
This post is part of the A Season by Hand series. Find the schedule here.
Full details on sponsors and prizes here.


Today we’re welcoming Emily from Strawberry Patch Quilts.  I met Emily in the Modern Stitching Bee and she makes such pretty things, and always uses great fabrics.  I especially love the Rose Star Quilt she made, both for the hand piecing and the color combo {you can see it here, and below as well}.  Emily also has a quilting studio for hire {with quilting frame}, I sure wish I could just hop over to the UK and visit for a while.  I hope you enjoy her pretty inspiration!


I am so excited to be a part of this great Summer series: A Season By Hand. Thanks to Jennie and Clara for having me over!

Handwork is something I am really passionate about, with having two small children its really important to me to have something ready to grab and go, so I can sew and de-stress where ever I am. I bet we can all relate to that somehow!

I love love love English Paper Piecing and have worked on several projects (with several more in the works!) Which is why I love my handwork purse, it is the perfect size to take out and pop into a handbag, always loaded up and ready to go.


Frame purses are really cute, they make great gifts filled with treats and are surprisingly simple to make. Head on over to my blog and I’ll show you how to make one too!

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Mommy For Reals – Travel Embroidery Case

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