
DuckSell helps you sell your digital products on your own website by delivering them securely to your customers. You can sell various types of downloads, for example: pdf, ebook, program, template, photo, music, video, audio, mp3 etc.

With this BitPay integration plugin you will be able to sell your digital downloads using DuckSell application and BitPay as your bitcoin payment gateway. See screenshots or demo for more details.

About Bitcoins

Bitcoin is a powerful new peer-to-peer platform for the next generation of financial technology. The decentralized nature of the Bitcoin network allows for a highly resilient value transfer infrastructure, and this allows merchants to gain greater profits.
This is because there are little to no fees for transferring Bitcoins from one person to another. Unlike other payment methods, Bitcoin payments cannot be reversed, so once you are paid you can ship! No waiting days for a payment to clear.

About BitPay

BitPay is a global bitcoin payment service provider headquartered in Atlanta, Georgia. It was founded in May 2011 by Tony Gallippi and Stephen Pair. BitPay provides payment processing services for merchants, and is one of the largest bitcoin payment processors. In 2014, BitPay started processing $1 million USD daily.

BitPay has partnered with many large merchants over the past year including Microsoft, NewEgg, TigerDirect, and Warner Bros. Records. BitPay has also partnered with PayPal as well as Merchant Acquirers such as Global Payments and Alternet Systems. BitPay has the most powerful bitcoin infrastructure on the planet and is trusted by over 40,000 merchants.

System Requirements

DuckSell 1.5 or greater

HTTPS enabled on your DuckSell website

Installation Instructions

Sign in to your DuckSell application as admin.

Navigate to ‘Manage’ under plugins on left side menu.

Click on ‘Add New’ button.

Using ‘Browse’ button find your plugin zip archive and click on ‘Submit’ to upload it.

After upload has been completed you will be able to see new ‘BitPay’ item on plugins section where you must go to configure plugin.

Note: If you are unable to upload plugin you can manually unpack plugin archive and upload the content to this directory: your_public_path/shop/inc/app/Plugins/

Setup Instructions

Important: BitPay IPN may not work properly unless your server supports HTTPS

Open your account at https://bitpay.com (or https://test.bitpay.com for ‘Test’ mode) and complete three steps to become eligible for accepting bitcoins.

On BitPay go to ‘Payment Tools’ and click on ‘Point of Sale App’

Click on ‘Add New Pairing Code’ button to generate your new pairing code.

Copy & Paste this code to ‘Token Pairing Code’ field in plugin setup.

Click ‘Submit’ to save the settings.

Go to product page where you should now see your ‘Buy Button Code’.

Note: If invoice is underpaid it will be marked as ‘Pending’ so make sure you double check your DuckSell settings for ‘Allow downloads for pending transactions’.

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