
Account System Multi-Feature

Demo: http://demo.hazzardweb.net/login_system (use admin / admin for full acces)

Documentation: http://demo.hazzardweb.net/login_system/docs/

HazzardWeb offers a complete user management script with login, register, social authentificaion, recover password, activation email form and an Admin Panel. Also each user have a profile and can edit his profile settings.
All forms are validated both with JavaScript and PHP.

Video: http://youtu.be/N5TE8Zfr23E




Admin Panel for user managemet system

Facebook, Twitter, Google Authentication

Activation email

Recover email

Gravatar, Facebook, Twitter, Google+ Avatar

Profile Page

jQuery Validation

Customizable PHP Account Class

User meta for more options

Send emails with server email

Gmail integration for emails

PHP Account Class with all you need for user managemet

User meta functions to extending the script, add, update, get, delete

Quick fixes:

- Add table.table { clear: both; } in admin.css

- Replace User with
session(‘display_name’); ?> in admin/index.php on line 81



Added Admin Panel for user managemet: view user, edit, add, delete, send emails

Fixes to the Account.class.php

The links have been changed from /?account= to /?page=

Some other files have been modified


Added a small fix for reloading captcha image for IE 8,9,10 browser in assets/js/account.js


Social links fixed in includes/accunt/profile.php

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