
[Day in the Life of a Coach] Interview with ICA Coach, Crystal Bertolacci
(Spiritual Coach, UNITED STATES)

Coaching with the Angels?

ICA grad, Crystal Bertolacci (aka “Comfy”) specializes in “non-denominational faith boosting” which includes teaching others how to talk with their angels. That’s right … she teaches angel sign language! Angels, says Comfy can help ignite awareness and the answers that are right for you.

As a graphic artist, she  left the 9-5 life to honor her natural energetic rhythms. A typical day for her includes yoga, meditation, exercise and of course coaching individuals and groups.

What drives her is the desire to share with others how exciting life can be.

“The sky is the limit!” says Comfy. “ And coaching can support you in achieving all your hopes and dreams. There is no ceiling to keep you down. The only thing holding you back is the thought that you cannot do it.”

Interview with Merci Miglino

Merci: Hi this is Merci Miglino and I am delighted to be with Comfy. It’s what her friends and I guess most folks call her. We know her here in ICA as Crystal Bertolacci and she is a spirited, guided, intuitive life coach and she’s coming to us from Glendora, California. Welcome Comfy!

Crystal:  Thank you so much Merci. It’s such a pleasure to talk to you today.

Merci: Yeah, it is a great day and I’m so delighted. Crystal has so many interesting aspects  to her coaching. But first I have to ask you, how did you come to coaching, how did you find it?

Crystal:  I had a corporate job doing graphic design works for over ten years at this point I was soul-searching for more meaning in life and a greater ability to help other people. I also knew the myth about having a good job with benefits and thinking that you’ll be well taken care of for the rest of your life. So I started going to school for Dietetics because I helped myself by changing my diet and lifestyle and I was really passionate about teaching others to take care of themselves and be happier. When I realized that this would require another two or three years study before I even enter the field. I started to become a little discouraged because this is a long time to wait to see if I made a right choice and enjoy this work.

Merci: Right.

Crystal: So my schoolwork was very intense. It was very science-based, very heavy. I don’t do Math. I don’t do well in Chemisty. But I was getting it done [laughs]. Plus there was the investment of time and money.

Merci: Yeah.

Crystal: I think this is the danger of how people make decisions based on fear or certain things that are no longer serving them. Because I started it, I felt like I needed to finish it. And at some point you really have to check in with yourself to see if you’re still in alignment with what brings joy to your life. After all that’s what we’re here in the planet for right?

Merci: Right. Exactly. Exactly.

Crystal: It’s so funny as I talk to you about letting go and moving forward, a leaf from my money tree just fell off. [laughs]

Merci: How did it happen? [laughs]

Crystal: It’s all part of the cycle to a new and growing into something better. I love how the Universe uses synchronicity to communicate with us as we move along in life.

Merci: Yeah.

Crystal: So after asking the Universe to guide me into my new adventure, I came across an ad for life coaching on my computer screen. And I’d never heard of it before but it just called me. So I followed the nudge and it led me to some information about what life coaching was and I said to myself “This is what I’ve been doing all my life”.

Merci: Yeah.

Crystal: I’ve always been the one that people came to talk to about their thoughts and their issues. And the thought of getting paid for it is even more exciting. People always say “You should do for work what you would do for free”. And this was it for me. And I finally knew what I was meant to do. And it was such an amazing feeling to know what’s my own direction.

Merci: Wow. So like many of us who took a surprising path towards life coaching. I too left a very hectic job that was paying well but I really wasn’t fulfilled so I totally identify with that. So now you coach, I have to read to this because nobody can say it better, “Non-denominational faith boosting” is what you do and it includes talking with people’s angels. Tell me about that.

Crystal: So I have this life cycle I’ve learned and I’m trying to find my path, I came across “The Secrets of the Universe” and I thought, “If anybody knew this stuff, their life would be completely different”. So I made it my mission to help people communicate with their angels so they can receive divine confirmation regarding every major decision they make in their life.

Step one is to say you want this. So I have a free downloadable “Angels in your Pocket” guide on my website comfysoul.com and there people come in for strategy sessions. I teach them how they are spoken to right now in their life. And we begin to have a conversation about what’s going on with them and I  support them to let them know they’re not alone, that I’m here for them to learn how to navigate life. I mean, that’s the joy of coaching is having somebody do it with you.

