
All In One Wordpress Manager is the perfect tool for anyone that wants to alter most of Wordpress default functionality without modifying any files. All In One Wordpress Manager makes it easy to disable and remove unwanted default features to speed up your site, change default functionality anf re-brand WP-admin to your liking.

With All In One Wordpress Manager you can also set up a beautiful maintenance mode page when working on your site. It is also the perfect tool for developers, with it’s beautiful “Lorem ipsum” generator, option to show debugging information and quick access to PHP info.

All In One Wordpress Manager is the perfect tool for site admins, developers and agencies working with customer sites!

Need to add filler content to your site? This awesome feature will add a new menu item to your top bar. Clicking that link will open a modal window where you can generate Lorem ipsum texts on the fly. Works anywhere in wp-admin!


Remove Wordpress generator meta tag

Remove Wordpress version from styles and scripts

Remove Wordpress version from RSS feeds

Disable trackbacks/pingbacks

Disable auto linking of URL:s in comments

Enable “Pretty search URL” (Redirects search results from /?s=query to /search/query/)

Change default attachment “Link to”

Change post excerpt length (default 50 words)

Change post excerpt “Read more”

Change default login timeout

Change default login remember me timeout, in days

Automatically break out of iframes

Add Google Analytics or other code to the head-section

Add affiliate tracking or other code to the footer-section


Hide frontend admin bar for all users

Remove the word “Wordpress” from titles

Remove Wordpress logo from admin bar

Remove “Updates” link in admin bar

Remove “Comments” link in admin bar

Remove “New” link in admin bar

Remove “Help” link from top right corner

Disable tooltips and pointers

Change admin dashboard heading title

Change the wp-admin footer text

Upload custom login logo

Change login logo title

Hide logo on login page

Remove “Lost password” and “Back to site” links from login page

Remove “Remember me” checkbox from login page

Disable error messages on login page

Disable Wordpress update nag message

Disable Plugins update nag message


Remove “Canoncial” link

Remove post and comment feed links

Remove extra feed links, such as category feeds

Remove RSD link (EditURI)

Remove link to the Windows Live Writer manifest file

Remove index rel link

Remove prev rel link

Remove start rel link

Remove relational links for adjacent post

Remove Wordpress short link


Activate maintenance mode for your non logged in visitors

Themes! Select a pre-defined theme or easily create your own

WYSIWYG editor for content

Exclude IP addresses from maintenance mode

Set 503 header code on maintenance mode page

Show notices in dashboard when maintenance mode is activated


Display DB queries, load time and memory consumption in the source code – frontend

Display DB queries, load time and memory consumption in the admin footer

Display PHP info directly in admin

Activate a “Lorem ipsum” generator in the admin bar!

Enable hidden admin page displaying ALL site options


All In One Wordpress Manager is ready to be translated with Poedit. It comes with english as default and a Swedish translation.


All In One Wordpress Manager has an inbuilt update system that notifies the buyer when an update is ready to download! Any
suggestions or comments for upcoming features are highly requested!


2014-12-25 – Version 1.0.3

2014-12-13 – Version 1.0.2

2014-12-09 – Version 1.0.1

2014-12-05 – Version 1.0.0

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