
Plugin description

Orbital Login brings entire user login / registration process to your website’s frontend. Your users will no longer have to see WordPress admin backend in order to log in or edit their profile. In addition to that, Orbital Login gives your users an option to set their own password during registration and activate their account via e-mail.


Frontend login / register / lost password forms

Users can choose their own password during registration

Account activation via e-mail

Frontend profile edit form

Frontend password reset procedure

AJAX form validation

Protects admin backend from subscribers

Display the forms on your page via shortcode or as widget

Custom login / logout redirects

Custom e-mail activation message

Supports custom form templates

Honeypot spam protection on registration form

Displays user profile info (display name and avatar) for logged in users

Disables admin bar for logged in users

Let’s you select time period after which the account activation e-mail expires (between 24, 48 and 72 hours)

Non-intrusive styling – makes use of your theme’s styles as much as possible

How to use?

It’s simple – just place following shortcodes on any of your pages:

[orbital-login] on Account page – will display login, registration and lost password forms. Users will also be directed to that page to reset their password.

[orbital-edit-profile] on Account Settings page – will display profile edit page.

You can also choose to use Orbital Login Widget in your sidebar to let users log in / register from any page. The widget will display profile info for logged in users.

Please keep in mind that even when using a widget – above shortcodes are still required (users will be directed to login page when following password reset link from e-mail).

Item support

Orbital Themes support forum is in the works, but right now you can file a support request in item comments section or via contact form on my profile page.

Please be aware that I do not provide item customization services for free.

Feature requests

Please let me know if you have any feature ideas that will help to improve Orbital Login for everyone. If enough people request the same feature I may add it as an update.

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