
WordCamp New York City is happening this weekend, June 9 and 10, at Baruch College, and two of our lead developers, Erick Hitter and Ben Doherty, will be there to present expert advice as part of Saturday’s Advanced Developer Track.

Erick Hitter, an active member of the WordPress community, enthusiastic Camp supporter and one of Oomph’s top talents will present “Moving Beyond the Codex: Learning WordPress from Itself.” In his talk, Erick will demystify the organization of WordPress Core and give developers the tools they need to stop relying solely on the Codex and Google when identifying the functions and technical solutions appropriate for a given challenge.

Erick is a familiar face in the WordPress community. He especially enjoys being involved with Camps at home and abroad largely because they’re a lot of fun, he says. But, Erick also recognizes how valuable Camp is to developers like him.

“Camps represent an excellent opportunity for us to meet other members of the WordPress community, and they serve to build the community as a whole,” he says. Plus, he invariably learns something new that directly benefits his Oomph clients back at home.

Ben Doherty might be a newcomer to the presentation field, but he’s an old pro when it comes to WordPress. He’s a bona fide command line-junkie and will present “WordPress on the Command Line,” during which he’ll show developers how they can use the Command Line Interface to unlock the full power of the WordPress API. Specifically, Ben will present techniques for writing CLI scripts, including how to manage memory and how to write harnesses around these scripts. He’ll also explain how to work with giant data files, and discuss the caveats of importing and exporting large data sets.

“I’m eager to gain presentation experience,” Ben says. “At WordCamp New York City, I also hope to teach people more efficient ways of dealing with a WordPress install—and meet some new faces.”

With more than 800 attendees expected at this year’s Camp, there will be many new faces to meet. It’s a great opportunity for Oomph to give back to a community that continues to inspire and inform us. We’re looking forward to seeing you at WordCamp NYC.

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