Merci: Yeah, that partnership, it’s incredible. And you know I’m sure there are some people out there that are like, Wow this is really not what I thought about life coaching but you know what, it takes so many shapes, here you’ve brought a couple of things that happened in your life, some serendipity, confluent of events, crafted a coaching practice and put to work all of who you are. I think that’s great. We don’t have to leave behind who we are to go into coaching unlike some other career paths that I can think of.

Crystal: Right.

Merci: So now I have to ask, working for ourselves like we do and not having a place to be every single day, describe to me what I typical day is like for you Comfy.

Crystal: Well I didn’t like being a slave to the routine of corporate America. I don’t think most people do. I didn’t see it as my purpose, to wake up every day at the same time, to go to work for somebody else and make them money. So my routine consists of waking up and having “me” time. If I have a super busy day I wake up earlier. And if I’m taking it easy or having a day off I sleep in. You know you have to listen to your body on what your needs are. I usually start with yoga, flexes, and time with my partner to connect and talk about life and business. I’m a spiritual life coach and I teach angel sign language. So with this method people learn how to communicate with the divine to get answers to the most important questions about life, career and love. I use this for myself as well. My to-do list consists of setting up coaching classes and programs for my clients and introductory sessions to determine the people who are considering a coaching program. I also meet with my regular clients for their session. I do private session, group coaching, speaking engagement, attend speaking events, and teach classes online and webinars. There’s a lot of fun and flexibility involved in teaching something you’re good at. It doesn’t feel work at all when you’ve got your system in place. Doing something new is typically a little bit scary. If it’s your purpose, you can focus on the excitement and the outcome and it makes it easy to keep going. So that’s where coaching comes in handy right?

Merci: Yes!

Crystal: It’s beneficial to have a coach. Keeps you excited, de-stressed during the roller coaster ride. It’s really important to recognize the things you’ve done and congratulate yourself along the way.

Merci: Yes, you reminded me of something someone said, “If you’re inspired, you don’t need motivation.” And I think that’s what’s having a coaching partner does it helps you, stay inspired so that things happen and whatever happens is taken in an accepting way and we move forward. I love that.

Is there some part of angel sign language that you could teach us right here? A little snippet?

Crystal: Yeah, sure! Something that most people don’t recognize is when you’re seeing so-called coincidences in your life. They laugh about them. They even say, “That’s so funny this happened.” or “I just heard about this.” or “I just overheard a conversation.” And they don’t recognize that that’s their spirit guide. That’s their angels. That’s God or whoever it is that you’re seeking to speak to out there floating around in the universe. That’s their way of communicating with you and showing you that you are on the right path. Sometimes we see feathers in strange places. We pick up coins and pennies and nickels in odd locations. When you’ve just cleaned or I might have just vacuumed my floor and now there’s a nickel in the middle of my floor synchronically sitting under my dog named Nickel so…[laughs]

Merci: Yes, yes. [laughs]

Crystal: So there’s a lot of ways that we are being spoken to, either visually or audibly in overheard conversations that are really about what’s going on with us and sometimes we pay attention to them but we pass them off as coincidence.

Merci: Wow, and I think everyone can relate to that experience. You’re open to the signs if you see them as a sign. It’s just really interesting.

Crystal: Yeah and you can literally ask for them and they can be given to you. It’s amazing to have that conversation.

Merci: All right. Well then I’m going to ask you one more thing. Tell me if you could tell the world one thing about coaching, what will it be?

Crystal: That the sky is the limit! About your financial future, about your hopes and dreams for yourself, where you see yourself living, where you want to be. There’s no ceiling. The only hang-up will be your own thought process and in that case, I highly suggest coaching!

Merci: Right. The only hang-up is your thought process.

Crystal: Your abundance is tied in your ability to trust and have faith and believe in yourself and unlimited possibilities available to you. You just have to show up with that idea and nothing’s going to stop you from your passion and know that you can get there with a little bit of effort on your part. And then allow the Universe to support you the rest of the way. Your angelic team is not going to fail you. Your coach won’t fail you. And life is so joyful if you found meaning for your soul. And if you want to know what that passion is then get a coach. It’s a great way to process exploring parts of yourself that you never recognized before.

Merci: Thanks so much. That was so well said. And we will mention your website again. www.ComfySoul.com So thanks Crystal! You have an angelic day filled with joy and signs and we’ll talk again soon on Day in the Life of a Coach.

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The post [Day in the Life] Meet a Coach Who Specializes in What She Calls “Non-denominational Faith Boosting” appeared first on International Coach Academy.

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