I spent all of last week in San Francisco for Apple's 25th Worldwide Developers Conference, and, like many others, I was absolutely floored by what I saw. In two ways, I think this was the most important WWDC I've ever experienced.
First, and perhaps most importantly, are signs of Apple opening up. This manifested itself in myriad ways, ranging from the speed at which Apple posted WWDC session videos, to the relaxation of the NDA around topics discussed in the keynote, to some of the new features added to iOS 8.
Second is the incredible number of new goodies Apple had for us developers at WWDC. It's always amusing to me to see 'WWDC was disappointing because no iPhone' articles published by what are otherwise respectable news outlets, especially when their reporters should be able to *do a little fact checking* to determine that Apple hasn't announced an iPhone at WWDC since 2010. A new iPhone would be lovely, but, honestly, I feel like the iPhone 6 (or whatever) is not nearly as important to the iOS platform as the new extensions API, Swift, the Touch ID API, and third party keyboards. Interestingly, most of these can be considered as examples of Apple 'opening up.'
I expect that iOS 8 will enable not just new features for apps, but entire new categories of apps that we have yet to dream up. There are the extensions APIs, which have been written about extensively, but also a ton of other areas, like Touch ID. The Touch ID API is going to make all sorts of new payment scenarios stupidly easy and secure, especially when you combine it with devices like iBeacons. For example, you walk into Starbucks, and the Starbucks app icon pops up on your lock screen. You tap it, and the app asks if you want your usual Grande 2% Vanilla Latte. You tap Yes, press your finger to the Touch ID sensor, and your drink order is automatically rung up.
And then, of course, there's Swift. Swift isn't perfect today, but for 1.0 product, it seems to be incredibly well thought out, documented, and feature rich. Swift is the future for writing apps for iOS and OS X, and I cannot imagine any scenario where Objective-C is still the dominant language for developing Cocoa apps in ten years, or even, quite likely, 3-5. Yeah, I know, you've been writing Obj-C for a while now, change is scary, etc. etc. But I highly recommend getting on the Swift train ASAP. Given the level of enthusiasm I saw for the language amongst everyone (including Apple employees) this past week, I expect Swift uptake to be incredibly, uh, swift.
What We're Reading
Fixing Homebrew for Yosemite
Apple Managers Didn't Know How Spotify Worked, Engineers Used Pandora Over iTunes Radio
Secrets of dispatch_once
Weekly Roundup
Add a dynamic blur effect to any UIView in two lines of code.
follow me on twitter : @mikeMTOL
blog: MTOL
GPL licensed.
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Progress HUD for Mac OS X. The HUD include progress and activity indicators. The HUD has been designed to use the indicators to show the status of a process. Present the HUD from any view. With the ability to swap colors easily, you will be able to easily match the look of your application.
If desired, the indicators can be used independently from the HUD.
GPL licensed.
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BlurImageProcessor offers a very easy and practical way to generate blurred images in real time.
MIT licensed.
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CCDebugHelper is a library made to speedup application debug. Instead of clicking interface to get to right view controller you can define all view controllers in your application and easy decide which one should appear on start or list all defined controllers. But, this isn't everything. You can define before actions to prepare your controller to show. There are two version of before action synchronized and asynchronized.
MIT licensed.
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Custom animation transition for presenting modal view controllers.
MIT licensed.
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An iOS collection view subclass to present a list of skewed images and parallax of the images during the scroll!
Inspired by http://capptivate.co/2014/01/18/timbre-2/
I wanted to make something like this since I saw this: http://capptivate.co/2014/01/18/timbre-2/
While I was waiting to have the time to make it TWRSkewedCollectionView came out.
I forked it and decided to contribute. I was going to add the parallax effect when I realized that there were some decision that I didn't like so I preferred to use that as a base but I need to edit a lot of stuff that probably the original owner do not want to change.
For example: I want a collection view that works like any other collectionView, where the user needs to provide a data source instead of loading a simple list of URL for the images.
Just to have it as exensible as the original CollectionView, and have more reusable code.
I don't like NIBs, and this project shouldn't be a collectionview but just a cell (+ layout for the parallax)
Even for the way how the original is structured is difficult to add the parallax effect or edit the behaviors, and it becomes too much confusing. Instead of use a custom collection view+cell+layout here you just have to use the cell (and the layout if you want the parallax). I tried to made something that preserve all the other behaviors and settings in the collectionView.
At the end I guess there is no code shared between the two, TWRSkewedCollectionView is just simple to use but not as reusable and customizable as I wanted.
BSD licensed.
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This is a simple project inspired by Paper application of Facebook.
MIT licensed.
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NSDictionary+ImageMetadata and NSDictionary-MetadataDatasource are categories for working with image metadata provided by the ImageIO framework.
Preparing a UITableView with image metadata can be done in as little as two lines of code:
self.metadata = [NSDictionary imageMetadataWithImageAtURL:imageURL];
self.tableView.dataSource = self.metadata;
MIT licensed.
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iOS inspector for curious people. Inspect the hierarchy of apps and objects' available methods! Useful for debugging, and knowing how something works.
GPL licensed.
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iOS and OS X implementation of forced graph using SpriteKit. See demo here:https://raw.githubusercontent.com/garnett/DLForcedGraphView/master/img/demo.gif
MIT licensed.
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A simple Cocoa NSScrollView subclass that allows to draw on its top and its bottom small shadow rectangles to provide a subtle and discrete fade effect, for a smoother visual transition.
MIT licensed.
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AFViewShaker is a simple utility for performing UIView shake animations.
MIT licensed.
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A UINavigationController subclass that re-enables the interactive pop gesture recognizer when the navigation bar is hidden or a custom back button is used.
It's described in detail in the blog post: http://holko.pl/ios/2014/04/06/interactive-pop-gesture/
MIT licensed.
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CZWeatherKit is a simple, extensible weather library for iOS and OS X that allows for easy downloading of weather data from various weather services.
BSD licensed.
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A UISlider subclass that improves the precision of selecting values. Please read http://holko.pl/ios/2014/05/26/improving-uisliders-precision/ to learn the background story behind it.
MIT licensed.
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a collection view layout + cell that can do something percent driven ( parallax for image + custom)
A collection view layout and a cell subclass usefull to made parallax of an image during the scrolling.
But even thanks to the delegate useful to make cool percent driven effect, in the example I used my MPTextReveal
to show you how to use.
BSD licensed.
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Transition between view controllers using pre-built custom transitions. Transition animations include: scale up/scale down, slide in from left/right/top/bottom, slide out to left/right/top/bottom, fade. None of these are all too complicated but will save you some time from creating your own custom animation object. Have an animation suggestion? Let me know and I'll add it to the list!
MIT licensed.
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Subclass of UIButton that gives a colored border around a UIButton. The subclass takes the textColor attribute and creates a border with that color. When a user presses the button, it will change to be filled with the border color creating a solid color button.
MIT licensed.
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A popping label with optional buttons, useful for tutorial-like tips.
MIT licensed.
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Subclass of UICollectionViewFlowLayout and UICollectionViewCell with 'rubbery' effect. Inspired by Nike's 'Making' app.
MIT licensed.
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