
Looking to start a fulfilling degree in the field of engineering, but have family obligations or can’t afford to quit your current job to return to school? Then perhaps it’s time to look into getting an engineering degree online. Whether you’re looking to get an online mechanical engineering degree, an online civil engineering degree, or an online electrical engineering degree, there are options for you to choose from. While selecting the right Bachelor of Engineering program can be a complicated task, College Choice is here to help with ready-aggregated, easy-to-understand data rankings for the best engineering degrees online.

Engineering is always a growing, in-demand profession. The job prospects from the Bureau of Labor Statistics predict a 3% growth over the next 8 years with a median wage of $76,870, which means there may not be a better time to consider and online engineering degree.

While an online engineering Bachelor’s degree will still take nearly four years to complete, online students enjoy flexibility and challenging coursework as they work toward finishing a degree. According to eCampus News, a recent survey suggests that three of four online students is very satisfied with online learning experience, though there are still concerns about the quality of course content. But do not fear—the online learning world is catching up quickly to the traditional classroom world. With the prominence of MOOCs and other forms of adaptive digital learning, the gaps between these two styles of learning is narrowing. Online students can achieve serious connectivity to their professors and peers through collaborative assignments and video and project-based learning tools.

Still, it’s good to check into a few important aspects of your college degree before signing on the dotted line. When searching for an online degree, be sure you’re asking the following questions so that you will have some clarity about what you’re getting into:

First, be sure you understand the educational and technical support programs offered by the school, as well as an assurance that the faculty population is adept at facilitating digital learning platforms, and with expedient communication.

Second, do you know the level of interaction you will receive from faculty, staff, and peers? Not only do many online programs have practicum or residency components, but all accredited online universities make student-to-student and student-to-instructor engagement a priority on digital platforms. Be sure you understand how this is accomplished.

Third, do you know the actual cost of taking online classes? When looking for online degree programs, be aware that the sticker price isn’t always accurate, especially when you’re talking technology fees for online platforms which will house your class modules. Be sure you get to the bottom of actual costs and budget correctly.

Our College Choice rankings for the best online engineering schools have been compiled from a variety of significant data sets from the Higher Education Research Institute at UCLA, PayScale.com, U.S. News & World Report, and the National Center for Education Statistics. We’re here to help you navigate your options and select just the right school, so happy hunting!

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