Experts are busy people. Every person I know who is accomplished, from top attorneys to business owners and entrepreneurs, all have a hectic production schedule and a to do list a mile long. Requests for information and attention abound, and while most requests are turned away, there are several ways into the hearts and minds of the best in their business.
Before I tell you how to do gain access, I’m going to lead with what not to do … no sense ending the dance before it starts, right? Right.
Don’t ask a busy expert out for coffee to “pick their brain.” Lots of other people happily hand over their AMEX card in exchange for hard-won experience and information. You should be willing to, too.
Take “no” for an answer. If you make a request and get rejected, put yourself in their shoes and stop asking. At least until you’ve tried my tips, below.
I want you to be successful in your quest to get in with the right people, be able to endear yourself to them, and have access to information other people won’t. Just about any expert will reveal their secret sauce when approached in the right way. Ready?
Give first. Add value in advance of any meetings or requests for help. Make an introduction. Offer to provide your expertise or help for free {lots of successful people started as interns to other successful people}. Share insight or bright ideas. Smart people like other smart people, so be smart and show it.
Give praise. Experts are people, too, and love to know what they are doing is having a positive impact. If you can’t give anything else, give words of gratitude and encouragement.
Pay to play. No expert wants to be taken advantage of, but if you have the opportunity to pay to be in their presence, do it. Then give first so they can see your value. You can also buy their books, programs, coaching, to see or hear them speak. Buy their stuff and let ’em know you have. Combine praise with paying and you just might have a shot a some “free” time where you can ask whatever you want.
If you can’t afford to pay, revert back to “giving” and “praising.” Every successful expert I know has a place in their heart for anyone following in their shoes, especially when they’re ambitious, friendly, and grateful.
Ultimately, it’s not hard to gain access to the people who can help you in your quest for success, so use my tips, above, to bridge the gap. Your approach, done well, will get you everything you want and more than you could possibly imagine.
Honorée Corder is on a mission is to inspire and motivate people to turn their vision and dreams into their real-life reality, sharing leading-edge processes she created for her executive coaching clients. She writes about business growth and personal development, including shedding limiting beliefs, dreaming big and living the life you truly want. If you enjoyed this article, then join her free newsletter and you’ll get a free copy of her best-selling book Tall Order! 7 Master Strategies to Organize Your Life & Double Your Success in Half the Time.