





(Instead of getting one gif to 50k notes, reblog 50 fanfictions and give them each a thousand notes.

Please support fanfiction authors too guys, and tag is as Captain Swan and counts just as well to ‘most reblogged ship’

But stop taking fanfiction for granted.)


Or do both! Even better :D

I agree with this (and just supporting fanfic writers overall!), but I don’t think personal tags count… our personal tags on reblogs are for our own blogs/organization.  I think the tag on the original post has to be captain swan (in the first five), and then they count how many reblogs occur from those particular posts.  So all the post creators should remember to tag “captain swan” in their first five.  And then we reblog the ish out of those posts.

Oh okay, I must admit I have no clue how that stuff works, I thought it had to do with all tags.

But even so, reblog more fanfics 2k16!

it does have to do with tags but only the tags on the original posts.

here’s how tags on here work:

Someone writes an original post and wants it put into the tags that everyone can see (like a gifset, photo, text post, etc).  This original post will go into the first five tags listed on the original posts.  So if I made a gifset and I wanted anyone that is looking in certain tags to see it, I would put those in the first five… something like “csedit” “captain swan” “cs crew”  etc etc. Tumblr doesn’t have “the most tagged” ship list, it’s the “most reblogged ship” list.  So they take posts with the original tags and then count the reblogs…. I’m sure there’s some sort of computer algorithm (or whatever) that takes care of this.

Tags you use on things you reblog is for your personal blog’s organization only.  I doubt there’s even a way that tumblr can count all of these.  We use tags on our personal blogs for organizing, and also to keep other people’s dashes free of things they don’t want to see (they can put those tags in their blacklist, which works on original tags and reblog tags).

Hope this helps a little.  Honestly, I haven’t talked to anyone at Tumblr so no one reallllly knows how they come up with their numbers, but counting tags on reblogs just doesn’t make sense and I’m not sure how they would even do it.  It seems like the likely option is the first one.  So peoples better just be tagging their original posts with captain swan in the first five.

And yes, let’s promote fanfic writers regardless!!!

I tag captain swan in the first five tags of my fic just because it’s the best categorization on this damn site lol. So remember, fic writers, don’t just tag cs ff and cs crew, be sure to tag the original captain swan tag as well!!

And ofc, readers reblog those fics! Seriously, rebloging ten fics you read and liked gives the fandom the same boost as reblogging one gifset ten times.

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