On December 19 #CollegeCash welcomed Kelly Lieberman (@tribe2point0) from Tribe2point0 to discuss Pinterest for students. Tribe 2.0 bridges the online and offline experience with a consistent and cohesive voice and offers complete social media management. You can now depend on a single resource to build social relationships with your tribe that creates a loyal and passionate community committed to your brand or small business. Kelly is also passionate about Pinterest and shares her obsession with enthusiastic Pinners on #PinChat on Wednesdays at 9pm eastern.
Kelly thinks that Pinterest has become so popular with students because it is so easy to use. Students can focus on and explore passions and interests. Pinterest does not have the same social pressure. To effectively “pin” Kelly recommends that students pin what they are truly passionate about and interested in. She advises Pinners to be sure they have the correct source link when pinning. It can be frustrating for your followers to click through and not be able to find any information. Ways she suggests that students can use Pinterest include:
• Collaborating on Group Boards with other students for projects.
• Curating boards for presentations and thesis research.
• Start pinning your resume. Be sure to include your internships, portfolio, and examples of your work.
• Follow organizations/brands/people that interest and inspire you.
Colleges have also been using Pinterest boards to connect with current students, potential students, college parents, and alumni. Most colleges on Pinterest highlight campus life and showcase the spirit of the college, highlighting famous alums and selling school gear.
Pinterest Place Pins allow you to add a map (location) to the things that you pin. Place Pins add enhanced information to Pins including address, phone number, and hours of operation for businesses. The maps can be accessed on the go and are interactive. Place Pins can also be used for trip planning. For example, students can use Place Pins to plan a Spring Break trip with their friends. Pin the places you want to stay, where you want to eat, and what you want to do. Or they could create a Places Board about their hometown which includes landmarks, historical sites, places to eat, etc. Another idea is to create a Best Places On and Around Campus Board to share with other students.
Pinterest can help alleviate stress during the holiday season because it makes it so easy to plan and get organized. In one study, 92% of users said Pinterest makes holiday planning less stressful because it is so easy to find time savers, checklists, and ways to save money. Check the Pins of your friends and family to discover what they want for Christmas. Many Pinners even have a Wish List Board.
Students can find unique gift ideas on Pinterest by searching. Most likely anything that you can think of has been pinned. Pinterest has a 2013 Holiday Gift Giving Guide category – visit it for inspiration. Many of your favorite brands are Pinning and have created Gift Guide Boards. Also think outside the box and get creative – homemade and DIY for the holidays can be fun. See what friends and family are pinning; notice if they want to do a DIY project and get them the supplies.
Kelly’s favorite updates that Pinterest made this year include Rich Pins – enhanced Pins with additional information. She also loves the “Looks like you already Pinned this” notice and is thrilled to have the extra Secret Boards.
Kelly thinks that the top 3 boards students need to be following are:
1. College Checklists
2. Drake University Study Abroad
3. Drake University Study Inspiration Board
She also advises student to be sure to see if your college is Pinning because they can have excellent boards and resources for students and parents
Three Takeaways:
1. Pin what inspires you and then take action – turn that (P)inspiration into reality. Follow Pinners that inspire you – it truly improves your overall experience on Pinterest.
2. Pinning is fun with friends – create a group board, create a Pinning Party plan, and throw a party!
3. Pin from the original source – it will make you and other Pinners happy Íž).
Kelly invites you to please share your Pins! You can find her pinning at http://www.pinterest.com/kellylieberman/.
For more chatting about #Pinterest, join #PinChat on Facebook & Twitter (@tribe2point0)
Want more information? Visit College Financial Aid Advisors on the web or Tweet @JodiOkun with any questions that you might have about #CollegeCash. Hope to see you each week on Thursday nights at 8 pm EST/5 pm PST!