
Is Making Money from Internet Marketing ACTUALLY POSSIBLE?

Today I want to HELP YOU in actually doing it…..making money from Internet Marketing……

Hello and welcome to my blog!

My name is Colin Burnett and I come from The Sunshine State in Australia.

Now if you are a bit like me at times, you want one of these two things….

A You are lazy and would rather pay someone to build your business for you.


B You don’t have much time to dedicate to building your business.

So there are a few different solutions out there to suit every type of person out there.

You see, I was always one of those haters. I always had an excuse for why I failed.

I’m sure you know exactly the type of person I am talking about.

The guy that always stands in the shadows and laughs at people having a go.

I hate these guys.

There are important though for people to succeed. I had so many of these people in my life which drove me to succeed with my Internet Marketing Business.

I kicked them out of my life by the way…no room for them.

SO when does the whole Making Money from Internet Marketing thing start?

Well it is basically up to you when!! (cheesy right)

If you are a real beginner with the Internet, The first answer is to sell stuff.

You can either sell a product or give a service like any business anywhere in the world has ever done. That is the simple answer and I won’t go into any schemey unethical techniques that may work for awhile and eventually get you booted from whatever you have created

Examples of services to be provided online are endless; SEO services on how to rank blogs and make money (what I do), article writing services and virtual assistants.

Examples of products are videos on how to get fit, how to build a house and so on.

What I do is provide products on how to build your business online…..getting people interested and putting them right through a funnel to them actually paying you something for the product you provide. Remember to always give more value than what you receive….great tip for any biz

That was the what…now for the HOW…

This is the most critical part.

If you are me a few years ago, you have now found the Empower Network products which you can promote for 100% commissions.

Now you just need to know how to actually start making the BIG BUCKS!!!

Well I have a plan….a plan that has worked for me and will work for you if you stick to it….

In fact, the plan has worked for many.


The plan is simple….

Use this trusted way to making money from Internet marketing and you will have a very good chance for success.

Step 1

Just get your shiny new credit card out of your pocket and plug your details into this form.

I mean come on….it costs less than a good meal for 2 over here in Australia.

Whether you are in the US or Australia or any other country…

Costs are skyrocketing and people are losing more and more money. All of these so called ‘get rich quick‘ investment schemes. The truth is that the majority of them, you lose your money quicker than you ever imagined!!

So that’s why we are here.

Step 2

Go through the training and pick ONE major and ONE minor way that you will build your business.

Check out this video for more ideas….

Internet Marketing Techniques – Colin Burnett

For example, I am primarily a blogger who dabbles in videos. I had no success before I decided to stick with one thing.

It is crazy, they were telling me for ages but I just didn’t realise until one day when I was sitting on a bus. I like to call that bus trip, the bus trip to freedom….there was light at the end of the tunnel and all that…

So you have gotten started and also have picked how you are going to build your business.

Now for the last and most complicated step of all…

Step 3

Stick with this method until you have succeeded.

That’s it.

There are just so many of you out there who really struggle getting a start in life. There is point sitting around and complaining about it though.There is a lot of work to be done! I discovered this system that was made specifically for you the battler.

This system was put together by people who found success the hard way. By people who have your best interests at heart totally.

You don’t have to be like this guy your whole life…making money from Internet marketing isn’t all about being busy.

Let’s face it, this isn’t how you go about making money from Internet marketing!

make money from internet marketing

The Bottom Line

I use the Empower Network blog and other products to market my Business so I’m not the guy in the pic. I have done that stuff in my life already…..I am not doing that again.

I mean it just makes sense.

Like I said above, you can buy the Empower Network Blogging platform for a very LOW and DISCOUNTED price right here today and just get started….

The cool thing about this blogging platform is that it does a lot of the work for you. You can literally increase your alexa and google analytics rankings while you sleep.

There are other ways to do it!!! YOu don’t have to rush around like a chook lwith no head (brings back weird childhood memories )

This is a real opportunity. Empower Network is here to stay.

You can make money this way from Internet Marketing…

We don’t want to scam you! We are just like all good business and provide WIN – WIN situations for both the business owner and the consumer.

The cool thing about the Internet is that there is a global market just waiting for you to tap into!

Doesn’t that sound cool?

The easiest and CHEAPEST way to tap into this market is by blogging.

Click this link and buy the Empower Network Blogging platform before it UPGRADES!

Now the Empower Network Blog isn’t for wussies…

I don’t want you to buy this unless you are going to use it!

Do we have a deal?

There are heaps of ways to actually get your business happening once you buy this blog!!

Now if you read what I wrote above, you would have seen me mention something about upgrade…

Well Upgrade is what is about to happen!

The Empower Network Blog will upgrade very soon!

VERY, very soon. This means that you will get tons more value for the same low price of $25

What is the catch?

This is a limited offer. This offer may not last. The company may just raise the price at ANY time!

There is so much value packed in here for only $25

Get your credit card out of your wallet or purse or wherever it is and…

buy this product now!

See you on the inside!

There has never been a better chance for making money from internet marketing (see earnings disclaimer here)


PS, I have heaps of free training on both this site and my YouTube Channel like the vid above. USE it! It is there for a reason. costs nothing…totally free…take it….please…

The post Making Money from Internet Marketing. appeared first on Colin Burnett's Wealth Creation Blog.

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