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Revision as of 13:28, 31 January 2013

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Several people have reported issues where Gallery administrators can include malicious content. We don't pay out bounties for these because we assume that Gallery Administrators have full control over their site and could add malicious content without using an un-sanitized input field in an administrator only view.

Several people have reported issues where Gallery administrators can include malicious content. We don't pay out bounties for these because we assume that Gallery Administrators have full control over their site and could add malicious content without using an un-sanitized input field in an administrator only view.

* Atulkumar Hariba Shedage


* Atulkumar Hariba Shedage
and Ritesh Arunkumar Sarvaiya of Defencely

Several people have reported issues to us with our website which include Drupal, Mediawiki, and a few other things. We don't pay out bounties for these but appreciate responsible disclosure on these.

Several people have reported issues to us with our website which include Drupal, Mediawiki, and a few other things. We don't pay out bounties for these but appreciate responsible disclosure on these.

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