First out of the gate, so to speak, according to Jones, will be Stargate Atlantis: Season 6, a new monthly title continuing the events from the climactic end of the hit TV show’s fifth season. Lt. Colonel John Sheppard, Ronon Dex, Teyla Emmagan, Dr. Rodney McKay, Richard Woolsey, Dr. Jennifer Keller and the series’ many other familiar characters will be up against dangerous new foes who threaten everyone from the distant Pegasus galaxy to the Earth itself.
Following that, AM will launch a monthly Stargate Universe, the details of which Jones wasn’t quite ready to share just yet.
“For fans of Stargate Universe, we have something really special planned, and as a fan of the show myself I can say it’s going to be very cool. We’re going to get to know Dr. Nicholas Rush, Eli Wallace, Colonel Everett Young, Camile Wray and the other Destiny crew members very well,” he said.
The schedules and creative teams for these series will be announced shortly, and there’s even more Stargate news to come from AM in the near future. The first issue of Stargate Atlantis will be featured in the January 2016 issue of PREVIEWS from Diamond Comic Distributors. It will hit comic shops in March.
I repeat: please don’t be the Extinction plot!