
My name is Matt and I have a fat controller problem.

In truth I have limited experience of MVC and I'm trying to learn how to organise my code better so it's more testable and more maintainable. Here's my first effort at rewriting a bit of my existing application to make it happier and slimmer.

It's a controller which accepts a file from the view and validates it. If it's a zip file (which is allowed) it checks to see if it needs a password. If so, the user is redirected to another view to give the password. Otherwise the file is unzipped, and the contents validated.

Some notes on the code as presented:

For brevity, I have not included code for Interfaces, DTOs or Views

This is proof of concept code: it compiles but is otherwise untested

It is reliant on the external libraries NLog and DotNetZip

I am as much interested in how this code is structured and organised along with MVC best practice as I am in the function and format of the code itself. I'm also trying to stick to SOLID principles as much as possible, and I'm really not sure I've done a great job.

I'm aware this is a fair amount of code, but I'm pretty desparate. I work alone and am trying to learn this stuff by experience: I have no-one to turn to but you for comments, so your help is much appreciated.

This is my controller class. BaseController ensures all controllers have a repository (Rep) and a logger which are injected via ninject.

Here's my Service layer. I've called them "Domains" because in actuality we already have a "Service" project in the application which is an actual Windows service.

These in turn are dependent on a "business" layer. I've separated this out into another project because these are used elsewhere - such as the aforementioned Windows service.

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