
Hello Community,

we have just released CMSimple_XH 1.6beta1. As this is a beta release you are strongly encouraged to test it and provide feedback (bugs, feature requests, criticism, questions and whatever you have to say about it), but don't use it in a production environment (i.e. don't use it for your website)!. Thanks to everybody who contributed to this new version with ideas, comments, suggestions and code.

The most notable changes for Users:

the folder layout has been changed; the images/, downloads/ and media/ folders have to be subfolders of userfiles/ now (actually you can configure all these folders); the content/ folder of second languages has been moved to the toplevel content folder (e.g. fr/content/ -> content/fr/)

the menu item Settings->Website has been removed, as the cmsimple/languages/LANGconfig.php files have been removed; the respective settings have been moved to the configuration resp. the language as appropriate

the subsites feature has been removed, as the implementation in CMSimple_XH 1.5 was too much of a hack (we will document some alternative solutions for those who have been using subsites under CMSimple_XH 1.5 in the near future)

content.htm and pagedata.php have been joined to a single content.htm, so it's finally possible to edit the content as in classic CMSimple (offline or online)

all plugin stylesheets are dynamically joined to a single sytelesheet (css/plugins.css) to reduce the number of requests for a page

viewing resp. downloading of files in the filebrowser has been added

tinymce4 has been added as editor plugin; as the current version of TinyMCE 4 is not yet as mature as version 3, the latter is still the default editor, but you are encouraged to have a look at tinymce4

the config option Plugins->Disabled has been added, what may serve as a quick alternative to uninstalling a plugin (note, that this may not have the same effect in some cases)

customization of the plugin names in the admin menu is possible by adding $plugin_tx[$plugin]['menu_plugin']="desired name"; to config.php of the respective plugin

the delimiter of the config options Urichar->Old and ->New has been changed to the pipe character (|) to allow to replace commas (it is actually defined in cmsimple/cms.php as XH_URICHAR_SEPARATOR)

the plugin call notation has been simplified; it is not necessary anymore to write PLUGIN, so you can write {{{plugin_function(...);}}}; actually "PLUGIN" can be replaced with an arbitrary comment (must not contain colons)

integration of the built-in mailform on a page is possible: {{{XH_mailform();}}}, what allows for additional text above or below the mailform

Security->Type "javascript" has been removed

a Password forgotten feature has been added to the login form; this requires the config option Security->Email (not Mailform->Email) to be set appropriately; so it is not necessary anymore to reset the password directly in config.php

a button to delete the content has been added, which might be useful to get rid of the default content with a single click (the current content will be stored as a backup)

the built-in mailform accepts IDN (if supported by PHP)

an (empty) file .2lang (note the leading dot) is required to mark a folder as second language folder; thus it is possible to have folder names consisting of 2 characters that are not second language folders

the configuration forms allow for different types of config options (checkboxes, text inputs, textareas etc.); plugins can also use this feature

config options can be hidden by using the typed config; this may be useful to hide options that should not be changed by the end-user of a site

the page data tabs can be saved without saving modifications of the page content first

to unify the handling of locales, the language setting Locale->All has been introduced; this is not used by the core, but rather offers an opportunity for plugins to avoid individual setting of locales; unfortunately, it is not possible to preset this setting, as it differs for various operating systems (and usually not all locales are available on a particular server); consult the system check, if the configured locale is working

content backups (stored on the server in the content folder) can be restored in the back-end

page scheduling has been added (thanks to Jerry), so it is possible to specify a publishing interval for each page in the "Page" tab

individual page templates are inherited to all sub pages unless explicitely overridden

the Meta->Description is shown in the search results

internationalization of the config keys has been added (still experimental)

The most notable changes for Template Designers:

function legallink() was deprecated; this function is a leftover from CMSimple's AGL license, and it's not necessary anymore for GPL; you may consider to remove it from your template(s), as it might be removed in a future version

the current page is wrapped in <span> in menus (TOC, sitemap, submenu) to allow for a more "symmetrical" styling

