
This week's weekend challenge #3 seemed like a great opportunity to learn Ruby! Unfortunately, my workload and looming vacation did not cooperate. :( The puzzle will make forced moves automatically, but I was hoping to implement rules such as Naked Pairs before resorting to brute force.

But there's plenty of code to make a review worthwhile, and I'm hoping some experienced Ruby coders will give it a shot. I have included a few test puzzles (easy and medium solve to completion), and it's easy to add more. See the bottom for a sample test run.

The real meat of the algorithm is the interaction between the Cell and Group instances. Board merely instantiates everything and applies the initial puzzle state.

Update: I'm looking for feedback on Ruby style (e.g. "avoid and and or as they are confusing"), correct use of idioms and the standard library, code organization, etc. This is a Ruby learning exercise, so I want to avoid picking up bad habits early. Since I haven't implemented any brute-force or complex solving yet, performance isn't an issue.






Sample Test Run

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