
Research Paper By Ian Kain
(Executive Coach, CANADA)

Executive Summary

There are a number of human cases where consciousness and conscious awareness transcend the brain, human body and even the human life. The brain holding within all its generated levels of minds, appear to be more of a burden than of assistance in a person’s life. Would it be useful in such cases to bypass different parts of the brain and its levels of conscious minds and thus to allow the superconscious mind to come through instead?  How can this be useful in coaching? Since most of us have a brain which is the power source behind almost everything we do, it is important to take all the measures we can think of to keep it healthy and in a good learning state.

Neuroplasticity of the brain allows the brain to learn and regenerate itself throughout the entire person’s lifespan. In the coaching process it is appropriate to use all available tools, with full respect of the client’s free will choice, and to inspire, motivate, support and assist the client in making over 100 IQ smart life decisions.[1] Where healthy body and brain are a prerogative, decisions should aligned with true (Krystic) heart desires[2]  in order to live purposeful authentic fulfilling life – PAL.

Strong body, healthy mind, radiating spirit and virtuous decisions to live in the Kryst[3] with excellence. What is the role of our Heart in all of this?

Should we bypass our brain to get the best out of Life? How to make your brain to work for you?

While researching Hypnosis, I discovered how much it can assist me with my coaching. It allows me to bring clients into a resourceful state and from there to reframe their values and beliefs and to influence their behavior and habits in the way they want, much faster. I am always drawn to equip myself with tools that allow me to proceed faster, to achieve results faster respecting all standards.  Besides studying coaching at the Academy, I always look to add more skills to my portfolio. More than a year ago, I was certified as a NLP Practitioner. NLP can be conveniently applied to any coaching session by creating favorable conditions which enable my client to make better choices. Similarly, Cognitive Behavior Theory and Therapy offer several tools to use and support clients in a coaching process.

While studying NLP, I became familiar with the Milton Ericson hypnosis which recently led me to Dave Elman and his book Hypnotherapy. In his book, he provides quick and efficient ways to alter the state of human mind or conscious awareness. This method can be used for medical and dental procedures assisting or substituting chemical anesthesia or for Hypnotherapy or for past life regression.

Although our Brain is fascinating, it can become a huge burden, sometimes dimming our ability for clear thinking or for choosing crucial responses for Fight, Flight or Freeze situation.  It can also produce non resourceful emotional states of conscious awareness (the mind).  In some extent, these can be just occasional sensitive roller coasters, to as far as mental disorders or even clinical mental conditions.  All depending on their intensity.

Dr. Bruce Greyson had a very interesting lecture in India[4] where he explained his discoveries about “the Phenomena existence of the consciousness beyond physical body”. His work studied people whose consciousness resided apart from their body.  In cases of near death experience, he was captivated by the stories of out of body experiences and their accuracy of the level of details these people were able to remember, although their body was clinically dead or under anesthesia.

These subjects were fully conscious and floating out of their body; seeing themselves from above. In cases of children remembering their past lives, he was impressed by the level of details they were able to recall with their passion and persistence in owning that remembered experience. In most cases, their story turned out to be true and in most scenarios; the family remembered from the past life lived exactly as they were described. If they had died violently from body injuries or accidents, certain body disabilities would still be present in their current lives as a residue left from that previous traumatic experience. More reincarnation stories and thus evidence of transcendence of Consciousness beyond life were recounted where the culture’s belief in reincarnation was firmly anchored within their tradition or religion. Several documented cases from the western world also exist to document this.

In some studied cases, where children were suffering from brain seizures, according to the medical doctrine the only treatment was to cut the affected brain hemisphere out of the scull. These kids never reported having any complication at living a normal life once their adaptation period was over. The younger they were when the amputation took place, the better and faster their recovery.

In some cases as Dr. Greyson have said, where people were brought with head injuries at the hospital, it was then discovered that they really had no brain in the first place as the head scan would prove. Even when the neurosurgeon opened the scull, he would only find the brain stem. The rest of the skull was filled with Brain liquid. One of these cases was a student with an IQ of 128 and that opened up a whole new level of discussion about the brain and the consciousness.

Dr. Greyson came across study cases where patients in a coma whose brain were heavily impaired from an illness or by physical damage and where there were no more brain activity possible according to the doctrine or brain activity was long not detected there anymore. Yet, a few days or hours before their death, in a number of situations, these people woke up fully lucid and calm, talked to their relatives, recognizing them fully, knowing their hours were numbered and then peacefully dying. After studying these cases he realized that consciousness does not need a brain to exist. Consciousness can exist beyond the body, time or space and in some cases fully bypass the brain and operate with the body on its own.

