Imagine having the perspective of the angels and invisible teachers that watch over our world for a moment. The insight, clarity and understanding from this vantage point would be astonishing. Being able to experience the mental, emotional and energetic states of all beings as they truly are in each moment would be an amazing perspective to behold. Believe it or not, there are groups of non-physical beings who watch over us individually and our planet as a whole. Each of us has a strong and intimate relationship with these beings that extends beyond our physical reality. They are with us at this very moment, if we can only just be still enough to feel their presence. Usually thought of as angels, guides, teachers and our spiritual family, they assist us by providing intuitive guidance, inspired thought, creative insight and a multitude of other ingenious forms of divine assistance that we cannot fully comprehend right now.
To appreciate and experience this relationship firsthand, it helps to develop stillness of mind through conscious breathing and regular meditation practice. Being receptive is key. Call on your guides in a genuine manner and be open to receiving unexpected forms of assistance. These teachers are found by focusing your attention inward; they are not “out there” somewhere. Even if we deny their existence, their help is still ongoing and available to us, especially in times of great need or danger, where we often act in inexplicable ways without fully realizing why.
Why are these Angels here with us? Part of the reason is to remind us where we really come from and of our true purpose for being in the world. We each have very specific reasons for being in these bodies at this time, which will make full use of the gifts we bring from beyond the physical realm. No matter how wealthy, successful or stimulated we are, until we work towards actualizing this greater purpose, we will always feel unfulfilled and uneasy deep down. It is important that we understand this. We are each here to activate the deeper spiritual Knowledge within ourselves–our true connection to God–which goes far beyond the intellectual mind and is the source of all power and love in the universe.
“Knowledge is the deeper spiritual mind that the Creator has given to each person. It is the source of all meaningful action, contribution and relationships. It is our natural inner guidance system. Its reality is mysterious, but its presence can be directly experienced. Knowledge is remarkably wise and effective in guiding each person in finding his or her right relationships, work and contribution. It is equally effective in preparing one to recognize the many pitfalls and deceptions that exist along the way. It is the basis for seeing, knowing and acting with certainty and strength. It is the foundation of life.” — via Steps to KnowledgeI would like to share with you a powerful new book called Secrets of Heaven, the latest release from the New Message from God world teachings. The book contains 300 short mystery teachings that have the potential to inspire you at a deep and genuine level. It is a great book that you can pick up at any page and find piercing insights to contemplate and motivate you back on track. I find it incredible that reading just a few short sentences can move me at the level of spirit like some of these passages do.
The hidden truths and wisdom found within these pages were first revealed to messenger Marshall Vian Summers in a series of mysterious angelic encounters starting in 1983 in the deserts of the American Southwest. For the past 30 years, Summers has continued to receive these profound communications, which are now digitally recorded as they are originally received and then transcribed. Listening to the voice that comes through Summers is very unique; it is unlike any human voice I have ever heard and is truly a powerful presence to behold. My inner knowing confirms to me that the Angelic Assembly is speaking through Summers as one voice and this continues to inspire me to be of service while I am here in this body.
“From the depths of Mystery come the Secrets of Heaven. They have come to take you deeper into the experience of mystery and purpose that surrounds your presence in the world. The Angels of Heaven seek to share with you what has long been forgotten in the world. Miraculously, as if whispered across time and space, these secrets have now come to you. You have found them.
At a time of great change in the world, Heaven seeks to reveal to you the long-forgotten truths that once guided the prophets, poets, messengers and mystics throughout the ages. Here the ancient memory and awareness that dwells within you can be rekindled, revealing your greater gifts and purpose in the world. The Secrets of Heaven hold the power to unlock these gifts, deep at the heart of humanity. With these gifts, there is new hope for the world.
Heaven asks you to receive its secrets. Each secret is a window into a greater reality. Each secret is an opportunity to peer through the looking glass, and see ourselves as we are seen from above. Now we are looking through the eyes of Heaven to see ourselves, others and the world as never before.” — from the book cover
The New Message is the most profound and direct set of teachings that I have come across in my life. Why is it so powerful? Because it provides a fresh and universal perspective from the Creator when we need it most. It is not based on any existing world religion and is meant for all regardless of background, religion, culture or creed. It helps us to understand how we fit into a universe that is filled with intelligent life at all levels of evolution — including those beings that do not have our best interests at heart. It has helped me move beyond just a human perspective of all things, beginning with the development of a universal identity and awareness, which allows me to appreciate that we are part of an even bigger panorama of life. It acknowledges the grave challenges that we face now and in the future: surviving the Great Waves of Change and facing extraterrestrial intervention and competition within our world. I find that the New Message addresses these vital issues with piercing clarity and honesty, written in a way that even a 10 year old child could understand it.
