’s the students I don’t know out of the casket moved into the sensor problem and play there what do they still call under because they feel like the music. Now like a nice venue the proto men played there once because no one needs a musical saying there many more. Do you remember using isn’t listening when you were a student. Yeah I was just supposed to be hit. They have like ten thousand songs or something and you know I go in there and they give you a headset and the three player and I was just like yeah I’ve got access to You Tube Also and I actually never really I knew of it I just never went there. Yeah it wasn’t as great as people might want to get an Ipod that I got one of the sporty i Pods with freshman year Christmas Nickelback music with him again. Yeah I guess we’re dating ourselves a little bit I mean I didn’t have a clue you will i Pod if I didn’t click when I turned it on and it’s an old one I never even had one I didn’t have one of those either and if somebody did have a I knew someone younger than you had when he got his brother and I like it it had like the buttons you actually had to press and the quick you will make a click click click click click click some of the spine. Yes saw how that text I got came up on the screen. We asked who’s the guest. I replied hoping I would stay out but I wrote you some douche bag. You see that’s one way and it was a good way to end our guest who is up there is going to Hillary’s. OK There we go. Righteous was the gets back. How do you know you actually misspelled dish good. I spell it differently the first whereas there is misspelled sort of placed in them so that that it’s almost like Deutsche bag I must have spelled it wrong of them added to the dictionary wrong so that when I spelled it right while you have two spellings of despair you dictionary my phone has a very diverse expressiveness a douche bag I have to reset my phone’s auto correct like once every few months. I don’t attract fucking wires. It’s terrible because it always keeps on I have never meant to say ducking. Yeah I thought my I didn’t know there was a word I taught minus one talking. Yeah I know about. I’ve never ever said that you guys you guys see a dog lover Stand up though he was joking was the funny places where the word comes up right. And so he’d like so he writes a lot of rap sometimes I’ll write him in his phone and then you write it like did you mean neither. And he’s like a new i Phone say that OK I’m going to tell you a story real quick to salute you this is your closing story I used to work at a place where we had some guys wishing I over and apparently one of the words they use like fill in like you know you know when like we’re going to be there and like you know twenty or thirty minutes. Phonetically sounds just like the N word. So they’re just Center they’re talking and they’re like saying what’s Chinese in this words is coming up and everyone just looks at him like do they know what that means. Can I just say that and Lana and I spent they’re going out for New Year’s and like guys listen something you should know while you’re out in Atlanta. There’s a word you use that that sounds like a bad word and you probably shouldn’t say this because I like you guys and I don’t want to get shot and we had to explain to them is that we use that word quite a bit I was like yes yes you do and everyone know this is just so weird and I go back to my coworkers so it was a deal. Do they know what it means what it is all colossal racists and I was like and they were conservative Hey maybe they did. Cheney’s there are colossal racists and I know how ironic that statement is. Alright well thanks a lot for coming over. This was introduce yourself. Oh yeah my name is Daniel Smith and I’m just a guy that’s been having a conversation with Netflix eleven years a couple guys not quite nine to two thousand and three was a year later some of the militia the king of BET and bender fandom. Oh my God I miss my tender fandom that’s how we’re going to do is that’s that’s what we’re going to title this the funny thing is I’m not even like a future I’m a fanatic. They people meaning that all and on the show when I’m like OK all I need is a wad of cash with a head wrapped around it. He has a signed medal as I do and also a new picture of all of us. Why do you write you know.

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