The only concept of consciousness in the western world we can find is in the definition of Parapsychology[5]. By definition, Parapsychology study phenomena cannot be described by scientific method[6].  That specific scientific method was defined in 1845 and according to it, matter is the only reality. Consciousness is therefore considered an attribute of matter to conventional science.

Most of the western scientists still believe that the brain is the organ producing consciousness. They tend to believe the consciousness is a result of electrical and biochemical processes taking place in the brain. Ingo Swann[7], one of the funders of Scientific method developed by Stanford University, Controlled Remote Viewing argued against modern science’s theory of consciousness and how it got stuck by its classification. Control Remote Viewing was discovered and developed in the 70’s as a spying method for using human psychic ability for gathering remote, non-local information. It is fascinating to know that any average person on this planet has these abilities, which can be learned in a 3 day course and proficient with further use. The brain center responsible for this to learn is the Moto-Cortex. It is the same part we use learning how to walk, talk, ride a bicycle, driving a car, swimming etc.

Gathering remote information is not limited to time-space or matter. The accuracy of gathered information is what defines the quality of Controlled Remote Viewing. However every person has the ability to learn it. This activity is purely an act of consciousness that is aware or able to read information in a time-space-matter or beyond a time-space-matter.

In order to prove the predictability of the western science with their researches on consciousness, Ingo Swann, brought in written information from ancient Indian Vedas in Sanskrit through his lectures. All this material reside in books which are several thousand years old. Everything is interpenetrating everything. Many levels of realities and other stuff exists all interwoven or interpenetrating each other. The matter Bhur Lokka is the first reality and the first and only science recognized till recently. Only current science has come to identify the existence other stuff like the dark matter and of the dark energy with all the other material that appears to create other realities.

According to recent discoveries matter appears to represent only 4 to maximum 7 % of what there is interpenetrating everything.  The second level of reality Bhuvar Lokka is the realm of desire and passion. The problem there is, that our mind is trapped or entangled in the realm between the first two and consequently has difficulties to experience higher levels of consciousness. The next level of conscious awareness is Svar Lokka or realm of pure light, untangled from the matter and the above that is Intuitional Lokka.  Above this one resides the Vast Lokka and a few more. There are 7 to 17 of them altogether and it is not clear from the Vedas how many.

Consciousness is then a big interpenetrating entangled thread of the mind. There are 95 levels of conscious awareness recognized along this thread of Consciousness in Vedas called Siddhi.  Matter (Samiana) is the first in line in Siddhi and therefore the first level of conscious awareness. Mind reading, Telepathy, Precognition, Clairvoyance, Traveling Clairvoyance and others would be higher Siddhi. Consciousness therefore cannot be defined by matter. Matter it is simply the first level of conscious awareness.

There are way too many taboos connected with this field of research regardless solid proof data supporting the existence of Consciousness free from matter. Scientist in the western world would not dare to step out of the mainstream dogmas risking their reputation researching and publishing their results and contradicting mainstream science. Sadly, Swann informs us that without these limitations, the science of Consciousness could have advanced much faster and would be of a greater service to us right now. However, some researchers and scientists chose to fight these pressures from the official scientific community and main stream media. The price at first was of course marginalization of their work and rejection to be reviewed by their peers. As they insist, their work cannot be overlooked and denied any more even by the main streamers.

Interestingly enough Dr. Rupert Sheldrake in his lecture[8] explain the researches and proofs telepathy is nothing paranormal or a super power it is rather the most natural occurring ability of mammals, some birds and even fish. It is the most natural way of communication between members of a flock of animals and in particular between individual separated members of the same herd. Reptiles are the only group of beings where telepathy was not observed. Sheldrake developed a theory of Morphic field of social groups with the phenomena of Morphic Resonance.  The mind is sort of electromagnetic field and it extends through space and time not limited to the brain or body. Our mind stretches to our past and those are our memories and it stretches into the future with our intentions. More people experiences telepathy today than ever before, in particular he refers to phone and email telepathy. In the western society people were taught there is no such thing as telepathy and this is now changing. In India and Africa for example people are taking telepathy for granted. For them it is another organic[9] way of communication. There is no reason why humans could not been able to train in this area.

Dr. David R. Hawkins[10] used the physiological phenomena of muscle response to map out the human consciousness. In the 60’s when the science of physiology was born, he discovered the unique ‘unconscious’ ability of the body to react with its muscle tissue in a strong or weak force response to a given input. For example, if the information was about a test substance that is life affirming (food), the muscles became notably strong and resisting. If the information was about a test substance that is not life affirming (poison), the body felt notably weak instantly. Through these studies, he used thousands of people from all different races, ages, genders, religions to discover that the body always knew what was essential for its survival and even more. Even when the person had no conscious awareness of the question asked, the body responded swiftly and correctly.

