
File Seller is a new achievement in Joomla shopping cart system. It’s portable, simple but can operate a fully functioned and powerful selling system with modern responsive design as well as stable performance.

File Seller is a Joomla 2.5 component. You can use this extension as a download system or an online store to sell digital contents easily. File Seller can work individually on Joomla without having to be supported by any 3rd party extensions. That means, you only have to download File Seller, install & configure it following our instruction; and then you have a perfect store system within 5 minutes. File Seller is specified for digital content provider website such as sites selling MP3, softwares, eBooks or images, etc. Try File Seller, you will see that this tool can replace other download components.

Especially, with the ability to display responsively on mobile devices, we believe that this is a very useful upgrade for your download site since smart handheld devices are becoming more & more popular. It can be easily seen that purchasing/downloading products online is done via handheld devices has been rising day by day, therefore, responsive ability is extremely essential. With File Seller, you don’t have to worry about this because File Seller is totally responsive.

Furthermore, File Seller uses ACL of Joomla to configure permission for its system. So now you can integrate File Seller with a membership component to provide a membership download system fast & easily.

File Seller Features

Modern Design: With File Seller version 2.0, you won’t feel uncomfortable when browsing products displayed on classic design style. And your customers no longer have to click too many times to view your product’s information.

Multiple Categories system: This is another helpful feature for you when creating multi-level categories for your products. You can decentralize your categories in tree – shaped structure without any obstacles caused by Joomla™.

Coupon Code System: You can provide discount code for your customers when buying your files. The coupon code can be defined by percent or total amount.

Product management: File Seller allows you to upload files, description, addition information, gallery, change logs, showcase, quick links (documents, installation, live demo …), setup price, download restrictions, meta keywords, meta description, select sales services for products, select flat-form for products (Joomla™ 1.5 native, Joomla™ 1.6 native, Magento …), select additional packages.

Discount management: You can make discount for each product or set discount for all of your products (in general configuration section).

Flexible download restrictions: For paid documents, you can setup download restriction to un-limited (lifetime download), or limit download by time (once customers paid for the document, they can download the document in a time range), or by number of downloads (paid customers can only download the purchased documents in a number of times).

Download link & attach to email: Support downloading by link and attached files via email so your clients can easily buy & download products without having to return your site.

Responsive Design: Support all browsers and devices, so now visitor can browse your site on a mobile and tablet devices and buy your products easily without any trouble.

Multi-payment gateways support: Currently, File Seller supports PayPal, 2CheckOut, PayLater and Moneybookers payment gateways. We will continue on working and adding more payment gateways for this product in the near future.

Order management: you can manage all orders in backend and can evaluate the number of orders or which products have the highest downloads.

Shopping cart system: Your customers can add multiple products to the cart and manage them (add/delete) before processing to check out to get download links.

Flexible configuration options: There are many configuration options which can be changed from File Seller Backend. That makes File Seller become a flexible extension. Some of the important configuration parameters are:

General Configuration: Setting general configuration for your File Seller system (We created a default configuration so when installing, you can change it yourself easily).

Email: Setting emails to send when customers order products, when they pay successfully for their products… you can use tags like {full_info}, {payment_method}, {order_name},…in email to get dynamic information for email.

Message: Displaying notification when customers pay successfully, or cancel their payment.

Permission & Integration: Mapping between fields on order form and JomSocial or Community Builder and setting permission for users.

JomSocial integration: Auto-fill fields on order form (first name, last name …) from data stored in JomSocial profile so that user won’t have to re-enter these essential data.

Community Builder integration: Auto-fill fields on order form (first name, last name …) from data stored in Community Builder profile so that user won’t have to re-enter these essential data.

jNews Newsletter integration: File Seller allows you to add user (who purchased your products) to a jNews Newsletter and you can send email to them when you have new update or new notice for those products.

SH404SEF plugin: Allows you to use friendly URL by SH404SEF component to SEO your products.

Social Share buttons: Users can share products with their friends through many social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, etc.

100% MVC model: As you already know, Joomla does not use entirely MVC model, but for File Seller, it does. And if you are a developer, it is extremely easy to understand how to customize in both backend and frontend.

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