
Founded nearly a year ago, eBusinessPlan is a new start-up that offers free business plan software for aspiring entrepreneurs. The intuitive software allows for full customization of business plans, while at the same time giving an easy to use format for those who are potentially creating a plan for the first time. The software is entirely web-based and gives users the ability to share plans among several different parties for collaboration and review. eBusinessPlan offers the necessary tools and functions for a winning business plan. The software also includes very robust financial tools.

The eBusinessPlan software business model is truly innovative to the industry. “We currently operate as a lead-generation property by connecting those who create business plan with our software partner companies,” said Kris Ulmer, an early employee of eBusinessPlan. Their model helps entrepreneurs not only build quality business plans but also helps them connect with other resources like private-lending, marketing, website development and more to help new founders get their business up and running quickly and efficiently.

Short-term eBusinessPlan is focusing on building up its partner base, “currently at eBusinessPlan we are seeking to reach more entrepreneurs and help them get their businesses off the ground,” said Ulmer. Long-term the eBusinessPlan team guided by James Endicott, the Director of the BYU Business Plan Competition, is striving to expand their network of users. The platform, currently in beta, boasts nearly 2,000 active users. “I believe that those within your network at CollegeStartup.org would benefit greatly from our product,” commented Ulmer.

If you are a new founder, or an existing one, that needs to create a business plan then eBusinessPlan may just be the software for you. You can take a look at the beta software yourself at www.ebusinessplan.com and begin to build the business plan of your dreams today.

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