Our weekly rundown of must read marketing articles from the world of advertising, branding, design, PR, and strategy.
GIF Illustrations by Rebecca Mock
Not much to say about these GIF illustrations by Rebecca Mock other than they are pure awesomeness! The small little animations must have taken a extremely long time. Kudos Rebecca!
Jeffrey Steffonich, Senior Designer
Google Now Alerts You If You’re Near a Product You’ve Researched Online
One step closer to putting relevant content in front of the consumer.
Leigh Ann Bauer, Account Executive
Google Now Adds Location-Based Product Reminders for Retail Stores
Searching for a product via the internet? Well, Google will now remind you of this product when you are in the vicinity of a physical store that carries it, in hopes of spurring a future sale. Will this motivate you to stop in and buy or will this annoy you? Either way, it’ll be interesting to see how this impacts brick and mortar stores’ sales- perhaps preventing them from falling behind their ever-pressing online competitors.
Kim Cronin, Account Executive & Retail Specialist
Amazon’s Cart Gets More Mobile: Now Add To #AmazonCart While Browsing Twitter
If you are an avid Twitter user or love shopping on Amazon, get ready to have your day made: You can now add things to your Amazon shopping cart directly from Twitter! After linking your Twitter and Amazon accounts, all you need to do is tweet the Amazon product link with #AmazonCart to add that item to your cart and then you can complete your purchase whenever you want on the Amazon site or mobile app. Now companies who sell their products on Amazon have another avenue to reach consumers, especially on mobile devices. So, say it with me now: promoted tweets!
Liana Ruiz, Digital Project Coordinator & Anne Wright, Senior Account Director
And for People Who Use the Internet – One of the Issues You Should Truly Care About – Net Neutrality
True net neutrality means the free exchange of information between people and organizations. Information is key to a society’s well being. One of the most effective tactics of an invading military is to inhibit the flow of information in a population; this includes which information is shared and by who. Today we see this war being waged on American citizens. Recently the FCC has moved to redefine “net neutrality” to mean that corporations and organizations can pay to have their information heard, or worse, the message of their competitors silenced. We as a nation must settle for nothing less than complete neutrality in our communication channels. This is not a request, but a demand by the citizens of this nation. No bandwidth modifications of information based on content or its source.
Chris Thomas, Associate Creative Director
Photo Credit: fubiz