While the New Message may be rejected and opposed by many, there is an important message that it aims to make clear: If we do not successfully recognize and navigate the crucial challenges ahead, humanity will face a grave and precipitous decline in the future, leading to tremendous loss and untold suffering. Our world system is very vulnerable in many ways and a great shakeup or collapse in its functioning would change everything. I believe that accepting failure as a possibility is not a negative viewpoint, it is simply recognizing what is possible. What is up ahead is not set in stone, as we are all active contributors to its unfolding, but continuing to sow the seeds of our demise as a collective is not a wise decision.
Right now, we are vastly underestimating the misuse and abuse of our planet and its resources and what this will mean for our future. It is also becoming increasingly evident that we are being visited by an increasing number of extraterrestrial forces both in our skies and underground. In many cases these are beings who are here to deceive us and capitalize on our weaknesses, committing serious violations and abuses to humans worldwide almost totally in secret. I feel that we cannot afford to keep burying our heads in the sand on these issues. Human greed, arrogance and ignorance are some of our biggest vices and they must be overcome if we are to have any chance at becoming a free and self-sufficient interplanetary race. It is up to us to individually reclaim our ability to serve as vehicles for Spirit and Knowledge to express itself through us, for humanity needs strong, dedicated and effective individuals now and in the challenging times ahead.
“The fate of humanity will be determined in the next 20 years—the condition of the world, the condition of the human family, the fate and the future of human civilization. You are no longer alone in the world or even in the universe. Of course. You do not know what is occurring and what is coming over the horizon because you are too afraid to see and too arrogant, assuming that you know. That is why the Revelation must be given to show you what you cannot see and do not know. beyond human speculation and estimation. This is embedded in all of the Teachings of the New Message.” — from The Recitation, Apr. 9, 2011
I do not share this with you to incite fear. Rather, I share this with you to inspire your courage and willingness to be of service to a world and race that is truly in need. Your contribution is needed and this is why you came here — to help and serve during this time of difficult transition. So I invite you to consider the following secrets deeply and with your full attention, taking a moment to be with them and allowing them to resonate at a deeper level. There are so many that I would like to share with you, but for brevity’s sake, I have included 45 in this article for you to consider and take from them what you will.
The Angelic Presence
#1: We are above the surface of your world, and yet your environment is as transparent to us as a shallow pond with fish. Even more so, since we have lived in that pond so many times ourselves. How much more we know. If the fish could but listen to the thoughts of its observers who stand over its domain, it could learn of everything else—of the trees and the sky, the flowers, the source of the water that feeds its pond and the destiny of the water that is drained from its pond. It is the same for you. You could learn what lies beyond your domain, for like the fish, you live within a whole universe, not within a little pond. Though the fish may live its entire life in such a small place, it swims in the whole universe, with the sky and the stars above it and below it as well. Is this not also true with you?
#2: We make ourselves public so that you may know our presence and know that there is a Master Plan. It is this Plan that you must now become aware of, for until you do, your life will be aimless, without certain purpose, with only your errors to teach you.
#3: We wish for you all to receive the joy that awaits you. In our world, there is joy. There are very few in this world who can contain the joy that we feel. We are not bound by what cannot succeed. We are not hopeless. We are not alone.
#48: We know how to resolve the difficulties that the world faces because we have resolved them for ourselves.
#133: Many of you will wonder who we are. We are what you will become.
#120: Our names are not known in the world. It is because our charge is not this world alone. There are many Teachers who attend to the world singularly. It is their purpose to do so. And yet our charge is to unite this world and prepare it for the Greater Community.
#231: We are bound to the physical by our obligations and desire to serve, which are the same. We have access to a Greater Reality, yet we exist here. We are nourished by this Greater Reality, and that is why we can exist in our capacity without misery. We serve our Spiritual Family, whom we love. We know our limits. We take full advantage of our strengths. We follow our Teachers, whom you cannot hear. We represent them as they represent those beyond them.
#169: It is not important whether you believe in our presence or not. This can only be known, and belief adds little testimony to it.
The Role of God
#5: God must enter a world where God is not welcome, in ways that do not generate fear and panic amongst those who believe the world is their only reality. It is for this reason that the Will of God manifests itself in subtle and ingenious ways in this world.
#10: God answers through the Teachers. They are God’s answer. They can translate the Will of God into an experience that you can accept, recognize and appreciate. It is through these relationships that the Will of God will become ever present to you.