Dr. Hawkins realized that whenever there was an existing statement, the muscles of the body already knew the answer. For scientific reasons, he managed to develop a reliable standard methodology, where he was able to not only define whether something was life affirming or not and thus good or bad for anyone or the environment, he was also able to established how good or bad certain things were on a scale from 1 to 1000.  The scale is logarithmic. The higher up the scale, the quality rises exponentially. Level 200 is the threshold, level of Courage where everything changes. Whatever is measured at or above the level 200 is life affirming; the higher the number the better. Hawkins started his project of mapping the human consciousness in the same manner as he was mapping food, furniture, people, etc. The map of human consciousness can be found in his book Power vs. Force and is used for coaching as a reference when it is appropriate to energize clients. He also developed an interesting concept of levels of human consciousness or the conscious mind and the brain. Similar to a TV set, human body, the brain, is able to run or translate consciousness through. Knowing these levels or states of mind and how to bridge the gaps between them, a coach can assist a client to bypass certain part of the brain and get his client to a better and new resourceful state of mind.

Dr. Hawkins informs us that levels of mind below 200 such as Shame (20), Guilt (30), Apathy (50), Grief (75), Fear (100), Desire (125), Anger (150), and Pride (175) are not life affirming. Knowing this, it also becomes easier to identify the physical location of those parts of the brain as the part of the brain lit up when state is triggered. Knowing all that, it would make sense rather to stimulate parts of the brain that are able to translate and operate on life affirming frequencies and that are able to understand the incoming stream of Consciousness appropriately and more favorably.

Are these levels of mind or states of mind lower than 200 an anomaly? Could it mean brains are equally not translating and reproducing the stream of Consciousness properly and are thus malfunctioning? Does this mean malfunction of the brain?

Dr. Robert Anthony, in his audio book The Secret of Deliberate Creation explains the mechanics of use of negative emotions. These are natural stimulus triggered in human body by the unconscious mind or maybe the Consciousness itself. These responses should in normal circumstances serve only as signals or signs on our life journey in situations where we have turned away from our purposeful authentic life – PAL, away from our 100 % heart centered life desires. Due to a number of reasons, this mechanic is abused and people are stuck in this emotional states of mind.

Having said that, a small occasional dose of levels of mind below 200 serves as a guide, providing discomfort when needed, so we can consciously acknowledge our status and move back on track with our 100% heart centered life desires or purposeful authentic life – PAL. Running these negative states for a long time appears to be a detour from the design, a detour from the original blueprint intention. In order to live a fulfilled life, we need to be aware of that mechanic and stop doing whatever we are doing that is causing or resulting discomfort and detouring us from our purposeful authentic life – PAL.

E’Asha Ashayana ARhAyas[11] delivered a vast amount of work on Ascension Mechanics. She is the author of several books including Voyagers[12] I: The Sleeping Abductees & Voyagers II: The Secrets of Amenti, both second edition from 2002, are the most important to begin with. Since 1998, she mostly gave only live workshops and there are several hundreds, probably thousands of hours of information dense workshops on DVDs out there. Every new workshop is revealing more and more fascinating evidence on Bio-Spiritual Ascension Mechanics and Eternal Consciousness. Her work is largely overlooked and usually labeled as new age, however it is hard to find out there anything that could to Ashayanas work.

To know whether or not there are mistakes in our distorted blueprint translating our consciousness through it, it is important to draw attention to E’Asha’s work which she has offered for the past 16 years.

A human being, Human Angelic is a very complex multi-dimensional being with a very complex multi-dimensional anatomy, way beyond the anatomy of the physical body and 7 chakras and couple of etheric bodies some psychic are able to see. It takes one to have an open mind and lots of imagination to follow what she consistently offers and repeatedly introduces in her work.

A human being or a Human Angelic is a 15 dimensional being. This implies there is a biological, silica, etheric, dark matter, spiritual, plasma anatomy and much more connected to each dimensional level. There is one Chakra as a Merkaba connected and responsible for every dimensional level or consequently levels of conscious mind.   Only the first 12 out of 15 dimensions are manifesting as reality fields, where 3 dimensions together form a reality field or density, where consciousness can experience its own existence as a manifested being.

The Incarnate level (what we people on biological level are) is the first reality plane or density formed by dimensions 1, 2 and 3 together, interpenetrating the Etheric body, the Emotional Body and the Mental Body together. The Soul level is the second reality plane or second density formed by group of dimensions 4, 5 and 6 with the Astral Body, the Archetypal Body and the Angelic Body interpenetrating each other and so on. All levels are in fact interpenetrating or are interwoven together.

