
The concept of transformation is one we spend a lot of time thinking about in climate and development. The scale of the challenge demands that we think seriously about both systemic and sustainable changes.

That's because more than 750 million people - nearly 10% of the world - still live below the global poverty line of US $1.90 a day. And new World Bank research shows that by 2030, without significant investment to improve the resilience of cities around the world, climate change may push up to 77 million urban residents into poverty.

We simply won't eradicate poverty or tackle climate change without a strong focus on transformation. That's why the Climate Investment Fund's (CIF) Pilot Program for Climate Resilience (PPCR) is empowering the most vulnerable countries to take on a challenge of climate change by helping them embrace a transformative and programmatic approach to addressing climate risks.

Since 2008, the PPCR has been nurturing a close partnership with highly vulnerable least developed countries, including small island developing states (SIDS) to implement proactive solutions to deal with climatic hazards affecting development outcomes.

And the PPCR will be present at next week's Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum in Colombo, Sri Lanka, which brings together policymakers and practitioners from donor and recipient countries, scientists, private sector, academe and civil society representatives from over 50 countries.

By bringing a transformational perspective towards climate adaptation, PPCR countries in the Asia-Pacific region are collaborating on climate change policies, strengthening institution and putting even greater emphasis on integrating adaptation into development planning. Capacity building efforts are being implemented by agencies across different sectors to improve understanding of climate risks and how to address them. These countries have also forged unique partnerships with development and finance institutions, the private sector and local communities to effect transformational change.

For example, in Bangladesh, the government has focused its efforts on critical areas of resilience planning and implementation. Projects have been designed to provide livelihoods to coastal communities, foster rural connectivity, ensure food security and enhance access of communities in the coastal districts to social services.

In Cambodia, the government continues to implement a capacity building program to mainstream climate resilience and disaster risk management (DRM) into development planning. Support mechanisms were also established for communities and non-government organizations to mainstream adaptation and DRM into their operations. A number of investments in vulnerable sectors such as agriculture, forestry, water resources, and rural infrastructure are currently being implemented.

Similarly, the government of Nepal has integrated climate change adaptation into its development strategies and is providing support to a number of government departments responsible for rural and urban infrastructure investments to upgrade design standards for greater resilience to projected climate change impacts. The government has also instituted a resilience program in the country's mountain eco-regions to help mountain communities to adapt to climate change through water resources management.

PPCR countries have also recognized the importance of making use of climate information and services to manage climate risks and make more informed investment decisions. Alongside PPCR in Tajikistan, the government is currently improving the national hydro-meteorological monitoring system to provide timely warnings on dangerous events, support water management and build the evidence basis for climate variability and change.

In the Pacific islands, particularly in Papua New Guinea, Samoa and Tonga, PPCR is providing support along similar lines. But every country's needs are different and, in this instance, a regional technical support mechanism and dedicated fund was established. This aims to improve the capacity of member countries to respond to climate risks and to support community-based adaptation investments.

Countries are learning from their experience in driving transformative actions. An initial exchange among PPCR pilot countries in the Pacific took place in Tonga just a few months ago and it proved to be very useful in better understanding the implementation and institutional issues of adaptation initiatives.

So PPCR countries will be coming together next week in Sri Lanka - joining efforts and sharing lessons about their experiences in delivering climate resilient projects with PPCR. More details are below.

We hope many of you are able to make it! But for those of you who cannot, rest assured we will keep you posted with the outcomes, highlights and insights from the sessions because after all transformation is about partnerships, scaling up what works and getting the right issues on the table with the right people around the (virtual) table!

October 16, 2016: PPCR Side Event: Sharing Solution towards Transformational Change

2.30pm, October 18, 2016: International Financing for Climate Change Adaptation in Small Island Developing States (SIDS)

1.30pm Octobe 19, 2016r: Adaptation Actions for Transformation: Key Lessons from the Pilot Program for Climate Resilience

Pilot Program for Climate Resilience




Papua New Guinea




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