The most notable changes for Plugin Developers:

as content.htm and pagedata.php have been joined to a single file, plugins can't read pagedata.php directly anymore and directly reading content.htm might give unexpected results; therefore XH_readContents() was introduced

config options can now by typed (see plugins/pagemanager/config/metaconfig.php on how to use this for your plugins)

there are no more subsites, so strlen($sl) === 2 is guaranteed again

plugins can use GET forms on a page by adding <input name="selected" value="$su">

for easier handling of the content the class XH_Pages has been introduced (experimental API)

to register a function that will be called after all plugins have been loaded, XH_afterPluginLoading() has been introduced

the configuration and localization of all plugins are loaded in advance (so there's no need to include them explicitely for special cases)

to display messages XH_message() has been introduced

identical plugin calls on same page are possible

the following functions have been deprecated: chkdl()

the query parameter logout=no_backup has been introduced; this might be used by a plugin to offer the ability to log out without creating a content backup

the IDs of pagedata tabs have been changed to guarantee valid HTML

$cf['editmenu']['external'] has been introduced; this allows a plugin/addon to offer a modified admin menu

$plugin_tx[$plugin]['menu_plugin'] has been introduced to allow to localize/customize the name of the plugin in the built-in admin menu; you may consider to add this to your language files

CMSIMPLE_URL has been introduced; this constant holds the fully qualified absolute URL to the folder containing the requested index.php

the page data tabs will be submitted via AJAX; this does not make sense for some plugins (e.g. EditorSwitch), so it's possible to revert to a normal submit by adding onsubmit="return true" to the page data form

to unify the handling of locale specific settings, $tx['locale']['all'] has been introduced; it's probably best to avoid any locale specific functionality at all, but if you need it, rely on $tx['locale']['all'] which will call setlocale(...) instead of calling it yourself

CSRF-Protection has been added, which you can and should use for your plugins

some of the config options and language settings that have been removed are now hardcoded in cms.php, so you still can use them: $cf['security']['type']="page", $cf['scripting']['regexp']='#CMSimple (.*?)#', $tx['meta']['codepage']='UTF-8'

the editor configuration (init_*.js) has switched to JSON for easier manipulation from plugins (for now that's implemented only for tinymce4)

several new API functions have been introduced; it's not clear yet, which one should be regarded as public (i.e. usable from plugins); your feedback on this issue is appreciated

preliminary developer documentation is available

The most notable changes for Translators:

internationalization of the config keys has been added (still experimental); see cmsimple/languages/metade.php for how it works; feedback is appreciated on how to finally handle this

The most notable changes for Supporters:

all installed plugins are listed in the HTML source code in a comment

the loading of plugins happens in alphabetical order, so it is easier to reproduce issues that might be related to the loading order

The most notable changes for Core Developers:

the code files have been restructured; the pluginloader has been merged with the core, all global code is now solely in cms.php, and all classes are now in cmsimple/classes/

coding standards for PHP and JavaScript have been adopted

PHPDoc and JSDoc have been adopted (see the preliminary developer documentation)

PHPUnit tests have been added (see tests/ in the sources)

Phing has been adopted as build tool (see build.xml in the sources)

Usage of the @ operator has been deprecated

If you want to test CMSimple_XH 1.6 with your contents, template(s) and plugins, do the following:

install CMSimple_XH 1.6beta1 in a test environment (on your local machine or in a subfolder of your webspace)

copy the content/ folder to the test environment

copy the second language folders to the test environment, and move their subfolder content/ inside the toplevel content/ folder and rename it to the language code (e.g. fr/content/ -> content/fr/); add an empty file .2lang to all language folders (e.g. fr/.2lang)

copy the folder templates/ (or just single template folders) to the test environment

copy additional plugins to the test environment (note, that some plugins may be incompatible, such as Pagemanager_XH (except the one in the distribution) and Menumanager)

copy all images, downloads and media to the new environment; note that the images, downloads and media folders have to be subfolders of the userfiles folder, so usually you have to copy images/ to userfiles/images/. Obviously this will break existing links to these files; you can work around this by establishing redirects from the old folders to the new one. E.g. for Apache servers you can put the following .htaccess to the domain root (change "xh16" to the folder name of your test installation):


Redirect /xh16/images /xh16/userfiles/images
Redirect /xh16/downloads /xh16/userfiles/downloads
Redirect /xh16/media /xh16/userfiles/media

manually reconfigure Settings->CMS and Settings->Language

Unfortunately, there's plenty of documentation on the new features and changes missing yet. So if you have questions regarding particular items, feel free to ask, so we can set priority on writing the most lacking documentation first.

Download: CMSimple_XH 1.6beta1


Statistics: Posted by cmb — Sat Sep 21, 2013 6:24 pm

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