Hova Bodies[13] are parts of the multi-dimensional Energetic anatomy translating consciousness into appropriate levels of mind. The First level Nada Hova is manifesting the Subconscious, the Instinctual and the Reasoning Mind. The Second level Alphi Hova is manifesting the Astral, the Archetypal and the Angelic mind. The Third level Bectha Hova is manifesting the Ketheric, the Monadic and the Keriatric mind. The Fourth level Mahara Hova is manifesting the Christiac, the Buddhaic and the Nirvanic mind and the Fifth level Raja Hova is manifesting and translating the Universal Conscious Mind. Every higher level of mind is responsible also to down step Consciousness to the lower interpenetrated mind.

In her work, she usually presents the ideal conditions, the original blueprint of how it is all supposed to work.  At the same time, she points out the distortions that prevents intended translations of consciousness through the multidimensional template into our conscious awareness on our incarnate level. Unfortunately, the circuitry in our TV set works only to a certain degree and for example, it does not allow the colors on the TV to be displayed or they don’t get revealed appropriately. If we are watching our TV only in black & white with shades of grey and everyone else does the same, we tend to believe that this is how it should be and how it is intended to be, that we should only see in shades of grey. This is where the deception starts.

In Sliders part 6 and 12 series and then in Tan-tri-Ahura Teachings from April 2013 onward, E’Asha points out distortions in our brain that do not allow for the full spectra of conscious frequencies to fully translate through it. In her latest work, she informs us that we should be aware of our unconscious and subconscious mind in the same manner as we are mindful of our conscious mind. Recently, she added two new levels of the mind; the Dream Mind and the ARhAyas mind that are yet to be defined by mainstream science. Only recently, due to frequency up-shift of our planet, these levels of the mind are progressively translating more the Conscious frequency with the other similar levels of the mind and people are more and more able to experience them.

Every level of our multidimensional anatomy is responsible to translate certain bandwidth of Consciousness into manifestation in a similar way as the electronic wiring in a TV set. Problems with the design can cause our TV to not be able to transmit the sound and parts of the audio frequency or to minimize the display of colors etc. Just imagine all what can go wrong when a TV set broke down.

Similarly to the Map of Human Consciousness by Hawkins, E’Asha claims that one cannot easily climb to the level of Love, Peace or Enlightenment. She explains that if someone is not kind or loving, his template is in a distorted state which does not allow him to translate or manifest that particular frequency band of consciousness. Certain activations of the body mind spirit plasma system, some brain training tools and rewiring of the brain by exposing our self to different experience, learning new things etc. can make this change progressively happen.

In E’Asha’s latest[14]work, for the purpose of creating a change through a systematic approach, she brought down the system of: The 15 Virtues, 15 Attitudes & Disciplines with the 15 vices and The 15 Responsibilities & Contemplations with 15 vulnerabilities, which when integrated and embodied properly can result in The 15 Noble Traits & Victories.

Virtue 1 Effective Action is an attribute of the Unconscious mind – Ah-Swe-jah. The attitude and discipline of this level is Love and is an attribute of the Subconscious (Lud’far-Liquid) mind. When Love on this level is not properly translated (embodied & integrated) it results in the vice Sloth. The responsibility and contemplation of this level is Self-Actualization and is an attribute of Conscious (Schema-Bone) Mind.   When not translated (embodied & integrated) properly it causes vulnerability Ineffectuality. When a person properly integrates and embodies Effective Action, Love and Self Actualization on this first level, it results in the ability of translating Potency as a Noble Trait & Victory that is an attribute of the Dream Consciousness or DreA’ma –Skin mind. Human Angelic are all designed to fulfill a bigger purposes in life. Unfortunately the conscious awareness is not able yet to fully recognize the Krystic[15] Vision, Dream and Mission of an individual in order to facilitate the individual to live the Krystic purposeful life with full individual Kryst Consciousness Embodied. As E’Asha’s work unfolds more and more of the tools how to progressively achieve intended Divine Blueprint Template are given.

Dr. Bruce Greyson explained, that the science of Consciousness does not allow one to create a patented pill or a device that would do something with the consciousness.  Through his lecture, Dr. Greyson explained that the human is more like a TV set; that the signal is coming from the outside. It thus appear to be, that in order to access the Consciousness signal that is coming from outside, it is more important to be able to bypass the brains then to work with it. After discovering neuroplasticity, and remarkable ability of the brain to learn and re-learn, we could also say that it is worth bypassing parts of the brains that are not attuned to Consciousness and engage with the parts that are coherent with Consciousness or the signal that is coming through. As a next step, we can progressively start rewiring, exercising the part of the brain not giving us desired results and improve that.

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