Your Button Machine Questions Answered
Anyone who wants to make buttons needs to purchase a button press. Usually, these types of buttons are used as a promotional tool. Political candidates are particularly well-known for giving their supporters these types of promotional buttons. A button press allows you to create several different types of buttons. This article is going to cover some frequently asked questions about the button making process. These tips will help you get the button press that is best for your business.
Your first question might be concerning which size of button press you should purchase. Different industries have different button standard button sizes. To make several button sizes, you need to buy an electric button press. With these machines, you can make as many different buttons as you have dies. However, they are somewhat more expensive than the manual button makers. If you only need to make one size of button, then you should perhaps stick with the manual button machine. Another idea is to buy two manual machines in the sizes you will need. Be sure to ask your seller for a discount if you buy multiple machines.
You probably also have questions about how to make your button’s graphics. You should be able to create your images with any of the graphic design software available for free or purchase. Additionally, there are also many free resources on the internet for gathering ideas and free designs. The type of paper you use for your button is also important. A thick photo paper is best for printing high resolution images.
Lastly, you need to know the basic parts of a button. The mylar is the clear piece that covers the front of the button. The artwork of the button comes next. At the back of the button, there is the metal shell that holds all the parts together. And of course, attached to the back of the shell is the metal pin. Alternatively, you could put a mirror instead of a pin here.
Some types of buttons require additional parts. A collet is a round metal ring that goes on top of the shell. Sometimes you need to include a shim. This will keep the artwork from moving around in the shell. You can usually buy packages of button materials from the company where you purchase your button press. You can also buy them from other manufacturers as well, but buying them from the same company is the best way to make sure that you do not have any compatibility issues.