
As college students, we have little to no time left to read beyond our textbooks. That’s why blogs are a quick, easy way to remind us what it’s like to read for fun. If your New Year’s resolution is to read more, here are 15 blogs to check out in 2015.

1. For the Clean-Eating Connoisseur


POPSUGAR calls itself a “global women’s lifestyle brand.” In the fitness blog tab, POPSUGAR posts several articles a day about healthy living. From effective workout routines and nutritious and delicious meal recipes to fitness fashion, POPSUGAR is beyond motivational when it comes to leading a healthy lifestyle. The articles are always short and to the point, which makes reading them a breeze.

2. For the Saving Student

Written by Stefanie O’Connell, a professional theatre actress in New York City, The Broke and Beautiful Life blog began to show how to dream big without becoming broke. This is a practical blog for college students living on a tight budget. Stefanie offers advice on conscious spending, extra income, goals, giving and investing in language simple enough for a non-finance major to understand.

3. For the College Chef


Daisy Bun created her blog, Full-Thyme Student, to deliver cheap and easy recipes that can be achieved by the average college student. If frozen chicken and veggies got you down, check out some of her innovatively simple recipes. The ten minute toaster oven pita pizzas are healthier and quicker than frozen pizzas– and look delicious too.

4. For the Gossip Fiend


Perez Hilton is a classic go-to when you’re in the mood for celebrity gossip. Posting multiple times a day, Perez covers everything from the reveal of Kim and Kanye’s baby name to little news like what Hilary Duff wore to the gym. The site never fails to be anything less than hilarious with Perez’s sarcastic diction and ruthless commentary.

5. For the Fitness Lover


Personal trainers and lifestyle coaches, Karena Dawn and Katrina Hodgson are two inspiring women with a kick-ass fitness blog. Tone It Up delivers workout plans that can be executed in the comfort of your own living room—or dorm room. These guides range from outdoor cardio workouts, free-weight circuits and yoga videos. They frequently post about workout challenges, like the “frisky fall fitness challenge” with daily workouts to keep the motivation going.

6. For the College Fashionista


College Fashion is a fashion and beauty blog written by college students for college students. In fact, College Fashion began from the dorm room of former UMass student Amy Levine. CF offers a great scope of fashion advice but is more attune to the college budget than most other fashion blogs. It features clothing from moderately priced stores like Charlotte Russe, Delia’s and Forever 21.

7. For the DIY Diva


Natalie Pirveysian’s mission on Crème de la Craft is to show her love for crafting by using items found around the house. From everything to wall art to lunch boxes, Natalie’s crafts can be for décor or practicality.

8. For the Happy Camper


To make 2015 your happiest year yet, why not read daily tips on “happiness & awesomeness”? The Positivity Blog began by Henrik Edberg, who focuses on personal development. The blog features many list-based articles with self-improvement advice that are eye-opening and easy to read.

9. For the Interior Decorator


While Apartment Therapy may be gaged for an older audience, that doesn’t mean you can’t easily implement their advice in your dorm room or off-campus apartment. The site has a lot of inspirational decorating ideas and tours many different apartment styles. Studying for tests and working on papers is a lot easier when your space suits your personality.

10. For the News Savvy


In college, news appears to be an increasing topic of discussion on campus; you may as well have been living in a cave if you weren’t up to date on the UVA scandal this past semester. Several news sources like CNN and FOX News have their own blogs that cover what’s going on in the world in a quick, convenient blog format. The Talking Points Memo is a popular source for all things news.

11. For the Bro


Called “the ultimate destination for Bros” BroBible covers all topics boys love to read: life, girls, sports, college, music and, most importantly, Bro tips. For a taste of content, “Undercover Boss Rewards Employee With A Boob Job For Meeting Her Goals” is currently what’s high on the home page.

12. For the Wanderluster


Skip Town is a photography-based blog that will help to harvest creativity for your next travel experience, or maybe just your next daydream.

13. For the Sport Enthusiast

Sportsblog offers sports news and commentary from a range of contributors: popular online sports writers, fans and athlete bloggers. The hourly posts keep sports fans updates on the NBA, NFL, MLB, NHL, WNBA, soccer and college sports.

14. For the LOLs


White Whine offers a daily collection of first-world problems. The site pulls from Facebook and Twitter status’ and offers sarcastic commentary on their first-world ridiculousness, a topic all too familiar to most of us. It’s not too heavy in content, but definitely a good read if you’re in the mood for a laugh or looking for something funny to share on your friend’s FB wall.

15. For the Interested

Run by Sapling Foundation, TED is a non-profit devoted to spreading ideas through conferences about academic, cultural and scientific topics. Online, TED Blog posts every new TED talk as well as various articles concerning news, polls and entertainment. The official mission statement of TED is to “offer free knowledge and inspiration from the world’s most inspired thinkers, and also a community of curious souls to engage with ideas and each other.” Whether you’re in the mood for simple uplifting inspiration or ready to delve into interesting worldly topics, TED blog is the place to stop.

The post 15 Blogs to Read in 2015 appeared first on College Magazine.

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