hi there,
I picked up a well used Colt Agent 38 special. It's matte/parkerized. So by my understanding, that fact alone means it's a later version Agent, i.e., the 80s during the Colt strike years.
So one question about parts - it needs a new extractor rod. When I go to a site like Numrich, they list an old version and a new version of the part. It's hard to tell what version of rod is in there now because bubba got a hold of it and did some proud grinding on the rod. It does have the ratchet/post unit in the cylinder vs. the ratchet that screws onto the rod end (old version). The bubba'd rod has a head that I can't screw off - like a new version rod. Issue I have... what I can tell about old version vs. new version cranes... the old version crane has a crane bushing that screws in the end and hold the extractor rod spring in. Mine has one of these. The new version cranes do not have a crane bushing (?) best I can tell from old vs new part diagrams... and with the new version crane, the extractor rod inserts into the crane from the front and screws into the ratchet rod. As my bubba'd one does. Oh, the serial numbers match on the frame and on the crane.
And regarding the serial number - it is a five digit number only, no letters. and the number is preceded by a funky looking symbol stamped in the metal - almost like a crammed up W or V - but so narrow as to look like a symbol of some sort. Problem is, I can't find the serial number on any of the lookup sites - either as the five digit number, or the five digit number preceded by a W or a V. And this Agent is most definitely a light weight - aluminum frame.
I've ordered a new extractor rod for it from Numrich - the new style. Hoping it slides right in. But regarding the crane.. I guess that's the way cranes are on the Agents - new or old? with crane bushing?
thanks for any input.