
(This is a guest post from Parag Jain, CEO of Gamifyd. In promoting the gaming studio’s latest games, Burt Destruction and Air Strike Classic, he and others working at Gamifyd learned a lot about how to make an effective game press kit. If you would like to write a guest blog post for us, please click here to send us an email.)

In today’s information-hungry environment, you cannot be forgiven for not understanding the value of a press kit.

In simple words, a press kit is your resume to the world outside your company. It contains all the information about your company and the game you want the public to know.

Since your press kit is your first impression to the world, it doesn’t have to be lengthy, but it does have to give all the required and relevant information. It also needs to be written in a compelling way that helps you stand out from the crowd.

Types of Press Kits

There are 3 different types of press kits to show yourself off. It helps to have a copy of all 3:

• Traditional Press Kit: An on-paper press kit containing all the information and articles about your company in a folder. These can be handed out at networking events or mailed to publishers.

• Online Press Kit: This is a direct link URL including all the latest news, events and accomplishments of your company is created and sent to various websites. Unlike the other two types of press kits, you can include audio and video clips within an online press kit.

• Digital Press Kit: A press kit in a PDF file version can be handed out on disks, sent through email, or posted as a downloadable file from your website.

Anatomy of a Press Kit

A press kit should be made to grab attention, make a lasting impression, and create enough interest that the readers will either download the app or contact you for more information. Each press kit should contain:

• Recent Press Release: A press release that explaining the services or entertainment you are offering to them. The spotlight should be on the game you’re promoting.

• Look Book: These are stylized screenshots of your games. Make sure the links you provide are working and are of good quality. Include a video link of your game giving an idea of the storyline and a demo video of the game being played.

• Line Sheets: This is all the relevant information about the game like the price of the game and the different POS options.

• Media Gallery: Any and all past press coverage is essential to help validate your work. You can also include articles relevant to your company which could help promote your game.

• One Sheet: With a headshot or company logo, explain your company and the games it offers. This is quick way for readers to learn about you.

• Company Background: People involved in your game and some information about your company. It should not be more than half a page.

• Testimonials: Providing testimonials is the best way to build credibility. Include some testimonials from field experts or players who have already used the upcoming game or the previously launched version.

• Contact Info: Provide the name, address, url, phone number and email address of your company. Present it clearly so readers can contact you easily and quickly.

• FAQ: Include FAQ in the press kit to answer the most common questions on the spot.

• Tip Sheets (optional): The tips you provide can range from gameplay hints, cheat codes, or general tips about all games in your genre.

Benefits & Advantages

Every brand needs to be packed in a way that will help it to gain acceptance and quality.

• Single Resource: When you provide proper information, the publisher will not have to look to other sources. Thus, the first hand and only positive information will be passed on to the public.

• Coverage: A properly maintained and distributed press kit does not guarantee a review or article on a big and influential blog, but not having one will definitely diminish the chances.

• Maximum Control: You can experience the maximum control over the flow of information through a press release. It’s the publication that decides what information, links, and message are conveyed to the public.

• High Quality Presentation Piece: The first impression is the last impression, and a good press kit could be used to impress investors, lenders and other people who are related to the company or work.

• Faster Response Time: If you have a digital press kit, you are always ready to provide information in minutes.


Making a noticeable press kit is the key to getting published on game review sites. But few things need to be taken care of while making a press kit.

• Be professional. It ensures that you get the attention you deserve.

• Don’t include any assumptions in your press kit. It will end up in the trash.

• Do not forget to include the header and footer on every document of the press kit you send.

• To gain a competitive advantage and pass on the effective result oriented information, you should always check and recheck and recheck to eliminate mistakes and increase readability.

• And always, always remember to follow up.

• The information in ready to use format (downloadable pictures and grammatically correct content) is always preferred because it can be used by an editor without any extra effort.

The Golden Rule of Press Kits

One must always remember that while making a press kit, more is always better than enough. No one can predict what information the publisher will be interested in, so try to include everything relevant.

Just don’t forget to keep it crisp and concise.


The post How to Create an Effective Game Press Kit appeared first on Click Labs.

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