#285: You need a larger perspective to comprehend the work of God. God is not human. God does not think like a human. God is not made in your image. God has no image. The Source of all life accounts for all life.
Preparation for Great Changes Ahead
#11: Now the old age draws to an end. Difficult will its ending be and turbulent. And yet you are preparing for the advent of this change and the beginning of a new order. The turmoil that you have felt in your individual lives is an indication that you are in preparation for a world in change.
#147: Your world is in a predictable stage of evolution. Think not it is unique, for all civilizations pass through these difficult transition periods. Many of them fail. Humanity is in the process of entering a more mature state.
#220: In this period of time, because you all sense imminent change, you react according to your personal inclinations. Some seek to revitalize old traditions and to establish old roots, while others seek to break all traditions and roots. Some attempt to reach God and escape being in the world, while others fall into despair. These are but different responses to the same basic feeling.
#173: The events to come will require a shift in reality of the Earth’s inhabitants. They must change or struggle against what they now experience. It is but this alone that they anticipate in their attempts to revive the old religions, systems and values, many of which have served a valuable purpose, yet in essence are long past. Are not the preparations of this century with its revivals, its new understandings, its outbreaks of conflict and its technological development but a preparation for what lies beyond in the new centuries to come? Has not all of this been building so rapidly towards a major turning point, as if racing to a finish that is in itself but a new beginning?
Walking The Path
#56: There is a great emphasis placed on those who respond to an inner calling. They have such importance. We gather around them. They hold the promise of renewal and rejuvenation for your world.
#100: Everyone wants to know the answer without making the journey. It is the journey that is the answer.
#158: Your heart will direct you. It is this we have spoken of before. Listen to your heart. It is not your emotions that we speak of, but your Knowledge.
#137: To be set on the path of good does not always look good. To learn of God does not always seem holy. To learn of Wisdom is certainly beyond human logic.
#12: When the mind is joined with Spirit, it is in its true role. It recognizes its function and is capable of fulfilling it perfectly.
#142: Many have attempted to reach God according to their own concepts and have become estranged from life as a result.
Divine Assistance
#241: Inner Guidance is simply the re-establishment of an established relationship. This is its true meaning. Though it seems remarkable to the one who receives it, it is simply a re-establishment of an old bond, as if an old friend has re-entered your life for a specific purpose.
#127: Contact with the Teachers is an exercise in remembering your true mind and your true relationships. The purpose inherent in this is to call you into service.
#128: You are guardians of a treasure unknowingly. Your treasure is your lineage, the accrued learning of all of your activities here and abroad.
#154: If you are to recall your lineage and with it the knowledge of your mission here, you must be able to expand beyond your human identity and affairs and yet bring all that you discover back to serve them.
Higher Purpose
#99: If you have purpose, you will teach it. If you do not have purpose, you must seek it.
#134: Your life has two possibilities. You will find your purpose and fulfill it, or you will not. It is only your success in this matter that you will reflect upon once you leave. For upon leaving the world, you will leave all the world’s preoccupations, leaving you with your one purpose, fulfilled or not.
#179: Inner Knowledge, true purpose, the presence of the Teachers—all sound an inner calling that must grow in strength and scope as it is attended to and utilized, recognized and applied. All that is in contradiction to this at some point will be recognized and relinquished as unwanted, as merely hindering that natural return of the heart.
#83: Knowledge brings responsibility, and purpose always has a calling. Indeed, the function of purpose is the response to a calling. You cannot understand your purpose without acting upon it. This action will call for perhaps a greater participation and understanding than you have ever known.
Learning Beyond The World
#65: Think not there will be an end to learning after you have left the world. This world is only a beginning.
#68: Being within a body in the world necessitates a certain level of ignorance. Accept this. Do not strive for total awareness, or you will neglect what can actually be done here.
#72: Your work now is within the world. You cannot leave here until your work is done. If you destroy your learning vehicle, you will simply have to wait and return again. Indeed, you will be anxious to return, for as you wait, you will recognize the opportunities that you missed. Recognizing your errors, you will be anxious to return.
#145: Your learning predicaments here are the same as they are everywhere. You must be sensible in this matter, for you see, your world will be visited in very visible ways by races in the Greater Community, and you will be all excited because you may think it is the arrival of enlightened ones who possess great technological advancements that will free your people. Do not be foolish.
Emerging into the Greater Community of Intelligent Life
#88: It is essential that the world undergo its transition into the Greater Community. It is the end of childhood, and with it many things will pass. Do not be concerned with complete destruction, for that is not the way of things. Be concerned instead with supporting the world through this state of transition.
