AskmeScript is a Social Network Platform similar with Askfm allowing users to interact with each other by questions, anonymous questions, sending messages, comments, like, share questions, add and search friends, see live feed and so much more.
Demo details
User Demo: User Demo Profile Example: Profile example
Admin Panel Demo (Login: demo | Password: demo) : Admin Panel Demo
Script features
6 languages included.
You can add and edit own languages??.
Main page
Login or register.
Login or register with Facebook.
Login or register with VK.COM
Static pages such as: About, News, Logos, Terms, Support.
User profiles
User can edit his page.
Follow/unfollow function.
User can upload photo.
User can change his background (Profile cover).
User can specify his full name, city, status and links to social networks.
User can send a gift to another user using the site balance (points).
User can send an anonymous question.
User can send question from him.
User can send private message.
User can see his and other users answers, followers, following, gifts.
User can repot answers against another user of the four reasons.
User can like or share answer or question.
User can comment answers or questions.
User can delete his answer, question or comment.
User settings
User can change his cover image.
User can change his photo.
Allow/disallow anonymous questions.
Allow/disallow messages.
User can change or fill his first name, surname.
User can change or fill his sex.
User can change or fill status or tell us about himself.
User can change or fill his city.
User can change or fill links to his pages in social networks.
User can change or fill his email.
User can change password.
User can disable account.
User can respond to the questions with text respond or text + image respond.
User can get a random question.
User can suggest a question.
User can share his profile with his friends to get more questions.
User is notified when someone sent him a gift.
User is notified when someone following him.
User is notified when someone liked his answer to the question or question.
User is notified when someone commented his answer or question.
User can see received messages.
User can see sent messages.
User can reply to a message.
User can see new answers and questions from users which he is followed.
User can repot answers against another user of the four reasons.
User can like or share answer or question.
User can comment answers or questions.
Friends page
User can see a list of users on which he followed.
User can repot answers against another user of the four reasons.
User can like or share answer or question.
User can comment answers or questions.
User can delete his answer, question or comment.
User see most popular and active users after after clicking on the “Search”.
User can see users rating.
User can search users by name, last name or nickname.
Ask user from search results page.
User balance
User can see his balance (points).
Points – a universal currency Askmescript. In addition, the points can be paid for gifts.
Points are credited for users who clicked on a link to Your profile and registered. Soon to be available balance replenishment through the payment systems and SMS..
User send a gifts to other users using the balance (points).
Public gift – everyone will see the sender’s name
Anonymous gift – no one will see the sender’s name
Admin panel features
See/delete users comments.
See/delete users messages.
See/delete unanswered questions.
Ask question to all users.
See/delete likes.
See/delete complaints about answers.
See/delete complaints about users.
See external transitions (referrals).
See/edit users. – Edit admin password.
Add/delete administrators or moderators.
See/answer to the support tickets.
Easy installation
Installation in 3 steps!