J.B.Weather (ver 2.0) is a simple widget for displaying weather conditions and forecast for places across the world.
Features :
- jQuery driven
- uses AJAX technology
- Cache
- Search Bar with auto complete function
- Ability to set default location
- Ability to auto detect user location using HostIP service or its own integrated geoip database.
- Celsius or Fahrenheit units
- Kilometers or Miles units
- Displays today’s date, temperature, wind direction and speed, forecast for next 4 days
- Color adjustable
- Adjustable Width (Note: minimum of 280 pixels)
- Has its own unique icons
Installation :
Method 1)
- Go to your WordPress admin panel and navigate to Plugins -> Add New.
- click “Upload” and then “Browse”.
- Select the archive “jb-weather-widget-2.zip” and click “Install Now”.
- Activate the J.B.Market Weather Widget plugin by clicking “Activate” button.
::NOTE:: Since the widget is big in size, method 1 could fail if you have upload limit.
Method 2) ( If Method 1 fails )
- Navigate to
/ wp-content / plugins /
- Extract the content of “jb-weather-widget-2.zip” archive to the “plugins” folder.
It should look like this:
/ wp-content / plugins / jb-weather-widget-2 /
- Activate the J.B.Market Weather Widget plugin from your WordPress Admin Panel.
Set up :
- Go to your WordPress admin panel and navigate to Appearance -> Widgets.
- From “Available Widgets” box click and drag “J.B.Weather Widget” to the desired sidebar (at the right).
- Set desired parameters and click Save.
Obtaining API key :
To obtain free API key, go to http://www.worldweatheronline.com/register.aspx