#171: The values of this world will be so affected by your emergence into the Greater Community. There has never been an impact so great upon the consciousness of those who dwell here nor one of such grave consequences. Religion, art, philosophy, culture, the foundations of government, law and ethics—all will be greatly affected.
#126: Be prepared, then, for the visitation of those from the Greater Community. Yet you must be counseled. They are not all of good intention. A young adolescent entering the world of adults will discover the world through exposure. Many ideals and hopes perhaps will be lost encountering the real nature and state of those who are met. Thus it is with the emergence of this world into the Greater Community. Why is this relevant to you? It is relevant because it represents the time in history during which you have entered the world. It is your responsibility to serve this history, fulfilling your rightful place and thus completing your mission here.
True Service in the World
#39: The world will need you, and you must commit yourself to it. It is not a world of casual choices but a world of great demands, and the demands that it will make will show you your own greatness.
#260: You must successfully negotiate this world and use your physical abilities. You see, the Plan calls for the use of all your self-created abilities for a greater purpose. That is how everything is brought back into wholeness.
#291: Human beings are not sent here to achieve ultimate reality. That is not your purpose. Your purpose in being here is to complete being here.
#207: You are not needed where everything is wonderful. You are needed where everything is not wonderful. When this life is over, everything can be wonderful. You went to great pains to come into this world, to be where things are not wonderful. In this world, things are not wonderful. Do you understand? Do not lie about this, or you shall reach the epitome of ignorance. You know things are not wonderful.
Taking The Next Step In Life
#214: Do not attempt to reach the highest point, or you will miss the step that is in front of you, the step that has been awaiting you for so long.
#238: All this self-growth, what can it do for you? You either have Knowledge or you do not.
#95: You think your enlightenment occurs within you alone. All progress is the result of relationship. Your enlightenment is the recognition of complete relationship.
#165: We give personal relationships the greatest priority, for they have the greatest potential for strengthening or weakening those who participate.
#229: For some, the realization of Knowledge is devastating in that it discounts so many of their personal beliefs. Knowledge may not appear to be like God at all. It is sober. It is clear. It does not take positions. It directs actions on its own accord without any reference to outside influences.
#226: If you wish to experience the Teachers of God who surround you, call them Angels or whatever you wish, you must have a place within yourself that is open for this. Therefore, empty your mind of grand thoughts. Then you may enter the present, which is the beginning of the experience of Knowledge.
If you are interested in reading more, I recommend purchasing the book for yourself. There is much more wisdom to be found within these pages. It is available from New Knowledge Library,, Barnes & Noble and other international booksellers worldwide. I also recommend checking out other New Message books, much of which can be read for free online and are listed below. There is also a Free School online community which currently has 1057 students from 80 countries who participate in 2-month study periods. I suggest looking into it if you are interested in becoming a student of the New Message. These teachings will motivate you to take your life seriously, to examine yourself and others objectively and to commit yourself to service wholeheartedly. To me, there is no greater fulfillment than going down this path, even though much of it remains mysterious and seems overwhelming at times. I know that what has been proposed here may not be easy to accept or face, but I believe it is necessary to bring up. Thank you for your genuine consideration and for reading this far.
May you be inspired, guided, and protected by Knowledge within you as we face the challenges ahead, successfully completing your mission on Earth in this lifetime. The greatest adventure lies ahead — are you preparing for it?
Sincerely and with love,
#37: It takes far longer to prepare than it does to act.
Steps to Knowledge — 365 steps or lessons for daily practice. I cannot recommend this enough, for it will make you strong, discerning, and capable. Full PDF available here, or in printed form, or online for free. Winner of the 2000 Spiritual Book of the Year Award in the USA.
Life in the Universe — The reality and spirituality of what life is actually like beyond our world. Who is out there and why would they make contact with us? An incredible body of information. Available as a PDF in full for free or in printed form.
Greater Community Spirituality — This is a spirituality that transcends all boundaries of race, culture, religion and language, providing the foundation for recognition and relationship between people, nations and worlds. It is a new theology to prepare the human family for the great thresholds ahead. It is a doorway into a greater universe. 13 chapters available online for free or in printed form.
Great Waves of Change — Humanity has crossed a critical threshold where we will have to adapt to a whole new set of circumstances. This will require a united effort between nations and peoples to bring new levels of skill, technology and cooperation to meet the requirements of living in a world in decline. Learn how to prepare. Available as a free PDF or in printed form.
Allies of Humanity Briefings — a series of critical briefings about the nature of the extraterrestrial visitation taking place covertly on Earth. They offer us a bigger picture understanding of what is taking place, why, and what we can do about it. Vital information. Mostly available online for free and also in printed form.